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Wednesday, 05 February 2025 15:59

February 2025 Newsletter

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Icebergs Ahead 
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer 

The RMS Titanic hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage just before midnight on the 14th April 1912, sinking three hours later, and taking with her more than 1,500 of the 2,200 people on board.

What does this have to do with fire services you ask? Not much admittedly, however recent speculation does point to the fact that an out-of- control fire in one of the ship’s coal bunkers may have contributed to the ship’s high speed that contributed to the collision as opposed to speculation the captain was eager to beat the crossing time of Titanic’s sister ship the Olympic.

But my main reason is both the ship, and the iceberg, have become popular metaphors for not only the hubris of humankind (unsinkable ship), but the litany of errors that contributed to the disaster that are only seen with the benefit of hindsight. It is also a good demonstration of cause and effect of the risk appetite implemented by her captain, crew and owner/ operator White Star Line.

Prior to the sinking, the ship had received multiple warnings from other ships. In fact, before the ship even set sail it was generally accepted that there was an increased risk of icebergs over the previous years. However, once they set sail, multiple reports streamed in. The first was two days prior to the sinking where the French ship La Touraine sighted two icebergs.

Then on the morning of the sinking (0912 hours), the RMS Caronia passed on reports of westbound steamers reporting icebergs. Dutch ship Noordam informed it later that morning (1147) that they had encountered much ice. Early afternoon (1349) another report came in from German steamer Amerika that it has passed two large icebergs. Then at 1354 RMS Baltic sent a wireless telegram reporting that the Greek steamer Athinai had sighted icebergs and extensive ice fields drifting along the same route as the Titanic. Then at 1830 the SS Californian observed three large icebergs south of her position. At 2140 the SS Mesaba reported heavy pack ice and a great number of icebergs. The final warning came again from SS Californian at 2255 reporting she was surrounded by ice and had stopped for the night. 45 minutes later, the Titanic collided with the iceberg.

In essence all these warnings were either dismissed, not passed on or treated as minor or irrelevant. Hindsight shows us how disaster could have been averted should the countless warnings have been heeded in the first place. A good parallel for how we often feel over our countless warnings on the state of CFA funding and resourcing.

You have heard me repeat frequently that Victoria is considered one of the most fire prone places in the world due to our local flora, topology and weather patterns. In fact – the two most fire prone places are considered to be Victoria and California USA.

And just like the two warnings that the SS Californian sent in 1912, her namesake the State of California is sending what can only be described as one of the biggest warning calls we can get.

We look on with a shared understanding and horror at the extent of the Californian bushfires that have devastated large parts of the greater Los Angeles area and so far have claimed 28 people, and thousands of destroyed structures. Sadly, these numbers will only grow as the fires continue to burn. Our hearts and thoughts are with all those affected.

But in a frightening parallel to Victoria, criticism of years of Government neglect and underfunding of California’s fire services and bureaucratic heavy bodies that have failed to adequately prepare are ringing loud and clear.

And while there has been some surprise that these fires have taken grip in North America’s winter – one should remember how early the 2019/20 fires first started along the Australian eastern seaboard hitting NSW in August 2019.

As I have repeatedly stated, reducing CFA budgets in one of the most fire prone places in the world, and with the Government’s own climate modelling predicting longer, more frequent and more intense fire seasons – is just complete madness. This time around however, we don’t have to rely on “hindsight” to heed the warnings.

California also has the largest firefighting air fleet in the world. A sombre reality check for those that think aircraft are a silver bullet. Don’t get me wrong – aircraft are a crucial and effective part of our firefighting operations. They make an incredible difference when they are available and can be used. But history tells us that on many of the worst days of natural disasters – we often cannot get aircraft in the air due to the extreme weather conditions and winds. This is not an argument for less aviation funding – but rather a call to stop diverting funding from frontline services as if its either/or. It is not one or the other – it must be both. Boots on the ground is our first and last line of defence from any bushfire. And those boots need trucks to get there and fight it.

Recently the State Government announced a $10M boost to CFA’s fleet budget. A very welcome boost completely overshadowed by the announcement that it comes at the cost of a new emergency service tax hike that will in some cases triple the cost to residents and property owners. While collecting an extra $600M in the first year alone, the Government only promised $10M (0.01%) of that solely for CFA, and instead threw a whole bunch of public service bodies into the same bucket competing for precious funds. Calling it a Volunteer Fund was just the icing on the cake of a deal that just stunk and wiped any goodwill that volunteers may have given it.

And while $10M sounds like a big boost - much like an iceberg - the real story lies below the waterline – the danger much harder to see.

First of all, the fact that the extra is such a huge boost tells you how little recurrent funding actually gets given to CFA for fleet and capital works each year. At present, only $12 - $15M in any given year is allocated to fleet.

To put that into perspective, CFA manages 2,300+ vehicles. 1,707 of these are tankers, and 218 are pumpers, and this does not include the hundreds of slip-ons. If we assume a very basic formulae of aiming to maintain a maximum age of 20 years for Tankers, and 15 years for Pumpers – simple math tells us that CFA needs at least $55M per year to replace 100 trucks per year. Therefore, boosting the CFA fleet budget to at best $25M per year, is still less than half of what is needed to stop the fleet getting older. In other words – CFA trucks will continue to get older and older endangering firefighters and communities alike when spare parts can no longer be easily sourced, as in what is happening now. For example, a 20+ year old pumper was recently off the road for almost 12 months waiting for a spare part to be manufactured overseas.

And this is the decades of Government neglect that is on show. Trucks have not just magically turned 35 years old. This is a problem of at least three decades in the making. In fact, VFBV campaigned back in 2014 when CFA was forced to remove its maximum 20-year age limit that prior to that had been in place, but to which they could no longer afford.

The age of the fleet speaks for itself.

There are 230 fire trucks more than 31 years old, with the oldest 35. There are 244 aged between 26 - 30 years. There are 269 aged between 21 – 25 years.

And this group is being chased by another 372 trucks that are now aged between 16 and 20. This is a total of 1,115 trucks that need replacing.

Across the state, there are about 870 single cab tankers. These tankers require volunteer firefighters to ride on the outside of the truck, facing backwards as they ride into danger. On a blistering hot 40 degree day they have no protection from the sun or heat, no aircon – and they can’t even see the road ahead. Likewise in the middle of winter when its five degrees - they have no protection from the cold or rain during winter. Not to mention the toxic smoke and fumes they are riding towards without even so much as a window to wind up. Talk about a raw deal. This is how the Government rewards the selfless men and women volunteer firefighters keeping millions of Victorians safe from fire and other disasters year after year.

Any Government spokesperson that tries to claim these trucks are fit for purpose and roadworthy should immediately give up their taxpayer funded vehicle (that gets replaced every three years per 3.1.3(d)) and spend 30+ years riding on the back of a fire truck without basic amenity and see how they like it.

The problem is further amplified when you stop to consider that it’s one thing to replace ageing fire trucks, but the new trucks won’t even fit into the old and dilapidated fire station built to house them. In regional and rural areas in particular – the lack of capital investment has left old sheds that are no longer fit for purpose, have no amenity for firefighters to change in, and some don’t even have a bathroom. Some do not even allow a fire truck door to be opened all the way without hitting someone or something.

Due to their age, and lack of funding – many of these old stations aren’t even long enough to fit a new truck while the front doors are not high enough to back one in even if they were lucky enough to be given one, which they’re not.

And funding for CFA’s capital works budget you ask? You have to time travel back to the 2021/22 State Budget to find the most recent budgeted new money for base capital land and building upgrades.

The lack of sustained investment in Victoria’s CFA is nothing short of a travesty. 100 years after the world’s biggest unsinkable ship sank to the bottom of the ocean we look back and wonder how they let it happen with all those warnings. The issue of CFA fleet and capital funding will take a major course correction. Governments do not have a good track record of thinking outside short-term election cycles. This must change, and it must change prior to our next Black Saturday.

We can all see the figurative icebergs dead ahead – and it will not be through lack of trying that our warnings are ignored. Thank-you to all members who are helping us raise these concerns within your own spheres of influence – keep up the good work.


Thank you
To all volunteers who have been called upon over the fire season – thankyou for your outstanding contribution.  We acknowledge your untiring professionalism and skill in keeping your communities safe.


Volunteer Survey

The 2024-25 annual VFBV Volunteer Survey is open.

The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, using questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers. All responses are confidential and deidentified results go straight to decision makers. By taking part in the survey you help us make a difference in CFA.

The survey measures volunteer opinions on what is important to them and how well CFA is performing according to what they are experiencing.

The gap between the measurement of importance and performance is referred to as the Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Level (VolWEL) outcome. This measure helps to identify volunteer dissatisfaction and where priority attention should be directed by CFA and Government.

Scan the QR code below or visit the VFBV website to take part in the survey today.

Paper copies of the survey are also available by calling the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.


