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Sunday, 05 December 2021 15:08

International Volunteer Day 2021

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Held annually on 5 December each year, International Volunteer Day is a chance to celebrate the efforts of volunteers and recognise the contribution that they make to their communities.

International Volunteer Day is an international observance day that was authorised by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985 and it offers an opportunity to promote volunteerism, encourage governments to support volunteer efforts and recognised volunteer contributions.

The 2021 theme for International Volunteer Day is “Volunteer now for our common future” and it aims to inspire people to take action now for people and planet.

The United Nations General Assembly notes that when people are encouraged to get involved in solving problems, the solutions are likely to be feasible and lasting. When volunteers are engaged in their communities they held to build a better and safer future for us all.

This can be seen every day within CFA and other emergency services in Victoria. Volunteers who roll up their sleeves and give up their time to keep their communities safe and not just the one they live in but travelling across Victoria or interstate when needed.  

The 3V’s project conducted by VFBV alongside our partners at the Victorian State Emergency Service Association (VicSESVA), Ambulance Victoria, St John Ambulance, the Victorian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry and Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) conservatively estimates that emergency management volunteers in Victoria contribute $1.9-$2.5 billion dollars to Victoria each year.

VFBV also relies on volunteers, with many CFA volunteers giving up their time to be Brigade or Group Delegates, District Council Executive Members, State Councillors, Board Members and delegates to our various CFA/VFBV Joint Committees and working parties. These members get involved in solving problems to make CFA the best possible place to volunteer.

Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) CEO Adam Barnett said that the contribution of the 55,000 CFA volunteers across Victoria deserves to be recognised, not just on special days but every day.

“CFA volunteers along with other emergency service volunteers in Victoria show up each and every day to ensure the safety of all Victorians.” Mr Barnett said.

“Our volunteers individually show great courage, ingenuity, stamina and compassion, while collectively they have the agility, expertise and experience to tackle the most daunting challenges.”

“The culture of dedicated and selfless service is a proud Australian tradition. Every CFA volunteer deserves thanks and recognition for the work they do in building community resilience for a safer Victoria.”



About VFBV: VFBV is established under the Country Fire Authority Act and is the peak body for CFA Volunteers in Victoria. VFBV works tirelessly to represent, advocate and support CFA volunteers to the CFA Board and management, governments, ministers, members of parliament, councils, instrumentalities, business and the public. Our vision is for Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria.

The 2022 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is now open to all CFA volunteers.


The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, which includes questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers.

The survey has become a critical tool in monitoring short-and-long-term trends, and the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at improving CFA volunteer engagement and wellbeing.  Last year, almost 2,700 CFA volunteers took part in the survey.

All answers and comments are confidential, but the results go straight to the decision makers at CFA, EMV (Emergency Management Victoria) and Government.

The survey takes 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

The survey continues to be an important and reliable method to capture the views of volunteers and track what is improving, as well as addressing areas that are the cause of dissatisfaction for volunteers.  You can download a summary of last year’s results at the bottom of this page. 

VFBV’s advocacy on behalf volunteers depends on robust volunteer feedback to help inform decision makers of the issues most important to CFA volunteers.

Once you have completed the survey yourself, please also share the survey with other CFA volunteers.  The more volunteers that take part, the more impact the results will have.  This is an important tool to measure and report on trends in CFA volunteer welfare and efficiency.

As a large part of the state is currently either impacted by floods across Victoria or involved in the emergency response, a closing date for the survey has not been set.  Typically the annual survey remains open for approximately 8-12 weeks.  We will monitor responses to gauge if there has been an interruption to the usual promotion of the survey and a closing date will be advertised down the track as this becomes clearer.  You are encouraged to complete the survey at your earliest convenience and to help promote participation among your fellow CFA volunteers.

If you have issues accessing the survey – please contact your VFBV Support Officer or the VFBV office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We are also able to send out paper copies of the survey to members who do not have internet access, please contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a copy to be posted.

Wednesday, 03 November 2021 14:47

November 2021 Newsletter

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Appreciating those who inspire 
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer

All year I have tried to avoid referencing any COVID restriction milestones. Mostly because they change so quickly, and the information becomes outdated almost by the time it is printed. So it is with some caution, but also in acknowledgment of its significance that, at the time of writing – Victoria is due to properly exit lockdown #6, with the significant dropping of restrictions after hitting the 80 per cent vaccination targets.

Removal of the regional/metro border, a return to home gatherings and family visits, the removal of the nightly curfew and a transition to the full opening up of retail, hospitality, community sport, entertainment and events.

Hopefully, all this marking our first tentative steps towards the long promised COVID-normal.

And after more than 262 days of COVID shutdown measures, Victorians have more than truly earned it. But to paraphrase a famous 90s Broadway show: How do you measure a year? In sunrises, sunsets, in truths learned or bridges burned - inches, miles or perhaps in 525,600 minutes or moments with friends?

I, like many of you, am really looking forward to reconnecting with our people. Fire brigade has always been about people. There is only so much screen time one can endure with endless video conferences and speaking with the floating heads.

