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IGEM Fire Season Inquiry Community Meetings Postponed

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management has advised that they will be postponing the following Victorian Fire Season Inquiry community meetings scheduled for 15–17 February in accordance with today’s (12 February 2021) statement from the Premier:

- Orbost - Monday 15 February, 6.00pm
- Orbost - Tuesday 16 February, 10.00am - Small business owners/operators
- Cabbage Tree Creek - Tuesday 16 February 1.00pm
- Mallacoota - Tuesday 16 February, 6.00pm
- Genoa - Wednesday 17 February, 10.00am
 -Wairewa - Wednesday 17 February, 2.30pm

The decision to postpone these meetings was difficult but reflects the advice of public health experts, that the whole of Victoria will move to ‘circuit-breaker action’ from 11:59pm tonight until 11:59pm on Wednesday, 17 February.

The Inspector-General will do everything possible to make alternative arrangements for these six community meetings and details once available will be made accessible through our website www.igem.vic.gov.au, and promoted through, Facebook (@IGEMVictoria) and Twitter (@IGEM_Vic).

For health information and further information about the ‘circuit breaker action’ please visit this website  https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus 

Photo: Growing Back East Gippsland
Prep to Grade 6 Lakes Entrance Primary School
"Students from Prep to Grade 6 completed their own piece of artwork and collated them all into a collaborative piece. We chose a rainbow to represent the hope we share of our region gaining back its strength in all the areas we have had loss."

Read 7106 times Last modified on Friday, 12 February 2021 16:33
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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