CFA Board applications

Applications are invited from any CFA volunteer who wishes to be nominated to the CFA Board as a volunteer nominee. Two positions on the CFA Board are due to expire in June of this year.

Applications close Monday 3rd March 2025. Selection details and criteria are on the VFBV website.


Aus Day Honours

VFBV extends our congratulations to all members honoured for their contribution among more than 700 other recipients of Australia Day Honours in 2025.

CFA members who were awarded the prestigious Australian Fire Services Medal (AFSM) were CFA volunteers Di Billingsley, Fiona Burns, Lisa Hicks, Mark King and Tim Smith along with District 17 ACFO Mark Gunning. You can read more about each CFA’s recipient and their service on the VFBV website and on page 5 of the February edition of Fire Wise.

FRV members Ben Schmidt and Murray Talbot and FFMVic members Peter Brick and John Wood were also recognised with AFSMs and Life Saving Victoria volunteer and CFA member Tony Hodder received the Emergency Services Medal.

VFBV congratulates all members for their outstanding contribution to the broader community along with the other Australian’s who were recognised in the Australia Day honours list.


Champs Reminder

A final reminder that entries as well as judge and official nominations for the 2025 State Championships close on Sunday 16 February 2025.

To enter your team or register as a judge and official please visit the VFBV website.

The State Championships will be held on the weekends of 22 and 23 March (Urban Juniors) and 29 and 30 March (Rural Juniors and Seniors and Urban Seniors) in Mooroopna for the fifth year in a row. The Torchlight Procession will also take place on the evening of 29 March in Mooroopna and all brigades are encouraged to participate even if they are not participating in the Championships. If you would like further information on the Torchlight Procession please contact the VFBV office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The VFBV website has information for all competing brigades including updated rule books for both the rural and urban competitions and details of local competitions being held in the lead up to the State Championships.

If you require any assistance during the registration process or for more information on the Championships, please contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



VFBV is calling for nominations from volunteers interested in being a VFBV appointed trustee to the CFA and Brigades Donations Fund.

The Fund was established in 2004 to ensure brigades continued to have deductible gift recipient status following the introduction of the GST and changes made to the charities law that required the associations to advocate for the retention of individual brigade charity status.

The Trust’s purpose is to raise and receive money and donations of goods and services from the public for distribution to Brigades to assist with costs of purchasing and maintaining firefighting equipment, facilities, training and resources and administrative expenses of Brigades which are associated with their firefighting functions.

Over recent years the Trust has been managing donations received following the 2019/20 bushfire season, this includes the brigade pick list program; breathing apparatus (BA) sets and additional cylinders; defibrillators for CFA vehicles; and the mobile data capability project. In total since 2020 the Fund has allocated $19million to fund these projects.

Following nominations, five new or reappointed members will be appointed by the VFBV Board to serve as VFBV Trustees on the Fund for a term of two years. All current Trustees are eligible for re-appointment.

The Trust Fund committee meets quarterly, either virtually or at CFA headquarters.

Nominations close Monday 16th June 2025 and further information including how to apply can be found on the VFBV website.


Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer (South West)
VFBV is seeking to appoint a VFBV Support Officer to work in regional Victoria with VFBV District Councils, Brigades and volunteers to facilitate consultation, issues resolution, delegate support and volunteer engagement.

The position is a state role, with emphasis and focus on providing support throughout CFA’s South West region (CFA Districts 4, 5, 6 and 7).

For more information including how to apply visit the VFBV website.

Applications close on Monday 10th February 2025.


Fire Wise – February 2025 online only edition

The February 2025 edition of Fire Wise has been published online only, this edition and past editions are available from the Fire Wise website.

You can support Fire Wise and the role it plays as an independent voice in keeping volunteers informed by becoming a subscriber. To become a subscriber visit the Fire Wise website or contact the Managing Editor of Fire Wise, Gordon Rippon-King either by phone 0402 051 412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Emergency Services Foundation – Volunteer Leaders: Safeguarding Mentally Healthy Teams

The Emergency Services Foundation (ESF) is launching a new initiative in 2025 Volunteer Leaders: Safeguarding Mentally Healthy Teams.  This program has been designed specifically for volunteers and is intended to better equip volunteer leaders to lead their teams with a psychological safety lens, improve mental health literacy while also building local inter-agency connections.

Three programs will be offered in 2025 across the state at no cost to volunteers but numbers are limited in each program. To find our more information or to register for the program visit the ESF website.


Recent articles on the VFBV website
Now Open - 2024-25 VFBV Volunteer Survey

CFA Board – Invitation to Apply

Australia Day Honours 2025

Nominations for CFA and Brigades Donations Fund Trustees

2025 State Championships Entries Open

Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer (South West)

Consultation Dashboard

Presumptive Legislation Update


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Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.


Want to read the VFBV 2-minute briefings from the CFA/VFBV Joint Committees?
The latest edition along with previous editions can be downloaded from the VFBV website here.


Wednesday, 29 January 2025 13:25

Nominations for CFA and Brigades Donations Fund Trustees

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Nominations close Monday 16th June 2025.

VFBV is calling for nominations from volunteers interested in being a VFBV appointed trustee to the CFA and Brigades Donations Fund.

The Fund was established in 2004 to ensure brigades continued to have deductible gift recipient status following the introduction of the GST and changes made to the charities law that required the associations to advocate for the retention of individual brigade charity status.  The Trust’s purpose is to raise and receive money and donations of goods and services from the public for distribution to Brigades to assist with costs of purchasing and maintaining firefighting equipment, facilities, training and resources and administrative expenses of Brigades which are associated with their firefighting functions.

Over recent years the Trust has been managing donations received following the 2019/20 bushfires. This includes the brigade pick list program; breathing apparatus (BA) sets and additional cylinders; defibrillators for CFA vehicles and the mobile data capability project to fund tablets for CFA vehicles. In total since 2020 the Fund has allocated $19 million to fund these projects.

Following nominations, five new or reappointed members will be appointed by the VFBV Board to serve as VFBV Trustees on the Fund for a term of two year. All current Trustees are eligible for re-appointment.

The Fund meets quarterly either virtually or at CFA Headquarters. The appointments to the Fund will come into effect from the Trust’s AGM which is normally held in July/August.

How to apply

If you are interested in nominating as a VFBV Trustee, please provide a written application addressing the following:

1.      A cover letter detailing your enthusiasm for the role and outlining any key experience you can bring to the role;

2.      A resume outlining your skills and work background including your CFA service


Nominations close on Monday 16th June 2025 and can be mailed to the VFBV office, 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East 3151 or emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025 13:15

Australia Day Honours 2025

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The 2025 Australia Day awards saw 732 Australians celebrated and honoured, among them were 6 CFA members who were awarded the prestigious Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM). VFBV congratulates these members on being recognised for their contribution to CFA and the wider Victorian community.

Di Billingsley AFSM – for almost 30 years Di has been a member of the Boolarra Fire Brigade, including serving as Captain for 7 years. Di is an experienced volunteer trainer and assessor who in addition to training CFA members has also been deployed to the Northern Territory in 2023 to train Northern Territory volunteer firefighters and rangers. Di is a member of the CFA Women’s Advisory Committee and a mentor in the Captains Peer Mentoring Program. You can read more about Di here.  https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/dedicated-volunteer-and-esteemed-trainer-recognised-for-service 

Fiona Burns AFSM – a CFA member since 2003, Fiona is recognised for her distinguished contribution to CFA holding many roles including firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Group Officer, Junior Leader, and Group Officer.  Fiona has developed and presented leadership programs which enhance the diversity of membership, knowledge and practice of CFA members, other emergency service agencies and also members of the pubic. You can read more about Fiona here. https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/volunteer-leader-awarded-afsm-medal 

Lisa Hicks AFSM – Lisa has been a volunteer with CFA since 1975, firstly with the Narre Warren North brigade and now as a member of the Pakenham brigade. Lisa has been recognised for her sustained and dedicated service holding many roles over the years including brigade secretary, community safety officer, communications officer, firefighter, volunteer instructor and BASO. Lisa has also played a key role in the establishment and ongoing operations of the Cardina Group Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus refilling station and is heavily involved in the delivery of the Fire Safe Kids program to schools and kindergartens in across the Cardina Group. You can read more about Lisa here. https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/cfa-volunteer-and-educator-awarded-asfm 

Mark King AFSM  - as a CFA member for more than 30 years, Mark has held a variety of roles including firefighter, Secretary, Lieutenant, Captain, Strike Team Leader, Sector Commander, Divisional Commander, VFBV State Councillor, Fire Investigator, Trainer and Assessor and Health Team leader.  Mark was instrumental in introducing the South East Region’s first Health Monitoring and Rehabilitation Unit which has made an impact in reducing the incidence of heat-related incidents among CFA members as well as members of other emergency services who many also be involved in protracted emergency responses. You can read more about Mark here.  https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/mark-king-honoured-with-australian-fire-service-medal 