Enjoy reconnecting with your friends, family and your brigade peers and make sure you take the time to allow your mind to acclimate. Take it easy and give yourself some extra care. It’s been a while, and as creatures of habit the changes can be a little unsettling as we all adjust. For brigades, just be mindful that not everyone will want to spring back to how things were all at the same time, so please be tolerant and flexible as people find their rhythm.

Advice and guidance on COVIDSafe practices for brigade/group activities and events can be found on Brigades Online, on the COVID landing page of the CFA website. We have also emailed copies of this advice to all VFBV District Councils and State Councillors who are more than happy to assist should you need some additional advice.


Following up from the most recent CHO directions, could I please encourage members to record their vaccination status on their CFA member record. There is now a legal obligation for CFA to collect and store whether you are single dosed, double dosed, unvaccinated or are an excepted person. I appreciate in an organisation the size of CFA this is going to take some time, and with this in mind the call centre has recently extended its hours to assist members who may not be tech savvy and need some help.

Recording your status is quick and simple. The two easiest ways is either do it yourself online via the members area www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au or you can do it over the phone by calling (03) 9262 8663.

The phone option is now available Mon – Fri between 8am to 8pm and on Saturdays and Sundays between 9am and 1pm.


As you would recall, last month I spoke of the external review commissioned by CFA and led by the former Commissioner of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission Dr Helen Szoke AO. This is an external review into the culture and issues management processes of the CFA.

I have since met with Helen and the review team from Allen & Clarke on a number of occasions and have been impressed with their approach. The team is very eager to interview and speak with any volunteers or staff that wish to contribute to their review.

The team is exploring a range of topics but is keen to hear from people on the behavioural and cultural expectations members have of the organisation, how effectively and efficiently issues are managed when they do arise, how members and leaders are supported to work through these issues, and the organisations approach to promoting diversity. These questions apply as much to our brigades and groups as they do to our Districts/ Regions and headquarters.

I want to encourage all members to contribute to this work. By being an external review, you will be able to contribute privately and in a safe environment by way of one-on-one interviews or via focus groups should you prefer.

I urge anyone who has recently been involved in a discipline or conflict matter to get in touch with the team and share your experience of the process. This will be one of the most effective ways to highlight the systemic and procedural issues that members have raised with VFBV over the years. And while we will continue strongly advocating for improvements to remedy the imbalance of power that often presents in these kinds of cases, as well as improvements to procedural fairness and the timely resolution of matters – your personal experiences and stories will be the fabric that fills out and colours in the outlines of our advocacy.

I also want to encourage members with positive stories and good experiences to come forward and speak with the review team also. I come across so many inspiring stories of how brigades and groups have worked hard to remove gender barriers or attract more diverse community members to join their brigade. These stories deserve to be told and shared so we can all learn from them. These success stories will enable the review to model recommendations around examples that have been demonstrated to work in the CFA context and will provide inspiration for others.

We have made the review team’s Discussion Paper available via our website, along with their consultation schedule over the next six weeks. The review team will be visiting almost 40 locations spread across the whole State to enable an opportunity for members to meet the team one-one as close to home as possible. A list of dates and locations is on our website.

If you are interested in speaking with the review team, and want to arrange an interview please email them directly via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Interviews can be face to face, over the phone, via video conference or part of a group. Your details will remain private and confidential and I would again encourage members to reach out. This is your chance to contribute to the CFA of the future.


Nominations for the Spirit of CFA awards are now open and need to be lodged by the 30 November 2021.

There are nine awards that you can nominate a fellow volunteer or employee for. To be eligible for this year’s awards your nominee needs to have achieved an outstanding achievement or made a significant contribution to CFA and the community between 1st January 2019 – 31st March 2021. There are individual awards, as well as awards that are open for teams or groups.

Winners will be announced in May 2022, and invited to a gala presentation event to accept and celebrate their awards. Visit the VFBV website for details and how to nominate.

And while volunteers are humble and don’t seek the attention from their actions they do for their communities, could I please impress on you how important it is to encourage and recognise members who are making a valuable contribution.

With COVID hitting the last two years very heavily, think about the actions taken by members in your brigade or group who have really made a difference, no matter how big or small. It can be such a confidence boost for a member just being nominated, so please think about those people who have really stepped up in some way over the last couple of years.

I can think of so many examples from the floods and storm events we had earlier this year and even back to the 2019 fire season where members have made such incredible contributions and sacrifices behind the scenes to support their communities. And I’ll use a quote from left field this month drawn from Mother Teresa, who said: “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”

So please – take the time to nominate someone that’s made a difference to you or your community. We should all aim to be generous with our praise and appreciation for those people in our lives who inspire us. Including the quiet achievers. Think of those amongst us that have never been ones to shout their achievements from the rooftops, but still make an incredible impact on the people around them. People that are generous with their praise, empathy and time to encourage or support others. The introverts that hum away in the background and are just getting on with things, as well as those that lead in the spotlight.

Last but by no means least, with a fast-approaching fire season on our doorstop, please take time to enjoy the easing of restrictions. Reenergise and recuperate and enjoy reconnecting with your friends, peers and loved ones. You’ve deserved every minute of it. Stay safe.


Update your status
CFA is requesting that all members please update their CFA record with their COVID-19 Vaccination status as soon as possible, as pre the Chief Health Officer’s directions.

