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Cold Climate Jackets Order Form

We are pleased to announce that the bid for additional Cold Climate Jackets through this year’s Volunteer Emergency Service Equipment Program has been successful. We thank CFA for their support for the bid.

Though the final amount approved was less than hoped – it is envisaged that the allocated funding will cover up-to an additional 1,900 jackets State wide.

VFBV has offered to run the ordering process so that Brigades and Groups can be assured of having the opportunity to order specific sizes relevant to their membership profile.

Brigades/Groups can download Order forms from the bottom of this page, and paper copies have been posted to all Brigade/Group secretaries in the January VFBV Mailout.

Completed order forms are due back by 28th February, so please follow-up with your Brigade/Group secretary ASAP.

VFBV will continue to advocate for additional funding to further increase allocations. Delivery of the new Jackets are expected late June early July ready for the winter season.

Read 10164 times Last modified on Saturday, 22 December 2018 12:52
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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