Tim Smith AFSM – Tim is recognised for his contribution to fire services across Australia and New Zealand alongside his contribution to CFA as both a volunteer and staff member.  During more than 40 years of service Tim has served as a firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain and Deputy Group Officer with the Hurstbridge brigade and Nillumbik Group. As well as serving as a firefighter, Tim has been a mentor and coach for competition teams and has contributed as a mentor to CFA’s Women in Leadership mentoring program to develop potential and skills in other CFA members. You can read more about Tim here.  https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/volunteer-veteran-receives-australia-s-highest-fire-honour 

Mark Gunning AFSM  - as Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) for District 17, Mark has been recognised for his contribution to the safety, wellbeing and recovery of communities during times of emergency. Mark has been a member of CFA for more than 44 years and during that time has provided incident leadership during some of Victoria’s largest emergencies including 2009 Black Saturday Fires, 2018 St Patrick’s Day fires, 2019/20 Black summer fires, 2011 and 2022 floods and the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more about Mark here.  https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/respected-leader-honoured-with-afsm 


Congratulations is also extended to other Victorian’s who were honoured with the Australian Fire Service Medal from other fire agencies, Peter Brick and John Wood from Forest Fire Management Victoria and Benjamin Schimdt and Murray Talbot from Fire Rescue Victoria. Two CFA members were also awarded the Emergency Services Medal (ESM), Donald Harrison OAM for his contribution to Australian Volunteer Coast Guard and Anthony Hodder for his contribution to Life Saving Victoria.

Other past and present CFA members who have been honoured on Australia Day include Gwendoline Blandthorn, Neville Seymour and John Wheal who were each awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).


Nominations for AFSM's

Nominations for AFSM's are accepted at any time through CFA's Honours and Awards Committee. 

The AFSM honours the distinguished service of members of fire services who make an exceptionable contribution to their communities. The AFSM recognises those whose service is above and beyond the normal zealous and faithful discharge of normal or ordinary service, either in the short or long term.

CFA volunteers are often modest and reluctant to seek out recognition for the service they have provided to their community and may not have a realistic appreciation of the impact they have had on CFA, their community, within VFBV or your Brigade or Group. They’re not in it for the honour or glory, but it’s up to each of us to ensure we take the time to say ‘thank-you’ to those people who have stepped up and help inspire us all to do better.

If you know a quiet achiever who has contributed to CFA, who goes above and beyond what could be reasonably expected of someone in a similar position, please consider nominating them for an AFSM.  

The Australian Honours system has been designed to break down artificial barriers and open the Australian Honours to all parts of our society. Any member of the community can nominate any other Australian citizen for an award.

It is also critically important we encourage nominations for groups who are typically under-represented in Australian Honours like the AFSM. In particular we are encouraging a greater gender mix.

Women in particular are under-represented in AFSM’s awarded when we consider the thousands of women within the fire services across the country. And while things are improving, much more can be done.

There are so many exceptional CFA women and men deserving to be recognised, so please consider nominating someone you feel is deserving.

A common misconception is that only those members who have decades worth of service are recognised by the Honours system. The AFSM is not a long-service award, its sole criterion is distinguished service. And while prolonged service forms part of the key criteria, ‘prolonged’ is considered by the honour and awards committee’s to be taken in context as to what is considered ‘longer than usual’ and in context of what is ‘above and beyond’ the normal or ordinary service expected. Exceptional service that is sustained over a period of time can be considered as satisfying the criteria. For example, has the members contribution been in excess of expectations for a ‘normal’ member and over what duration? The Committee will consider the nature of the service or achievement within the context of a member’s service history when weighing up the various criteria.

This is especially important for women within CFA who may have their service overlooked simply because they haven’t been a Captain or Group Officer for 30+ years. While these are important leadership roles – our service is a team environment, and everyone’s contribution is valued.

Nothing should take away from the incredible achievement decade long service is, but the Honours system is designed to recognise those that make a significant contribution, and to represent the things that our communities believe to be deserving of recognition, including from those who are perhaps trailblazers for others to follow. Think of those people who have pushed the boundaries or have been first to reach and hold leadership positions that has been inspirational to those around them. For example, think of members who have overcome additional barriers, like English not being their first language and who have toiled away to learn the language and become masterful communicators designing new innovative community safety engagements to CALD communities and serving as a role model for other community members. Who are the people you look up to? Who are the people who have really made a difference in your Brigade or Group? 

Distinguished service includes service that is above and beyond and can be short-term or prolonged. It is service that can be exemplified by; responsibility for an outstanding event that has proven to be of significant benefit to the fire service or community; development of a new system, procedure or technique that is unique and made a significant contribution to the fire service; or outstanding leadership in the encouragement and development of others, particularly youth within the fire services.

While it can seem daunting to nominate a potential recipient, some guiding principles that could assist in completing a nomination for an AFSM are:

- In what role(s) has the nominee excelled?
- How has the nominee demonstrated service worthy of recognition?
- How has the nominee’s contribution affected a particular field, locality, brigade, group or community at large?
- Over what period has the nominee made a major commitment?
- Has the nominee’s contribution been recognised elsewhere?
- What makes this person stand out from others?
- What specific examples can be provided to show how the nominee’s contribution(s) have been outstanding?

Nominations for awards are strictly confidential. The person being nominated should not be approached for information or advised of the confidential nomination at any stage of the process.


Additional Resources to Assist

Honours and Awards Toolkit

Guide to Preparing Nominations for the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM)

AFSM Nomination Form

Want to discuss a potential nomination or need some more information? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About the Australian Fire Service Medal 

Introduced in 1988, the Australian Fire Service Medal recognised distinguished service by members of Australian fire services and is awarded to both volunteer and paid members. The award recognised the distinguished service by members of a State or Territory Fire Service, a Fire Service of an agency of the Commonwealth, and the Fire Services of the External Territories of Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling Island) and Norfolk Island.

The medal is awarded twice a year as part of the Australia Day award and King's Birthday award announcements.


Criteria for the Australian Fire Service Medal 

To be considered for this award it would be expected that the nominee has given service beyond the norm exemplified by:

  1. Prolonged service distinguished by exceptional performance in a particular area that has proved significant benefit to the fire service; and one or more of the following.
  2. Responsibility for and management of an outstanding/exceptional event that has proven to be of significant benefit to the fire service, a community or community safety generally. 
  3. Development of a new system, or procedure, or technique that is unique and has made a significant contribution to the fire service, a community or community safety generally. 
  4. Outstanding leadership in the encouragement and development of others, particularly youth, within the fire service and the fostering and furthering of the aims of the fire service to the long-term benefit of the fire service and the community. 
  5. Demonstrated creativity in the development and implementation of innovative changes that have made a significant contribution to the fire service, fire/emergency operations, or the interests of community safety.
Thursday, 23 January 2025 17:13

Position Vacant - VFBV Support Officer (South West)

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VFBV is seeking to appoint a VFBV Support Officer to work in regional Victoria with VFBV District Councils, Brigades and volunteers to facilitate consultation, issues resolution, delegate support and volunteer engagement.

The position is a state role, but with emphasis and focus on providing support throughout CFA’s South West region (CFA Districts 4,5,6 and 7).

This is an existing position, with the incumbent transferring to a different Region following the retirement of one of our Support Officer's.

In addition to relevant skills and experience outlined in the position description, candidates will need to understand CFA and volunteerism, be good listeners; be able to facilitate good consultation; ability to establish productive networks; navigate through complex issues resolution; be self-starters; have the ability to work remotely and have a passion to improve arrangements that benefit the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers.

Knowledge and understanding of VFBV will be highly regarded but is not a pre-requisite.

Extensive travel is required and flexible work base locations will be considered for the position, with the priority focus to assign a work location within the CFA South West Region.

Flexible working arrangements, to cater for extensive evening and weekend work, will be tailored to match the needs of our volunteer membership base.

This is a full time position.

Prior to applying you should familiarise yourself with the Position description which is available at the bottom of this page.


How to apply

All applications must include:

i.     A current resume

ii.    A cover letter addressing the key selection criteria outlined in the position description (including brief samples of previous written communications/reports so we assess your writing style)


Send applications to the attention of the CEO, VFBV, 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East 3151 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Applications close Monday 10th February, 2025.


Any questions or queries regarding the application process should be directed to Cathie Smith at the VFBV Office on (03) 9886 1141 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Any interested applicants for the position are also encouraged to speak with one of our existing VFBV Support Officers and/or State Councillor’s who would be more than happy to give you an outline of the role.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025 15:50

January 2025 Newsletter

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A busy start to 2025 

By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer 

Starting a New Year is often a chance to reflect on the old and look towards the new with optimism. And while there’s nothing wrong with that of course, pragmatism calls on us to be a little more realistic with our expectations. While I still harbour eternal hope and can see the magnificent potential of what can be achieved, I am tempered by the current political realities. 