ONLINE: www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au 

PHONE: (03) 9262 8663


Open for consultation
VFBV is seeking broad feedback and comment from volunteers in order to inform and assist with VFBV formal responses to these documents. VFBV District Councils have also been invited to lead local discussion at the District level.

Visit our website for draft papers.

· Fire District review Panel Methodology: Due 8 November

· CFA Behavioural Standards: Due ASAP

· Child Safety Behaviour Standard: Due 6 December

· Child Safety & Protection Business Rule: Due 6 December


Survey pre-registration
This year’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is about to open.

Scan the QR code to preregister or start as soon as it is launched.


Culture review

CFA has commissioned an external review led by the former Commissioner of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission Dr Helen Szoke AO into the culture and issues management processes of the CFA.

Visit the VFBV website for a copy of the discussion paper.

Members are encouraged to contribute to this review by requesting an interview with the review team. To arrange an interview, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Interviews can be face to face, over the phone, via video conference or part of a group.


Training Review Release
CFA has released the peer review of CFA Training that was undertaken by AFAC. VFBV thanks all members who participated in the VFBV arranged volunteer focus groups held with the review team at the Central Highlands training campus earlier in the year.

The review has made 14 recommendations on changes to improve training. The CFA Chief Officer has accepted all 14 recommendations.

The report is available here. 


FEM health surveillance

VFBV has supported a new Voluntary FEM (Fire Equipment Maintenance) Health Surveillance program as part of the 2019 transition to fluorine free foam (FFF) extinguishers across all appliances, fire stations and through CFA FEM services to the general public.

In late 2019, CFA communicated to all FEM brigades an amended procedure for “Fluorine Free Foam Extinguisher Servicing” via a Bulletin which covered the use and maintenance of foam extinguishers and provided direction to brigades to only use or maintain Fluorine Free Foam Extinguishers moving forward.

Prior to this time, some FEM personnel would have undertaken refilling activities on foam fire extinguishers while extinguishers contained foams with PFAS/PFOS. While Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Service Procedures, FEM Bulletins and Chief Officer Operations Bulletins were designed to protect our people for these maintenance activities, there is still potential that some FEM members may have been exposed to PFAS/PFOS.

CFA is now offering a precautionary, voluntary Health Surveillance Program to ensure that our members have processes in place to support them should they be concerned about exposure to PFAS/PFOS containing foams.

Concerned members can register for the program using the FEM Health Surveillance Program Registration Form available from CFA and also made available via the VFBV website.

If eligible, a medical assessment will be conducted that will comprise of two components; a blood test and a medical examination that will be coordinated by CFA’s contracted medical provider, Modern Medical.

Members will have the option to have their medicals completed by their own doctor or by Modern Medical.

For further information on the program and how to register, please visit the FEM Health Surveillance Program page on CFA Online, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Sprit of CFA Awards – Nominations Now Open
Members are being called on to step forward and nominate CFA members and/or brigades for the 2022 Sprit of CFA Awards. Members of the general public are also able to nominate a local CFA member.

The awards will be across nine categories, and recognise the outstanding achievements and significant contributions made by CFA members and/or teams to CFA and their communities.

Nominations for the 2022 Spirit of CFA Awards close on 30 November 2022.

For more information on the Spirit of CFA Awards visit the VFBV website.


Fire Wise – November 2021 online only edition
The November 2021 edition of Fire Wise has been published online only, this edition and past editions are available from the Fire Wise website.

You can support Fire Wise and the role it plays as an independent voice in keeping volunteers informed by becoming a subscriber. To become a Fire Wise subscriber visit the Fire Wise website or contact the Managing Editor of Fire Wise, Gordon Rippon-King either by phone 0402 051 412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Recent articles on the VFBV website
CFA External Review of Culture and Issues Management Discussion Paper 

FEM Health Surveillance Program 

Updating your Vaccination Status 

Spirit of CFA - Nominations Now Open

Open for Consultation 

Our Community, Our CFA 


Enjoying the VFBV monthly newsletter?
If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.

An independent Review Team from Allen + Clarke, which includes Dr Helen Szoke AO as Lead Reviewer, has been engaged by the Country Fire Authority (CFA) to undertake a review of culture and issues management to support the CFA of the future (the Review).

The Review will seek to ensure that the CFA:

• has a robust and effective approach to issues management across a complex volunteer-based organisation

• sets and embeds behavioural and cultural expectations at all levels of the organisation

• efficiently and effectively manages issues when they do arise and supports members and leaders to work these issues through.

The Review will consider structural and systemic issues and improvements. It will not investigate individual reports of misconduct.

The final report and recommendations will be made available to the membership and employees of the CFA.

Discussion Paper

This Discussion Paper builds upon and is informed by the valuable feedback already provided to the Review Team during initial consultation and a high-level desktop review of the CFA’s policies, procedures and other relevant documents. The purpose of this Discussion Paper is to provide the framing for the next stage of stakeholder consultation.

Members can download a copy of the Discussion paper at the bottom of this page.

