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Announcement of Volunteer Nominations to the CFA Board

VFBV welcomes the announcement of the three volunteer nominations to the CFA Board.

Peter Shaw has been renominated to the CFA Board having served on the Board for the previous three years. Peter has been a volunteer since 1974 and is currently Group Officer for the Knox Group in District 13, and member of The Basin Fire Brigade. Peter brings extensive emergency management experience to the role, having served with Victoria Police concurrently with his CFA service for over thirty-five years.

Joining Peter, are newly appointed members Dawn Hartog and Kent Griffin.

Dawn is Captain of Toolangi Fire Brigade in District 12, and serves as Chair of the District 12 DPC. She has extensive experience across the education, training and the emergency management sector in addition to her volunteer experience, having had roles with CFA, Royal Life Saving Society of Australia, EMV and currently performs a senior role with DELWP. Dawn has a Masters in Adult Education and has commenced a Doctorate of Philosophy specialising in Education, Fire Safety and School education.

Kent is a member of the Langley-Barfold Brigade in District 2, where he currently serves as Brigade Secretary and Treasurer. Kent is a very experienced board director and senior executive, and is currently the Chief Financial Officer for TAL, one of Australia’s leading life insurance companies. Kent was previously a partner with Ernst & Young. He has led and developed teams over many years, including transformational change within finance and actuarial functions at enterprise level and is a very experienced director having held various director positions on companies across Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Thailand and India.

VFBV is confident that together, Peter, Dawn and Kent will bring significant experience and capability to the CFA Board and make a valuable contribution to the future CFA. They along with the other impressive applicants demonstrate the extensive breadth, experience and skills within the volunteer ranks and are a shining example of the professionalism and capability of CFA volunteers.

We also take this opportunity to thank outgoing CFA Board members Lynda Hamilton, Hazel Clothier and Tim Young who each served on the Board for the previous three years. They join a long list of Victorians who have stepped up to represent their communities and volunteers at the Board table. We remain forever indebted to their service and contribution, noting all are eligible for renomination in the future. Given the particularly difficult period that CFA has undergone over the last three years, VFBV expresses its sincere thanks for their efforts and contributions during their time on the CFA Board.

In the process of finalising these positions, an unexpected late withdrawal of a selected nominee has created a casual vacancy. The Minister has established a process to fill this remaining position, to which we are now working towards. VFBV has completed its advertising and interview process for this vacancy, with interviews of applicants continuing over the weekend. A new panel is being finalised by the VFBV Board for submission to the Minister shortly.

We are hopeful for an expedited announcement regarding the fourth nominee, and will await the results of the Minister’s  deliberations, with an announcement expected shortly.

On behalf of the VFBV Board and State Council – please join us in congratulating Peter, Dawn and Kent on their appointments to the CFA Board, and thank-you to Lynda, Hazel and Tim for their valued and respected service and contribution over the last three years.

Read 7289 times Last modified on Monday, 19 August 2019 13:05
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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