So, when setting my expectations for the year ahead, I draw from a quote of the social justice and civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr. who said: “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. If you can’t crawl, then just move inch by inch in another direction.” 

For me this demonstrates the power of continuing to put one foot in front of the other, knowing each step is another step closer as we continue our push for fair and equitable funding. 

And while we have made some great recent progress, we must stay focussed on our most pressing challenges such as the inequitable CFA budget, ageing CFA fleet and fixing the ridiculous secondment arrangements that are holding us back. While the recent truck funding is a great start – it is still only about a quarter of what we need to start making a dent in the fleet that has been long neglected. With more than 700 single cab tankers and ageing trucks, it will take some serious investment to catch up. 

The hope of purposeful changes with a new Premier and new cabinet have not materialised. Perhaps expecting great courage from today’s political leaders was too much to hope. But as I have said all along, they will either be part of the solution or consigned to history as part of the problem. 

VFBV continues to draw attention to the complete inequity of CFA’s budget, and the government’s prolonged attack on CFA’s resourcing and support. We have continued to track the government’s investments in CFA over the last five years, and have found despite increased costs and high inflation, government has invested less and less in CFA’s base funding year after year. 

Lining up the last five CFA annual reports clearly shows the drop in government grants towards CFA funding over successive years, despite what government’s media releases state. In 2020, prior to the government’s fire services reforms, the total income to CFA from government grants was $807 million. Following reform, the total in 2021 was cut to $351M, a drop of more than $455M. Now let’s put the last five audited financial statements side by side: 

2019/20: $807M
2020/21: $351M 
2021/22: $347M 
2022/23: $341M 
2023/24: $339M

The current financial year as tabled by the Minister at the public accounts and estimates committee is $337M. Note the little comment denoted with an * in the tabled document stating this figure is inclusive of the money given to the Department and EMV.

The trend and pattern are unmistakable. At a time when fire seasons are getting longer, more intense and high-risk days are becoming more frequent – the government is actually defunding CFA and investing less and less. This is like reducing your insurance as the rate of theft increases. In the most fire prone place on earth – it’s just madness. 

And those figures are just the headline figures. What is hidden is the murky smoke and mirror games that are being played by pretending to invest in CFA, while in fact they are diverting those funds to other agencies or government bodies. 

Further analysis has revealed the tens of millions of dollars being siphoned from CFA’s budget to be diverted to public service bodies and departments, effectively representing a further cut to CFA’s budget. Each year, the Department of Justice and Community Safety withhold a portion of CFA’s budget for its own purposes. Back in 2014, this amounted to just $10M. 

However, in recent years the amount being siphoned away has sharply increased, masking the real cuts being made to CFA’s base funding. For example, the amounts withheld over the past four years alone is: 

2021/22: $27.6M 
2022/23: $34.9M 
2023/24: $46.2M 
2024/25: $67.3M 

When these figures were first revealed, department officials issued blanket denials, and then ultimately settled on a statement that stated that “every dollar of these quarantined amounts is spent on CFA – directly benefiting the CFA and its volunteers.” The statement then went on to claim that really this was just an efficiency arrangement where one government department paid the bill for equipment delivered to CFA for things like radios. 

Far from “every dollar” being spent on CFA, a VFBV freedom of information request into the last five years of these withheld grants uncovers explicit detail that refutes this assertion. 

For example, over the last five years funding sent to EMV separate to the operational communications program reached $12M a year. Funding was also diverted for example to the “Inspector General Emergency Management Services” which reached $1.8M last year. These are just two examples of this funding directly funding public service bureaucracies and is a far stretch from paying for vital CFA “equipment”. 

Which leads us to the Fire Services Property Levy. To be clear, Section 76 of the CFA Act stipulates that Government contributions to CFA are to be sourced from 22.5% from consolidated revenue, and 77.5% from the fire services property levy. No one disputes this is the funding formulae, but it has been thrown up to try and confuse people how much of the total levies collected are actually going towards funding CFA. 

On two separate occasions, Treasurer Tim Pallas has confirmed to Parliament that only 25% of the total collected fire services levy revenue actually go towards CFA, with the remaining 75% going to FRV. The Treasurer confirmed this figure to questions on notice on the 22nd August, and again on the 19th September 2024. 

The reason this is such a big deal is due to how the levies are aggregated across the different property types. One must remember that prior to its reforms, it was the Andrews Government that altered the Fire Service Property Levy in 2020 and dropped the differential rates. Under the old system, an area covered by CFA would pay the levy required to fund CFA, and the areas covered by FRV paid the contribution to FRV. Thus, after reform, when CFA’s budget was slashed by $455 million – these savings would have been directly passed onto all residents residing in a CFA area through a reduced levy. Under the new system however, FRV’s huge cash injections relies on people in CFA areas to send 75% of their levy funds to fund FRV. 

This effectively means rural areas are cross subsidising the cost over runs of FRV. These were the cost overruns our own Emergency Services Minister the late Hon. Jane Garrett passionately warned about and resigned over. Despite only operating 85 fire stations across Victoria, funding required to fund FRV last year reached a record $1.07 billion. It probably does not make much of a difference to a resident sitting in Melbourne who pays just $204 a year under the current levy. However, it makes a huge difference to a primary producer who is paying an average of $2,500 a year in levies, for a service many of them volunteer to provide in the first place. This is set to increase to almost $7,000 under the new hikes just announced. These are the people growing our food! For farmers to be paying thousands in levies, with only 25% of those funds actually going to the service that protects them is the modern equivalent of highway robbery. 

All the while they house some of the oldest trucks in the nation. For regional and rural residents to be cross subsiding city services is just grossly inequitable and is a slap in the face to regional communities. And for property owners to be slapped with another tax increase during a cost of living crisis just compounds the problem. 

Just weeks ago, the Government announced another hike and that the Fire Services Property Levy will be rebadged to be called the “Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund.” The new levy will not only fund CFA and FRV, but for the first time will also fund VicSES, Triple Zero Victoria, the State Control Centre, EMV, Emergency Recovery Victoria and Forest Fire Management Victoria. 

The new levy will increase from $1.033 billion this financial year to $1.649 billion in the next financial year. So, from this extra $600+ million, how much do volunteers stand to get in extra funding you ask? 

The Budget update papers released by the Treasurer on 13th December, provided a cold answer. Of the additional revenue to be collected, only $50 million was set aside in output initiatives for “Supporting our emergency services and volunteers”. This equates to just 8% of the increased revenue. The exemption for SES and CFA volunteers has been costed at $6M per year, and the budget papers assume will not even be in place until 2026. This $6M exemption is put into stark reality when you consider there are already $31M of other exemptions in place for existing pensioners, single farm enterprises and veteran gold card holders. 

So why does the new name refer to it as a Volunteer Fund? 

Well one can only assume it is the same cynical ploy that named the controversial reforms as the “Firefighters’ Presumptive Rights Compensation and Fire Services Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2019.” Just as this name traded on sick firefighters to hide its true intent, the name of the new property levy now seeks to trade on the good name of volunteers, hoping the public swallow a massive tax hike. 

VFBV will be opposing volunteers being slighted by tying the name of the new levy to volunteers’ good name. As a member said to me recently, its like they pat us on the head with one hand and poke us in the eye with the other. 

We are also expecting further consultation on the proposed exemption, that will exempt a volunteer’s primary residence. Given the broad diversity of views that is likely to be among volunteers, we are demanding that sufficient time be provided that will allow genuine consultation on how the exemption will work. Government has confirmed from the outset that the exemption will be optional, so volunteers may choose whether to apply or not. We do not yet have any information on how renters may be treated, or the other details of how the exemption would work. We will engage broadly and seek your views as soon as preliminary details are known. 

With a busy year ahead, and an even busier one predicted on our fire grounds over summer, we will need to look out for one another. For those called away during the Christmas and New Year break – thank-you. For the partners and loved ones who filled the gaps your absences made at home – we give our sincere thanks also. Stay safe, and please look after yourselves and one another. 

Vol Survey

The 2024-25 annual VFBV Volunteer Survey is open.

The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, using questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers. All responses are confidential and de-identified results go straight to decision makers. By taking part in the survey you help us make a difference in CFA.

The survey measures volunteer opinions on what is important to them and how well CFA is performing according to what they are experiencing.

The gap between the measurement of importance and performance is referred to as the Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Level (VolWEL) outcome. This measure helps to identify volunteer dissatisfaction and where priority attention should be directed by CFA and Government.

Scan the QR code below or visit the VFBV website to take part in the survey today.

Paper copies of the survey are also available by calling the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.



SOP Feedback

VFBV encourages all senior volunteers to make themselves familiar with the proposed changes and provide feedback ASAP.

Please visit the VFBV website to access drafts and change logs to help guide your feedback.