How to Contribute

Consultation with CFA volunteers, employees, secondees and other stakeholders across the regions is a key part of the Review. Between October and December 2021 the Review Team will consult with participants through interviews, focus groups and meetings, preferably face to face but potentially via telephone, or online. Where consultations are held face-to-face, the Review Team will comply with the relevant public health directives to help contain the spread of COVID-19. Interviews will be between 30-60 minutes. During consultations, the Review Team will ask a series of questions and invite participants to share their views and experiences. A sample of the sorts of questions the Review Team will ask appears in part 5 of this Discussion Paper.

VFBV is encouraging members to contribute to this review by requesting an interview with the review team.

To arrange an interview, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Interviews can be face to face, over the phone, via video conference or part of a group.

Planned field visits are tentatively scheduled for the following dates.







Friday 29 October 2021


Saturday 30 October 2021


Wednesday 3 November 2021

Dandenong South

Thursday 4 November 2021

Narre Warren North

Thursday 4 November 2021

Chirnside Park

Friday 5 November 2021

Chirnside Park

Saturday 6 November 2021


Wednesday 10 November 2021


Thursday 11 November 2021

Swan Hill

Thursday 11 November 2021


Friday 12 November 2021


Monday 15 November 2021


Tuesday 16 November 2021


Tuesday 16 November 2021


Wednesday 17 November 2021


Wednesday 17 November 2021


Thursday 18 November 2021


Friday 19 November 2021


Sunday 21 November 2021


Monday 22 November 2021


Tuesday 23 November 2021


Thursday 25 November 2021


Friday 26 November 2021


Friday 26 November 2021

Burwood East

Saturday 27 November 2021

Port Fairy

Monday 29 November 2021


Tuesday 30 November 2021


Tuesday 30 November 2021


Wednesday 1 December 2021

North Geelong

Thursday 2 December 2021

North Geelong

Saturday 4 December 2021

Kangaroo Flat

Monday 6 December 2021


Monday 6 December 2021


Tuesday 7 December 2021

Lakes Entrance

Tuesday 7 December 2021


Wednesday 8 December 2021


Wednesday 8 December 2021


Questions or concerns about the Review can be directed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Sunday, 31 October 2021 12:46

FEM Health Surveillance Program

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VFBV supports CFA's new Voluntary FEM (Fire Equipment Maintenance) Health Surveillance program as part of the transition to fluorine free foam (FFF) extinguishers across all appliances, fire stations and through CFA FEM services to the general public.

In late 2019, CFA communicated to all FEM brigades an amended procedure for “Fluorine Free Foam Extinguisher Servicing” via a Bulletin which covered the use and maintenance of foam extinguishers and provided direction to brigades to only use or maintain Fluorine Free Foam Extinguishers moving forward.

Prior to this time, some FEM personnel would have undertaken refilling activities on foam fire extinguishers while extinguishers contained foams with PFAS/PFOS. While Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Service Procedures, FEM Bulletins and Chief Officer Operations Bulletins were designed to protect our people for these maintenance activities, there is still potential that some FEM members may have been exposed to PFAS / PFOS.

CFA is now offering a precautionary, voluntary Health Surveillance Program to ensure that our members have processes in place to support them should they be concerned about exposure to PFAS / PFOS containing foams. Concerned members can register for the program using the FEM Health Surveillance Program Registration Form available from CFA at https://www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au/programs/fire-equipment-maintenance/health-surveillance-program 

If eligible, a medical assessment will be conducted that will comprise of two components; a blood test and a medical examination that will be coordinated by CFA’s contracted medical provider, Modern Medical. Members will have the option to have their medicals completed by their own doctor or by Modern Medical.


Not all FEM personnel would necessarily have had contact with PFAS/PFOS or been exposed to an extent that follow-up investigation is needed. The level of exposure depends on an individual's work history. Each submission will be reviewed by CFA's contracted medical provider for decision-making against a set of scientific, purpose-built criteria.

Modern Medical will coordinate this program including all medical assessments, similar to the coordination of the Fiskville Health Surveillance Program.

The Health Surveillance Program will include offering eligible members CFA-funded health assessments through the contracted medical provider, Modern Medical. Health assessments may include a range of blood tests and medical examinations, such as:

  • full blood examination
  • renal function tests
  • liver, lung and renal function tests
  • fasting lipid and glucose profiles
  • PSA serology (males over 50 only)
  • PFAS serology (one-off test only)
  • skin checks
  • neurological reflexes
  • ear, nose and throat examination
  • urinalysis
  • cardiovascular examination
  • abdominal examination
  • respiratory examination
  • family history
  • medical history
  • An individual's duration on the program will depend on the outcome of their assessments and whether it is medically advised for them to continue being assessed annually.

Additional Information

  • Members who attended the Fiskville Training Ground are still eligible to register for the Fiskville Health Surveillance Program.
  • CFA are proactively exploring other cohorts who may have been exposed to PFAS as part of their CFA role to determine whether other groups will be offered targeted health monitoring as a result.

For more information on the program and how to register, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or phone (03) 9262 8687

Monday, 18 October 2021 11:46

Spirit of CFA - Nominations Now Open

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Members are being called on to step forward and nominate CFA members and/or brigades for the 2022 Spirit of CFA Awards. Members of the general public are also able to nominate a local CFA member.

Nominations for the 2022 Spirit of CFA Awards will remain open until 30 November 2021.

The awards will be across nine categories, and recognise outstanding achievements and significant contributions made by CFA members and/or teams to CFA and to their communities.


Individual Awards

  • Living the Values (Gold Award)

  • Youth Award

  • Seniors Award


Team and Individual Awards

  • Inclusion and Fairness Champion Award

  • Excellence in Community Engagement Award

  • Excellence in Interagency or Group Co-Operation Award

  • Excellence in Partnership Development Award

  • Excellence in Capability Planning Award

  • Excellence in Innovation Award


Hamilton Fire Brigade volunteer Susan Little was presented with the ‘Living the Values’ award in 2018 and said while it was an incredible feeling to win the award, even receiving a nomination was a humbling experience.

“I really encourage people to nominate their local members or brigades,” Susan said.

“It was such a confidence booster for me, and it really showed me that people believe in me.”

While nominations are open to the public, it was fellow brigade member Ashleigh Carne who nominated Susan in 2018.

“The nomination process was reasonably easy because Susan has been a role model of mine for many years, so I simply had to write down what an incredible person she is,” Ashleigh said.

“Even if the person you nominate is not successful in getting the award, they will know that they are appreciated just by being nominated.”


To be eligible for the awards, nominees must

  • be a CFA Member,

  • demonstrate the CFA Values of safety, teamwork, adaptability, integrity, and respect,

  • and demonstrate an outstanding achievement and/or contribution to CFA and the community between 1 January 2019 – 31 March 2021.


Nominations for the 2022 Spirit of CFA Awards will remain open until 30 November 2021.


The winners will be announced in May 2022, and will be held simultaneously with the presentation of the 2020 Spirit of CFA Awards which was postponed due to COVID-19.

Nominations can be made by visiting https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/about-us/who-we-are/cfa-medals/spirit-of-cfa-awards 

Questions and enquiries can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Monday, 18 October 2021 11:08

Updating your Vaccination Status

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CFA is requesting that all members please update their CFA record with their COVID-19 Vaccination status as soon as possible.

On the 14th October, CFA rolled out an update to its member records system that now allows members to record their vaccination status. While we acknowledge the short notice, members are now being requested to update their records as soon as possible. 

Data Entry Options:


    Members are encouraged to visit https://www.members.cfa.vic.gov.au/ and input their own status.


    If you can't access the website, or don't have a CFA online ID, you can call (03) 9262 8663 and provide your details over the phone. 

    This number is being staffed by CFA's Service Delivery Support Centre (SDRC) who are the same people that you call to enter your Fire Reports.


    Your Brigade Administrative Support Officer (BASO) can also assist you. They are contactable through the usual arrangements, and details can be found in your District Contact Book.


    Brigade Captains, your 1st & 2nd Lieutenant and Secretary have been requested to assist with the collection of data and are able to enter your details through their own CFA Brigades Online account. If Brigade Officer's are unsure of how to do this, they can contact your BASO for instructions.


For members still seeking to make their first or second dose booking, information on how to book your vaccine can be found here: Book your vaccine appointment | Coronavirus Victoria

Wednesday, 06 October 2021 16:09

October 2021 Newsletter

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Culture, Respect and Vaccines 
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer

Many of you would now be aware that last week the Premier announced that all authorised workers must now be vaccinated to continue working onsite. CFA volunteers are included as authorised workers.

The announcement indicates that in order for authorised workers to attend their work location, or in our case this is presumed to mean a CFA location or fireground - you will need to have your first dose by 15 October, and your second dose by the 26 November.

Worryingly – one third of the way through the first deadline we still do not have access to any further information or clarity.

The Chief Health Officer’s orders are not available yet, and we therefore are not in a position to provide any clarity or answer any questions on the logistical side of what this means such as; how it will be implemented; if it will be recorded and by whom; where the onus will lie; and what adjustments are being made to cater for emergency service personnel and their unique working environment.

Our priority continues to be to seek clarity around the directions to assist members understand the implications and options, including what brigades may or may not need to do.

Based on anecdotal observations, we believe that the overwhelming majority of CFA volunteers support vaccination and have been steadily pursuing their jabs for some time now. It was certainly our belief that education, support and encouragement were being very effective at reaching vaccine targets inside CFA in preparation for this year’s fire danger period.

The lack of notice and compressed timeline for mandatory vaccination is certainly presenting its challenges and is confronting for some. Especially for those members who do not have convenient access to a vaccine hub, the ability to get time off from their employer or other pressures unrelated to their emergency service volunteering.

Even if we assume CFA is tracking well above the Victorian public in first and second dose targets, this still leaves a considerable amount of people to try and get through an already stressed and under pressure system in less than two weeks’ time.

We have been requesting clarity on what additional support is being offered to help emergency service personnel access vaccines, and especially volunteer members who have the added complication of the agency they volunteer with not being their employer and therefore not able to support them with time off, or other entitlements and arrangements that a paid workforce routinely have access to.

We are also advocating for additional support, such as mobile hubs and the like especially for remote and regional locations.

Our main focus is on ensuring that we still have sufficient capability left within the emergency management sector to continue dealing with the already increased tempo in operational response as we move into the fire danger period.