2025 State Championships

A reminder that entries are now open for the 2025 State Championships to be held in Mooroopna in March. All entries and judge and official nominations will close on Sunday 16 February 2025.

For the 2025 Championships VFBV has waived the entry fees for all competing teams in an effort to encourage more brigades to enter a team in any of the four championships.

To enter your brigade or team or nominate as a judge and official for the 2025 State Championships visit the VFBV website.

The 2025 Championships will begin with the Urban Junior Championship on the weekend of 22 and 23 March with the Rural Junior and Senior Championships and the Urban Senior Championship taking place on 29 and 30 March.

The popular Torchlight Procession will also take place on Saturday 29 March in Mooroopna. Entry in the Torchlight Procession is open to brigades taking part in the Championships as well as brigades who are not competing at the State Championships. If your brigade is interested in taking part in the Torchlight Procession please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register your interest.

For more information about the 2025 State Championships including updated rule books for both the rural and urban championships, details of local competitions being held across the state and links to nominate as a judge or official for any of the Championships visit the VFBV website or contact the VFBV office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (03) 9886 1141.


CFA Board Applications

VFBV has commenced our broad advertising for volunteers who may be interested in being nominated to the CFA Board as a volunteer nominee. Two positions on the CFA Board are due to expire in June of this year, and members are requested to start thinking about potential applicants.

Application and selection details are available from the VFBV website.

Applications close on Monday 3 March 2025.


New Minister
On the 19th December, the Premier announced changes to her Cabinet. With the Hon. Jaclyn Symes MP taking on the role of Treasurer, the Emergency Services portfolio has been transferred to the Hon. Vicki Ward MP, who will also be Minister for Natural Disaster Recovery and Minister of Equality.

Minister Ward has been the elected member for Eltham since November 2014. VFBV welcomes Minister Ward to the Emergency Services sector and looks forward to working with her to ensure CFA remains a strong and sustainable volunteer fire service well into the future.


Fire Wise – January 2025 online only edition

The January 2025 edition of Fire Wise has been published online only, this edition and past editions are available from the Fire Wise website.

You can support Fire Wise and the role it plays as an independent voice in keeping volunteers informed by becoming a subscriber. To become a subscriber visit the Fire Wise website or contact the Managing Editor of Fire Wise, Gordon Rippon-King either by phone 0402 051 412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    


Recent articles on the VFBV website
Now Open - 2024-25 VFBV Volunteer Survey

CFA Board – Invitation to Apply

Consultation Dashboard

VFBV Statement – Explosive Independent Fire Services Monitor Findings

2025 State Championships Entries Open

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

SOP Feedback – Electrical Safety

Presumptive Legislation Update


Enjoy the VFBV monthly newsletter?
If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.


Want to read the VFBV 2-minute briefings from the CFA/VFBV Joint Committees?
The latest edition along with previous editions can be downloaded from the VFBV website here.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024 16:56

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Written by

On behalf of everyone at VFBV, we wish all members, friends and supporters a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

With fire activity in the landscape, and more expected as we approach another spike day on Boxing Day, we are thinking of everyone who will be called away over the Christmas and New year period, and all those communities impacted by fire over the holiday period.

CFA volunteers work tirelessly to support and protect their communities 24/7. They will be giving up precious time with their families and loved ones to ensure their communities remain protected. We take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our CFA Volunteers for the tremendous work they do in protecting our communities.

To all our volunteer firefighter's on the front line, and to the thousands of others who support in our communities or behind the scenes, well done and thank-you for your incredible contribution year after year.

This year, CFA volunteers have not only protected Victoria from fire, but they have worked tirelessly to support our colleagues and friends with VICSES. This is CFA's volunteer surge capacity in action and its protection is critical for the safety of all Victorian's.

To the families, employers and supporters of CFA volunteers we say thank you. Your support is crucial to the work our members do in protecting Victorian communities from fire and building safe and resilient communities, 365 days of the year.

May everyone have a Safe and Happy Christmas.

Stay safe over the holiday season, and please look out for one another.

Wednesday, 04 December 2024 16:16

December 2024 Newsletter

Written by

Truth and consequence 
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer 

On 28 November, the Fire Services Implementation Monitor’s (FSIM) Annual Report was tabled in Parliament. The FSIM was established as an independent entity in 2020 under section 122 of the Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) Act to provide assurance to government and the community on progress on the government’s fire service reforms.

In his fourth Annual Report, the monitor - the Hon. Niall Blair – provides a thorough assessment of progress against the government’s implementation plan. Findings two, three and four are particularly damning and deal with the long standing systemic issues within FRV’s complex consultation and industrial arena, the impacts this has on all joint interoperability initiatives between CFA and FRV, and the devastating impact of the secondment arrangements that have resulted in the CFA Chief Officer’s inability to manage his seconded workforce and the resulting long-term vacancies.

In slamming the secondment arrangements, the monitor concludes that in his opinion and the unanimous opinion of senior leaders of both CFA and FRV, that the arrangements are not working, have not worked for quite some time and in fact will never work.

And while these findings do not come as a surprise to VFBV which has been the canary in the coalmine about these issues for years, these findings from an independent monitor herald a crossroads for the Victorian Government.

Under the secondment agreement, FRV is contractually required to supply CFA with 45 Assistant Chief Fire Officers, and 96 Commanders. As you know, these are key positions and are critical to CFA’s ability to perform its role. They also make up the overwhelming majority of the Chief Officer’s paid workforce and chain of command.

The monitor has reported that on average in any given week there are at least 17 senior vacancies amongst the Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Commander pools each week. He also finds that at its worst, there can be up to 33 vacancies in a week, accounting for more than 20% of CFA’s paid operational workforce.

Confirmation of widespread gaps and vacancies comes as very little surprise to many brigades which have been consistently and frequently reporting these shortages and gaps of support that they are now routinely having to deal with.

One of the largest impacts on volunteers has been the cascading flow-on effects from these vacancies that has created significant churn and upheaval across the ACFO and Commander pool. Brigades have told us that some districts have cycled through up to eight different ACFOs in a single calendar year. Do not underestimate the disruption and havoc this plays across an entire District, and the damage done to relationships and business continuity.

These are alarming figures as we head into Victoria’s fire danger period. When discussing these arrangements, I urge members to clearly separate criticisms of the secondment arrangements from the people.

I want to make it very clear that our attacks on the secondment arrangements are in no way a reflection on the secondees themselves. Rather, they are a reflection on the misguided arrangements that set our secondees up to fail in the first place.

We absolutely respect and support each of the individual secondees loaned from FRV to CFA, and have great empathy for the impossible position they are often put in requiring them to straddle two significantly different organisational cultures, two entirely separate chains of command, and unacceptably high vacancy rates from unfilled positions which pushes these brave men and women to exhaustion as they try to cover empty positions while trying to protect themselves from burnout. We back our secondees and support them, and demand that they be treated better.

Under the arrangements, the CFA Chief Officer is forced to rely on 94% of his operational chain of command to be seconded from a different organisation. In fact, the Chief is left with only nine Deputy Chief Officers reporting directly to him, with all the remaining 141 uniformed officers in his chain of command forced to be seconded from FRV. At times, the Chief does not even get the chance to choose which ones.

In addition, the agreement obliges FRV to provide 53 instructors, and 29 training ground supervisors. In total, FRV is contractually required to supply CFA with 223 seconded officers.

Despite being contractually obliged to fill these positions, when seconded positions are not filled, FRV pocket the savings and redirect them to funding their own cost blowouts leaving CFA completely in the lurch.

Just think that through for a minute.

FRV receives the money for 223 secondees to be supplied to CFA, but when they don’t supply up to one-fifth of those spots they get to pocket that money and apply those savings to their own business. You can’t make this stuff up.

VFBV is advocating that the full budget for its seconded workforce should be provided to CFA, which will then pay FRV for the spots it actually fills. We are then asking for any savings from unfilled spots to then be directed to CFA’s fleet budget to replacing ageing trucks.

This creates an incentive for FRV to meet its contractual obligations, but also provides CFA compensation for when it doesn’t.

Now while the monitor expertly documents the repeated instances where these arrangements do not work and how they have constrained CFA’s ability to effectively manage its operational workforce, we remind members that these arrangements were never discussed or proposed by the fire services themselves. In fact, the CFA and MFB Chief Officers of the time were not even privy to the discussions and negotiations who along with volunteers - were left completely in the dark.

A 2017 Parliamentary Inquiry into the arrangements recommended the legislation not proceed and be withdrawn. The inquiry uncovered that the secondment arrangements along with other reforms were cooked up by a small group working in secret within the Department of Premier and Cabinet under then Premier Daniel Andrews and the then Deputy Premier and Emergency Services Minister James Merlino following the resignation of MP Jane Garret.