And while VFBV strongly encourages vaccination and believes the expert medical advice that the vaccines are safe and effective - as a representative body we also have an obligation to support all members, including those that consider themselves unsure or unwilling to access vaccination.

For these members, we will continue exploring and considering options on how you can best be safely supported during the pandemic. Your service and experience are still very much respected, and we would urge you to not simply resign or walk away.

While we are still awaiting the actual Chief Health Officer orders, our early advice based on previous directions is that mandatory vaccination will not be a condition of membership, but rather a condition of being able to attend a CFA location, incident or fireground. And while this will substantially limit your involvement and contribution for the immediate fire season, we don’t know how long these arrangements will be for, if they are just transitory or how long the State of Emergency may last.

We respect all members right to be informed and urge members to seek expert medical advice should you be undecided or unwilling.

For those that are vaccinated, thank-you.


Unsurprising, there have been many enquiries from members concerned at the firefighter union’s most recent media campaign that started a couple of weeks ago.

Concerns raised with VFBV include; the false insinuation that CFA brigades provide a less service than their FRV counterparts; the misappropriation of the agency brand to try and trick the community into thinking it is an official agency campaign; undermining community safety messaging that Victorian’s must plan for their own safety; attempting to influence an independent panel formed by the government’s own fire service reforms apparently designed to take politicisation out of boundary reviews and the terrible perpetuation of gender and diversity stereotypes that the fire services are collectively trying so hard to address. Where do you start?

We work in a sector that is built on teamwork, professionalism and respect for the skills that each emergency agency and individual member brings to the incident. We rely on each other and depend on the mutual respect we have for each other to get the job done.

For any member of the emergency management fraternity to carry on and thumb their nose towards any other agency, partner or individual is just so incredibly disappointing. And this follows the unprovoked attacks on our fellow SES volunteers just a couple of months ago. To risk relationships, morale and the reputation of our entire sector just to pursue your own industrial agenda and belligerent expansion is incredibly selfish.

At a time when our fellow frontline health workers are doing everything they can to manage our health system, police have the unenviable task of enforcement, paramedics are heroically dealing with a health system pushed to its limits and nurses are tirelessly working double and triple shifts to cover unprecedented demand - it really is just so distasteful to even contemplate that someone thinks its ok to prance around with a self-serving ‘look at moi’ campaign in the midst of an ongoing health emergency.

VFBV will always stand up for our volunteers and will always defend you from those that wish to denigrate or insult the selfless work you do. But by the same token, we are not going to make this a race to the bottom.

To mount some kind of public attack response in reaction only gives the campaign credibility and sends the message that this kind of behaviour is acceptable across the emergency management sector. It isn’t. And we are not going to be a part of any such campaign or tactics that attempts to denigrate our fellow emergency service personnel or agencies.

We will pursue Government and agencies for a public campaign to provide confidence to communities in their volunteer fire services, and we will do so honestly and respectfully without feeling the need to criticise others.

For the record, VFBV respects every other emergency service agency that we work with and alongside. We respect each individual that works within our sector, and we respect and are proud of our career firefighters and our partner fire services and agencies– Fire Rescue Victoria and Forest Fire Management Victoria.

The best thing you can each do is treat the campaign with the contempt it deserves and just ignore it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s an own goal and reflects poorly on anyone who wants to defend or minimise the offence taken by it.

To my fellow volunteers, please don’t let this campaign impact your friendships and respectful relationships with your local career firefighters. We have received just as many calls of concern from them as we have from volunteers. The union wants you to be mistrusting of each other, they mine that cynicism and sow those seeds of fear to try and portray us at each other’s throats to rally their troops to whatever the latest campaign is.

The public has never questioned your professionalism, and the best way you can prove it is to hold your heads high, keep performing the incredible work you are already doing and continue to model what it really means to be a true professional within our emergency management sector. We strive to be inclusive, respectful and diverse. Professionalism describes a person’s conduct, skill, competence, values and qualities. The existence of a pay cheque simply proves you are paid - not whether you are professional or not.


VFBV has welcomed the announcement by CFA of the commissioning of Dr Szoke to help lead a review into how to further strengthen CFA’s systems and approaches to ensure CFA becomes the exemplar of healthy, safe and respectful workplaces across the fire sector.

We are fully supportive of this review, and the concept has been the subject of much discussion for some time now. As you would be aware through previous comms, the VFBV Board and State Council have both been advocating very strongly in trying to resolve the VEOHRC impasse and improve and strengthen CFA process regarding complaint management, and ensuring all our workplaces are safe and respectful.

Dr Helen Szoke AO is the former Commissioner of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. Dr Szoke will bring unparalleled credibility and expertise to the role. Most recently Dr Szoke has completed an independent review on behalf of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, where she considered measures to prevent sexual harassment, improve reporting and improve support for those who experience sexual harassment in Victoria Courts and VCAT.

And, just like our courts, CFA Volunteers likewise expect their workplaces and fire stations across the sector to provide safe and welcoming environments that live up to the exceptionally high and professional standards displayed and modelled by CFA members every day in protecting their communities from fire and other emergencies.

This review will give CFA a solid baseline and framework to strengthen and support the vital goal of promoting diversity and ensuring all our members feel safe and have access to robust systems of accountability. A fire service where victims are supported, and all members are encouraged to speak up about the importance of a safe and respectful workplace.

I want to acknowledge the disappointment and hurt by all those members who feel let down and abandoned by the previous VEOHRC process. And while VFBV has staunchly advocated for VEOHRC to be involved and be asked to complete the work they started, we acknowledge that CFA cannot continue to be held hostage to a process that has seemingly lost Government and VEOHRC support and has been relentlessly bogged down in legal and political fights.

As reports into Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, the Australian Defence Forces and the Victorian Public Sector have shown, these are complex and confronting topics to tackle. But by doing so, we set the example and raise the bar for all others to follow. VFBV accepts its leadership role to support this work and be part of that change.

We will be supporting Dr Szoke and any members who wish to contribute to her work. We will shortly be meeting with the review team and will keep members informed on how you can contribute to the review. Take care and stay tuned.


Open for Consultation
CFA has commenced consultation on a number of important documents including the new CFA Behavioural Standards; a new Child Safety Behavioural Statement; and amendments to the Child Safety and Protection Business Rule.

The Fire District Review Panel has also commenced consultation on their proposed risk assessment methodology by way of a discussion paper.

VFBV is seeking broad feedback and comment from volunteers in order to inform and assist with VFBV formal responses to these documents. VFBV District Councils have also been invited to lead local discussion at the District level.

Copies of relevant documents and timelines are all available via your local District Council or our website.


AFSM Nominations


 Nominations for the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) for the 2022 Queen’s Birthday honours list are now open.

The award recognises those whose service is above and beyond the normal zealous and faithful discharge of normal or ordinary service, either in the short or long term. While volunteers are often modest and reluctant to seek out recognition for their exceptional contributions protecting lives and property, nominating a fellow volunteer to recognise their contribution is a way to say ‘thank you’ to those people who have stepped up and helped to inspire other volunteers.

A helpful guide to preparing nominations is available from the VFBV and CFA websites. Nominations need to be submitted to CFA by 1 November 2021. 


Pre-register for survey
This year’s VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is about to open. Volunteers can pre-register now to ensure you are amongst the first to be notified of this year’s survey.

Register here or via the QR code below.

Joint Committee EOI
Expressions of interest are now open for volunteers to nominate as subject matter experts to the VFBV/CFA Joint Committee’s for the 2022 calendar year.

If you feel you can contribute and have the time, are passionate about one of the seven streams and want to be an integral part of our Joint Committee process – then please talk to your local VFBV State Councillor or VFBV Support Officer for a nomination form. Nominations are due to your District Council early November 2021.


Our Community, Our CFA
Members are encouraged to visit the VFBV website to view the ‘Our Community Our CFA’ video that celebrates Victoria’s iconic CFA, one of the largest, most diverse and most professional emergency services in the world. The video demonstrates the skilled, professional and diverse range of skills and value that CFA volunteers selflessly make to the safety of all Victorians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Fire Wise – October 2021 online only edition

The October 2021 edition of Fire Wise has been published online only, this edition and past editions are available from the Fire Wise website.

You can support Fire Wise and the role it plays as an independent voice in keeping volunteers informed by becoming a subscriber. To become a Fire Wise subscriber visit the Fire Wise website or contact the Managing Editor of Fire Wise, Gordon Rippon-King either by phone 0402 051 412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Recent articles on the VFBV website
Open for Consultation 

VFBV Statement – Volunteers Welcome Independent Review 

CFA Volunteer Surge Capacity 

Our Community, Our CFA 

VFBV Statement on UFU Campaign 


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If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

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Wednesday, 06 October 2021 11:30

Open for Consultation

Written by

The following items are currently open for consultation, and and your feedback is being sought.

Members are encouraged to review any of the items below and provide feedback/comment and/or suggestions ASAP.  

We encourage members not to wait until deadlines to provide feedback, but rather provide it as early as possible which will give us a chance to conduct further research that may assist us being able to advocate more strongly for your desired outcome.

All feedback is used to inform and influence formal VFBV positions as well as used to influence CFA positions and thinking during the deliberative process. If we need to use your feedback to demonstrate or illustrate the views of members, your personal details will not be shared with CFA, and feedback will always be de-identified to protect your privacy.

If members have provided feedback directly to CFA, you are requested to please forward a copy of your feedback through VFBV channels as well - as often times we will be able to support and assist with advocacy as well as influencing formal VFBV positions on various items.

All members are welcome and encouraged to provide feedback.


How to provide feedback:

It would be preferred that members provide feedback ASAP, so that it can be received incrementally, allowing us enough time to consolidate, identify trends and research issues raised by members. 

Feedback can be provided via:

  1. Emailing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2. Your local VFBV District Council or your local VFBV Support Officer

  3. By Post: 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East VIC 3151

  4. By Fax: (03) 9886 1618

Feedback does not need to be long or detailed, but if you do have the time to make substantive comment that is always welcome.

If you generally support a principle or policy, then a quick note letting us know would also be helpful. Similarly, let us know if you do not support it, or which aspects of it you don't support.

Where indicating non-support, it would be helpful to understand the key reasons why, and even a couple of brief bullet points would be adequate. Likewise, if you would prefer to provide a more detailed response, or mark-up and suggest changes to the documents, all that would be welcome also.