In our view, the Chief Officers and Commissioners are there to run emergency services that protect the people of Victoria. They have to make hard decisions, and put the safety of Victorians first and foremost in their minds. For a government to tie the hands of these officers behind their backs represents a complete dereliction of duty and a failure to govern for all.

The monitor also documents the long-standing systemic issue of the operation of the “consult and agree” arrangements within FRV that act as a significant barrier to progressing actions jointly led by CFA and FRV. He reports on the significant delays and the result of no clear pathways for resolution.

Again, it is our view that the blame for these arrangements lies squarely with the Victorian Government for agreeing to these arrangements in the first place. These arrangements are unprecedented, and no other Australian State or Territory government has ever transferred management control of an emergency service to a third party.

It is a complete travesty for a government to shirk its responsibilities to the people of Victoria by implementing completely unworkable arrangements that have been proven to be intractable and unworkable for decades. And it’s not as if they weren’t warned. Judge Gordon Lewis first reported on these problems back in 2008, a whole six years before the Andrews Government was even elected, warning how these processes can be abused and lead to the complete deterioration and paralysis of decision making. Findings the independent monitor has echoed today, some 16 years later.

Enough is enough, and VFBV is calling on the Premier to intercede and commit to fixing these issues once and for all. Both Premier Allan and Minister Symes inherited these ridiculous arrangements and have diligently done their level best to make them work. But it is now time for this chapter to be closed, and we are respectfully requesting an immediate commitment to fixing it. The government must restore the CFA Chief Officer’s control of his operational workforce.

In addition, we are calling on the Victorian Government to implement immediate transparency measures that will force the public reporting of the weekly vacancies from here on in. Sunlight is the best antiseptic, and if they are serious about fixing the problem, they should be accountable for it.

VFBV will continue pursuing CFA’s deteriorating budget situation that we updated you on back in July , and the chronic underfunding of CFA’s truck fleet that is seeing 34 year old fire trucks still in service. These trucks belong in a museum, not a modern fire service that the governments reform propaganda promised.

CFA must be fully funded and supported as we head into this and every other year’s Fire Season. CFA volunteers and the Victorian public deserve no less.

The FSIM is providing government with a generous opportunity to save face and course correct. The time to do so is now, not following the next major disaster and at the business end of a resulting Royal Commission.

As I was pondering why the FSIM may not have made specific recommendations that go to the heart of the problems, I was reminded of the limited scope provided in the legislation as to his role as monitor, but also the criticisms we levelled at government around their reforms in the first place.

These arrangements were never consulted on, and never discussed within the Victorian fire services. No wonder they haven’t worked. They were doomed from the get-go because the architects failed to harness the true depth of local expertise and knowledge across our respective cohorts.

In a 2021 article for the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, former economist, public servant, adviser and minster’s minder the late Dr Peter McCawley AM opined “…handling truth needs a touch both tough and delicate. The art is to uphold the gold standard while upholding the minister, point to where the trash is buried, take the chance to confess to errors, and even hint at what good policy might look like.”

Perhaps then the monitor has provided the government a blessing in disguise.

As we see off 2024, I hope all members have an opportunity to get some rest over the festive season, and to all those on our firegrounds over summer – stay safe, and please look after yourselves and each other.


We were saddened to learn of the passing of VFBV District 23 Council Secretary Jim Buchan in November.  Jim had been the District 23 Council Secretary since 2015 and a CFA member with the Eldorado brigade for more than 37 years.

During his time, Jim held many roles including firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain, Group Secretary/Treasurer, VFBV delegate and Brigade Community Safety Coordinator.  Jim was also a key contributor to the writing of the “Make Tankers Ten” a book on the history of the Wangaratta Fire Brigades Group.

Our thoughts are with Jim’s family, friends, loved ones, the Eldorado brigade and Wangaratta Group and fellow firefighters at this sad time.


Vol Survey

The 2024-25 annual VFBV Volunteer Survey is now open.

The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, using questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers. All responses are confidential and de-identified results go straight to decision makers. By taking part in the survey you help us make a difference in CFA.

The survey measures volunteer opinions on what is important to them and how well CFA is performing according to what they are experiencing.

The gap between the measurement of importance and performance is referred to as the Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Level (VolWEL) outcome. This measure helps to identify volunteer dissatisfaction and where priority attention should be directed by CFA and Government.

Scan the QR code below or click here to take part in the survey today.

Paper copies of the survey are also available by calling the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141


State Championships

Entries as well as nominations for judges and officials have opened for the 2025 State Championships to be held in Mooroopna.

The State Urban Junior Championship will take place on the weekend of 22 and 23 March 2025, followed by the State Rural Junior and Senior Championships and the State Urban Senior Championship on the 29 and 30 March 2025. All entries and nominations will be collected online again this year with details available on the VFBV website.

Information for competing teams including links to request entry forms for the championships, judge and official nomination forms, and information relating to each championship from the rural and urban competition committees is on the VFBV website.

The VFBV website also has updated rule books for both championships and a list of competitions to be held around the state in the lead up to the State Championship for both rural and urban competitions.

The popular Torchlight Procession will again form part of the second weekend of competition, taking place on Saturday 29 March in Mooroopna. Participation in the Torchlight Procession is open to all brigades, even if your brigade isn’t taking in the championships that weekend.

Entries as well as judge and official nominations will close on Sunday 16th February 2025. If you have any queries relating to the state championships or need assistance during the registration process please contact the VFBV Office on (03) 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Op Ed: Funding up in smoke 
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer

First published in The Weekly Times 4 December 2024

Just weeks ago, smoke haze over much of Victoria reminded Victorians that the fire season has arrived. Firefighters are busy reminding the public that fire safety is a shared responsibility, and households must act now to prepare their properties. Common sense for people who live in one of the world’s most fire prone areas.

What is not common sense, is the cut and run financial mismanagement of CFA’s funding, as the State Government shirks its responsibility to invest in the very fire service that will ask volunteer firefighters to stand shoulder to shoulder against whatever Mother Nature throws at us this season.

Without this investment, these brave men and women will be forced to use 34-year-old fire trucks, housed in aging stations that won’t even fit a new truck should they be lucky enough to receive one. 

The 2023/24 CFA annual report has revealed the blow torch being applied to Victoria’s volunteer fire service. A record $67 million, or 20% of total State Government funding to CFA in the last financial year was secretly funnelled away by the Department of Justice and Community Safety to fund its army of public servants who will never hold a hose or ride on the back of an old fire truck.

That money could have replaced 206 light tankers or 138 medium tankers – the work horses of CFA’s fleet.

To add insult to injury, after hiking its Fire Service Property levy to collect an additional $186 million this year, Treasury has admitted that only 25% of the levy goes towards CFA, effectively meaning regional Victorian’s are funding FRV’s cost blowouts.

The only commitment from the extra revenue was to build just 15 new pumpers over the next three years. Cold comfort for a fleet that contains more than 218. And nothing compared to the 1,970 tankers that will require replacing and did not receive a single extra cent.

There isn’t a police levy, a hospital levy or a school levy. CFA volunteers wonder why even with a fire levy they are left out in the cold. They are being left to largely fund CFA themselves through the billion dollars of value they donate each year through their free labour and the millions more raised through their fundraising.

The fourth Annual Report from the government’s independent Fire Services Implementation Monitor also landed with a thud last week, revealing that despite FRV’s record funding – it has failed to provide the CFA Chief Officer with 20% of the senior officers that they are contractually required to provide under the controversial secondment arrangements foisted on CFA under the government’s reforms.

CFA volunteers do not raise these concerns for their own sake, but rather on behalf of the public who will rely on these services when disaster next strikes. The devasting Black Saturday fires were only 15 years ago, but it appears the government have learned nothing.

While CFA’s volunteers are highly professional, expertly trained and sought after right across the country– they can only do so much with what they are being given. They will continue doing everything in their power to protect Victorian’s this summer, but you need to know - the odds are firmly being stacked against them.


SOP Feedback

VFBV encourages all senior volunteers to make themselves familiar with the proposed changes and provide feedback ASAP.

Please visit the VFBV website to access drafts and change logs to help guide your feedback.


International Volunteer Day

In 2024, International Volunteer Day is highlighting the vital role volunteers play in addressing the world’s challenges.

International Volunteer Day is held annually on 5 December and is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly as a unique chance for volunteers and organisations to celebrate the efforts of volunteers and promote the work of volunteers in their communities. The day was established in 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly, and is mandated as an international observance to be celebrated each year.

This year’s campaign is recognising that in every corner of the world, volunteers are usually the first to respond when required and they rise to meet challenges with courage dedication and selflessness which sums up CFA volunteers perfectly. Each day we see CFA volunteers going above and beyond to ensure that their local communities and communities right across Victoria and Australia are safe and protected from fire and other emergencies.

The 3V’s project conducted by the previous Volunteer Consultative Forum conservatively estimated that emergency management volunteers contribute between $1.9 and $2.5 billion to Victoria each and every year across all volunteer emergency service agencies.

On behalf of VFBV, thankyou to all our amazing CFA volunteers for the work you do each and every day keeping Victorian’s safe.


CFA Board Applications
VFBV will shortly be commencing our broad advertising for volunteers who may be interested in being nominated to the CFA Board as a volunteer nominee.

Two positions on the CFA Board are due to expire in June of next year, and members are requested to start thinking about potential applicants, application and selection detail.

Application and selection details will be advertised shortly.


Quarterly Supplement

Included with the December 2024 edition of Fire Wise is the latest edition of the VFBV Quarterly Supplement.

The Quarterly Supplement contains 16 pages of relevant news, updates, information on current issues being pursued by VFBV on behalf of members. It also includes additional resources or updates that are available via our website.

An electronic copy of the Quarterly Supplement can be downloaded here.

Brigade Captains and Secretaries, Group Officers and Group Secretaries as well as VFBV delegates are requested to please take the time to read this and future editions, and table at your upcoming meetings for the benefit and knowledge of your members.


Please update records with Fire Wise
Newly elected Group Officers, Group Secretaries, Brigade Captains and Brigades Secretaries are asked to update their physical and email addresses with Fire Wise as soon as possible so future editions, both printed and electronic, can be forwarded to the correct person, at the correct address.

If the September edition of Fire Wise has gone to previous officers please advise by email or telephone of the name, physical and email address details of the new officer in your place so our database can be updated.

Existing Group Officers, Group Secretaries, Brigade Captains and Brigade Secretaries are requested to provide their email address, if they haven’t already done so, to enable future electronic editions to be forwarded.

VFBV District Presidents, District Secretaries and State Councillors, as well as all brigade and individual subscribers, are requested to send their email address if not already receiving digital editions.

Please include the Group or Brigade you belong to and the office held, and forward this information to Fire Wise by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on 0402 051 412.

A complimentary copy of Fire Wise, courtesy of VFBV, is sent to each of these officers monthly.

Eight editions per annum are electronic (January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November) and the other four (March, June, September and December) are printed. The printed editions include the VFBV Quarterly Supplement.

Your email addresses will only be used to forward electronic editions.

Your assistance is appreciated in helping us get Fire Wise to the intended people in the quickest amount of time.


Research study on support needs following suicide loss in emergency services
Military and Emergency Services Health Australia (MESHA), a charity of The Hospital Research Foundation Group (THRFG), is conducting a study examining the support needs of those impacted by the suicide death of an emergency service member.  

They are inviting family members, co-workers, healthcare professionals, and service providers to participate by sharing their perspectives and experiences through a survey and optional interview.  MESHA are wanting to hear anyone with experience in accessing support following the suicide death of a police officer, firefighter, paramedic, correctional officer and other first responder, whether they were employed full-time, part-time or a volunteer.

For more information or to participate in the study please visit the MESHA website.


Recent articles on the VFBV website
Consultation Dashboard

Now Open - 2024-25 VFBV Volunteer Survey

VFBV Statement – Explosive Independent Fire Services Monitor Findings

Position Vacant - VFBV Support Officer (North East)

SOP Feedback – Electrical Safety

2025 State Championships Entries Open

Presumptive Legislation Update


Enjoy the VFBV monthly newsletter?
If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.


Want to read the VFBV 2-minute briefings from the CFA/VFBV Joint Committees?
The latest edition along with previous editions can be downloaded from the VFBV website here.

Monday, 02 December 2024 15:40

2025 State Championships - Entries Now Open

Written by

Entries have opened for the 2025 State Championships, as with previous years entries and judge and official nominations for all State Championships will be collected online.

The 2025 State Championship dates are:

State Urban Junior Championship            Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March 2025

State Urban Senior Championship            Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March 2025

State Rural Senior Championship             Saturday 29th March 2025

State Rural Junior Championship             Sunday 30th March 2025


Entries for all State Championships close on Sunday 16th February 2025. Please note that it is unlikely that late entries will be accepted.


New Member Registrations

Brigades should commence the new member registration process ASAP to enable them to be registered to compete in both local competitions and the State Championships. 

 The new member registration process via the Volunteer Recruitment Hub takes longer than the old processes and needs to be stated well in advance of the Championships to ensure that members are registered before competing.

VFBV has no control over this process and CFA will not authorise competitors who have not completed this to compete at the State Championships. To register a new member please visit https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/volunteers-careers/volunteer-with-cfa/apply-to-volunteer 



State Rural Championships - Junior & Senior

Team Entries and Registration

The brigade member responsible for completing their team’s entry should complete this form: https://tinyurl.com/2025-entry-eoi  

A link to the entry form will then be sent to you (please note that this is not sent automatically and therefore should be requested sooner rather than later). Entry forms need to be completed by Sunday 16th February 2025

The entry form should only be requested by the member responsible for completing the team’s entry.


Judge and Officials Nominations

All Judges and Officials nominations are to be submitted here: https://tinyurl.com/2025-rural-judge  

Please note that you do not need to register as an official for the Rural State Championships if you are nominating to be part of the make up crews, this information is collected via the Team entry forms.


Information for Completing Brigades

A memo with information for competing brigades can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. It includes information on the updated rule book, local competition dates, outstanding female team award and information about the Torchlight Procession which will once again be held at the 2025 State Championships on Saturday evening.


Updated Rule Book

The State Competition Committee have approved changes to the Rule Book at their October 2024 meeting. The updates approved by the Committee include the inclusion of a new disqualification relating to commencing the ascent of the ladder above the second rung and the inclusion of new diagrams.

The Committee have also agreed to new changes on how the Champion Team is calculated at the Junior Championship. The Champion Brigade will be determined by adding together the brigade’s highest placing teams in both age groups regardless of their letter designation.

A copy of the updated rule book can be downloaded from the VFBV website here.

Printed copies of the rule book are available from the VFBV office if required.


State Urban Championships - Junior & Senior

Team entries

The brigade member responsible for completing their team’s entry should complete this form: https://tinyurl.com/2025-entry-eoi  

A link to the entry form will then be sent to you (please note that this is not sent automatically and therefore should be requested sooner rather than later). The entry forms need to be completed by Sunday 16th February 2025

The entry form should only be requested by the member responsible for completing the team’s entry.


Judge and Official Nominations

All Judges and Officials nominations are to be submitted here: https://tinyurl.com/2025-urban-judge 


Information for Competing Brigades

The December 2024 Memo from the Competition and Rules Committee to Competing Brigades and Competition Associations can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. The Memo includes the rule book updates, local competition dates and reminders about borrowing for the female aggregate events.  


Rule Book

The updated rule book can be downloaded from the VFBV website the 2024 changes include specifying the minimum number of competitors required to enter 2 teams in A Section at the Senior Championship. 


Queries and Assistance with Entries and Judge/Official Nominations

If you have any problems accessing the online forms, please contact either the VFBV office via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 03 9886 1141 or Jen at CFA via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0448 459 132.

Please note if you have query, there will be limited response over the Christmas/New Year period however you will receive a response as soon as possible after this time.

The independent Fire Services Implementation Monitor (FSIM) has slammed the secondment arrangements and concluded that in his opinion and the unanimous opinion of senior leaders of the fire services (CFA & FRV) that the arrangements are not working, have not worked for quite some time and in fact will never work.

And while these findings do not come as a surprise to VFBV who has been the canary in the coalmine about these issues for years, these findings from an independent monitor herald a crossroads for the Victorian Government. An opportunity to make right.

Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) are contractually required to supply CFA with 45 Assistant Chief Fire Officers, and 96 Commanders. These are key positions and are critical to CFA’s ability to perform its role and respond to fire and emergencies in one of the world’s most fire prone area’s.

The independent monitor reports on average in any given week there are at least 17 senior vacancies amongst the Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Commander pool each week. The monitor also finds that at its worst, there can be more than 33 vacancies in a week, accounting for more than 20% of CFA’s paid operational workforce. These figures are supported by volunteer brigades who frequently report to us the shortages and gaps of support they are now routinely having to deal with.

These are alarming figures as we head into Victoria’s fire danger period.

VFBV wish to make clear that our attacks on the secondment arrangements are in no way a reflection on the secondees themselves, but rather a reflection on the misguided arrangements that set them up to fail in the first place. We respect and support each of the individual secondees loaned from FRV to CFA, and have great empathy for the impossible position they are often put in requiring them to straddle two significantly different organisational cultures, two entirely separate chains of command, and unacceptably high vacancy rates from unfilled positions which pushes these brave men and women to exhaustion as they try to cover empty positions while trying to protect themselves from burnout. CFA volunteers support them, and demand that they be treated better.

The CFA Chief Officer is forced to rely on 94% of his operational chain of command to be seconded from a different organisation. In fact, the Chief Officer is left with only 9 Deputy Chief Officers directly reporting to him, with all the remaining 141 uniformed officers in his chain of command forced to be seconded from FRV. The Chief does not even get the chance to choose which ones.