Your feedback will assist us form a VFBV position and response to the proposed changes and help us advocate on behalf of CFA volunteers. Please consider getting involved, and providing us your feedback ASAP.

Please remember to provide feedback in support as well as against. If we only hear from those who are against, it will be harder to determine the general comfort level of members with the proposals.



CFA Behavioural Standards

This behavioural standard sets out the required standards of behaviour for all CFA Members, Officers and contractors. It is intended to cover everyone under one Standard and compliments the Volunteer Code of Conduct (Volunteers) and the Victorian Public Sector Code of Conduct (Employees).

Draft CFA Behavioural Standard is provided for feedback/comment.


CFA Behavioural Standards 


Child Safety Behaviour Statement

CFA is required to act in compliance with the Child Safe Standards governed by the Commission for Children and Young People. Standard 2 requires that organisations have a child safe code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children.

To avoid confusion with existing codes of conduct, the Commission agreed some time ago that calling it a Behaviours Statement instead of a code of conduct would be appropriate. The purpose of the document is to set out behaviours that are acceptable and those that are not, to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. 

DRAFT Statement is provided for feedback/comment.


Child Safety Behaviour Statement


Child Safety and Protection Business Rule

This Child Safety and Protection Business Rule is a set of practical rules designed to ensure compliance with the Child Safety Executive Policy and the child safety principles contained therein. The strict enforcement of the Child Safety Executive Policy allows CFA to embed child safety compliance within its programs, policies and processes.

DRAFT Business Rule is provided for feedback/comment.


Child Safety and Protection Business Rule


Fire District Review Panel: Proposed Risk Assessment Methodology Discussion Paper

As part of Victoria’s fire services reform, the independent Fire District Review Panel (the Panel) has been established to undertake reviews of the Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) fire district boundaries at least once every four years and at the request of the Minister for Emergency Services.

The attached Risk Assessment Methodology Discussion Paper outlines the proposed risk assessment methodology that will underpin the conduct of these reviews.

The discussion paper is attached and members are invited to provide feedback on the proposed risk assessment methodology to help inform VFBV's formal response.


Proposed Risk Assessment Methodology Discussion Paper




Thursday, 30 September 2021 18:07

VFBV Statement - Volunteers Welcome Independent Review

Written by

Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria welcomes today’s announcement by CFA of the commissioning of Dr Szoke to help lead a review into how to further strengthen CFA’s systems and approaches to ensure CFA becomes the exemplar of healthy, safe and respectful workplaces across the fire sector.

Dr Helen Szoke AO has served as Australia’s Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner and is the former Commissioner of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. Dr Szoke will bring unparalleled credibility and expertise to the role. Most recently Dr Szoke has completed an independent review on behalf of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, where she considered measures to prevent sexual harassment, improve reporting and improve support for those who experience sexual harassment in Victoria Courts and VCAT.

Just like our courts, CFA Volunteers likewise expect their workplaces and fire stations across the sector to provide safe and welcoming environments that live up to the exceptionally high standards displayed and modelled by CFA members every day in protecting their communities from fire and other emergencies.

Our members deserve to be supported and protected by world class systems, policies and processes that provide every single volunteer and staff member with a work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.

Dr Szoke has been requested to  undertake an independent review of what more the CFA can do to support and create a welcoming, inclusive and supportive organisation which embraces diversity and deals effectively with cultural issues when they do arise.    

This commitment and review is fully supported by VFBV and delivers on our strong advocacy for CFA’s systems and complaint processes to be independently reviewed and improved to reflect the high standards that CFA members expect.

While this should have been completed years ago through the previous Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission review into the MFB and CFA, we are proud that CFA will take this courageous step to free itself from Government and sector inertia and forge ahead with its own work that will lead to CFA becoming the largest, safest and best practice firefighting organisation in Victoria.

We acknowledge the disappointment and hurt by all those members who feel abandoned by the previous VEOHRC process and the injustice of their stories and complaints never seeing the light of day. And while VFBV has staunchly advocated for VEOHRC to be involved and be asked to complete the work that was started, we acknowledge that CFA cannot continue to be held hostage to a process that has seemingly lost Government and VEOHRC support and has been relentlessly bogged down in legal and political fights.

This review will give CFA a solid baseline and framework to strengthen and support the vital goal of promoting diversity and ensuring all our members feel safe and have access to robust systems of accountability. A fire service where victims are supported, and all members are encouraged to speak up about the importance of a safe and respectful workplace.

As the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics personal safety survey reports, two in five people aged 18 years and over have experienced sexual harassment during their lifetime. Women are more than twice as likely to experience sexual harassment than men.  Fire services are not immune to the issues faced across the broader community and public sector. But this should not be used as a reason to avoid or confront the issue head on.

As reports into Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, Australian Defence Forces and the Victorian Public Sector have shown, these are complex and confronting topics to tackle. But by doing so, we set the example and raise the bar for all others to follow. VFBV accepts its leadership role to support this work and be part of that change.

CFA members, volunteers and staff spend their lives and careers protecting the safety and putting their fellow Victorians ahead of themselves. They deserve no stone to be unturned when it comes to- ensuring they themselves are protected and have safe and respectful workplaces.

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