The monitor has reported repeated instances where these arrangements do not work and have constrained CFA’s ability to effectively manage secondees and address the vacancy and non-relief of the seconded positions.

Despite being contractually obliged to fill these positions, when seconded positions are not filled, FRV pocket the savings and redirect them to funding their own cost blowouts leaving CFA completely in the lurch. This is totally unacceptable.

VFBV reminds members that these arrangements were never discussed or proposed by the fire services themselves. In fact, the CFA and MFB Chief Officers of the time were not even privy to the discussions and negotiations who along with volunteers - were left completely in the dark.

A 2017 Parliamentary Inquiry into the arrangements recommended the legislation not proceed and be withdrawn. The inquiry uncovered that the secondment arrangements along with other reforms were cooked up by a small group working in secret within the Department of Premier and Cabinet under Premier Daniel Andrews and the then Deputy Premier and Emergency Services Minister James Merlino following the resignation of MP Jane Garret.

In VFBV’s view, the Chief Officer’s and Commissioner’s are there to run emergency services that protect the people of Victoria. They have to make hard decisions, and put the safety of Victorians first and foremost in their minds. For a government to tie the hands of these officers behind their backs represents a complete dereliction of duty and a failure to govern for all.

The monitor documents the long-standing systemic issue of the operation of the “consult and agree” arrangements within FRV that act as a significant barrier to progressing actions jointly led by CFA and FRV. He reports on the significant delays and the result of no clear pathways for resolution.

It is VFBV’s view that the blame for these arrangements lies squarely with the Victorian Government for agreeing to them in the first place. These arrangements are unprecedented, and no other Australian State or Territory government have ever transferred control of an emergency service to a third party.

It is a complete travesty for a government to shirk its responsibilities to the people of Victoria by implementing completely unworkable arrangements that have been proven to be intractable and unworkable for decades. Judge Gordon Lewis first reported on these problems back in 2008, a whole 6 years before the Andrew’s Government was even elected, warning them of how these processes can be abused and lead to the complete deterioration and paralysis of decision making. Findings the independent monitor has echoed today.

VFBV is calling on the Premier to intercede and commit to fixing these issues once and for all.

Both Premier Allan and Minister Symes inherited these ridiculous arrangements and have diligently done their level best to make them work. But it is now time for this chapter to be called to an end, and we respectfully request an immediate commitment to fixing it. The government must restore the CFA Chief Officer’s control of his operational workforce.

In addition, we call on the Victorian Government to implement immediate transparency measures that will force the public reporting of the weekly vacancies from here on in, and immediately commit to directing any weekly FRV budget savings from the unfilled positions to be diverted back to CFA’s truck funding in order to prioritise the replacement of CFA’s 30+ year fire trucks.

CFA must be fully funded and supported as we head into this year’s Fire Season. CFA volunteers and the Victorian public deserve no less.


A PDF version of the above statement can be downloaded from the bottom of this page along with a copy of the Fire Services Implementation Monitor Year 4 Annual Report 2023-24 and the Judge Gordon Lewis Report

About VFBV: VFBV is established under the Country Fire Authority Act and is the peak body for CFA Volunteers in Victoria. VFBV works tirelessly to represent, advocate and support CFA volunteers to the CFA Board and management, governments, ministers, members of parliament, councils, instrumentalities, business and the public. Our vision is for Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria.


Media: Quotes may be attributed to VFBV CEO, Adam Barnett on behalf of Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria  


Friday, 08 November 2024 14:58

November 2024 Newsletter

Written by

Cancer Support  
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer 

This month I wish to shine a light on work that largely goes unseen and unrecognised, but that none the less makes a really big difference to those who need to avail themselves of this support from VFBV. A little like insurance, people often do not realise how important this support is until they need it the most. And while we hope no-one will ever need it, the sad reality is some of our members will be diagnosed with cancer, thought to be a direct result of their cumulative exposures over the years as a volunteer firefighter.

Victorian law currently recognises 15 presumptive cancers that have been scientifically proven to be associated with the carcinogens and toxins that firefighters are exposed to when fighting fires. VFBV continues to advocate for the expansion of the scheme. Other jurisdiction have revised their schemes with updated medical evidence and added additional cancers. QLD for example cover 22 cancers, while Tasmania covers 21. You will find a comparison table of all Australian States and Territories on our website.

The Victorian legislation covers CFA volunteer firefighters, FRV career firefighters, Forest firefighters employed by FFMVic and fire agency vehicle and equipment maintenance employees.

Under the presumptive scheme, a firefighter is generally not required to prove the cancer was caused by their firefighting provided it is one of the 15 cancers listed under the legislation and that the minimum eligibility/qualifying requirement is met for the specific cancer. The qualifying period (years of service as a firefighter) ranges from 5 years to 25 years depending on the type of cancer.

It is called a rebuttable presumption, meaning that while the firefighter is not required to prove the cancer was caused by their firefighting and therefore it is presumed, the insurer is allowed to rebut that presumption and pursue an alternate cause, however the onus is shifted to the insurer to have to prove what they think the other causes are.

However, the Victorian legislation contains a quirk that is not found in the majority of other Australian state and territory presumptive schemes. Under the Victorian legislation, the presumption only applies if the “injury” (which is usually the date of diagnosis for cancer) occurs during the period you are considered a firefighter, or within 10 years after you cease to serve as a firefighter.

As members would recall, presumptive rights compensation was very hard fought for over a long period of time by both career and volunteer firefighters. The Victorian legislation was controversial in the sense that it was tied to other controversial reforms to the fire services that had nothing to do with presumptive rights, but also because it created an additional hoop that Victorian volunteer firefighters need to progress through before their claim is even considered, which does not exist in any other State or Territory.

This extra hoop is by way of a special “Advisory Committee” which is established by the Minister - whose purpose is to provide an ‘expert opinion’ on whether a volunteer firefighter has attended fires to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes of service as a firefighter under the presumptive legislation.

And while VFBV and other parties raised serious concerns around this element of the legislation pointing to the fact that no other State or Territory uses this approach - the government at the time refused all requests for amendment.

For these reasons, VFBV has been monitoring very closely each case that has progressed through the presumptive rights scheme to understand the impact of the advisory committee and whether it was having any negative impacts or unintended consequences.

Earlier this year, a volunteer was in fact rejected from presumptive rights based on the opinion of the advisory panel that they had not attended fires to the extent ‘reasonably necessary’.

What made this case unique, was the advisory panel had interpreted the requirement for the date of diagnosis to fall within 10 years of their ‘firefighting’ service as a minimum eligibility requirement, and since, in the opinion of the committee, that this member was now in a ‘non operational’ role and CFA had not recorded any attendance to a fire in the last 10 years that they no longer qualified.

What made this decision so shocking, was the fact that CFA’s records were incomplete, none of his recent turnouts were recorded because he had been incorrectly classified in RMS as non-operational, and this supposed ‘non-operation’ role routinely was deployed to the fireground. Even worse, this was a highly decorated firefighter, with close to 50 years of service, and who had attended hundreds if not thousands of incidents over their lifetime including extensive deployments during Black Saturday and Ash Wednesday. The very person presumptive rights was expected to cover.

This new inappropriate interpretation of the 10-year requirement to a current serving member is further highlighted when you consider the minimum qualifying periods for some of the cancers. For example, primary site oesophageal cancer requires a qualifying period of 25 years. Under this new interpretation, despite a current volunteer having met the 25 year requirement attending fires, if they hadn’t been to what the advisory committee determine to be a sufficient number in the volunteer’s last 10 years of service (for example years 25 – 35 of their service) despite attending thousands of fires prior - then this member’s entire service history could be ignored.

All this despite cancer not magically appearing on an exact timeline. For the scheme to assume it does is deeply flawed, and we believe tying the sunset clause with the attendance criteria is an unintended consequence of the construction of the legislation which simply added volunteers to the scheme as an afterthought. To think a long serving firefighter could be excluded from a system simply based on their last 10 years in a lifetime of service is just plain wrong.

We do not believe this was the intent of the 10-year ‘sunsetting’ period. And while we didn’t agree with it existing in the first place, it was always described to us as meaning the presumption would end 10 years after a firefighter left the service or retired. But to think it being used to exclude a current serving volunteer with decades of service to their community is very distressing. This magical 10-year period does not apply in most other State’s or Territories either.

Fortunately, in this case, we were able to demonstrate significant errors which allowed for this member’s case to be reevaluated. However, this and other recent cases have highlighted some recurring issues that are now forming a pattern, and that we are now seeking to educate members on.

For example, the accuracy of CFA’s service records and incident attendance continues to be a significant barrier. As a result, we highly recommend that members request their records from CFA before they submit a claim, to ensure you have the time to correct those records and fill in any gaps.

CFA will also not supply any other records from other services. So if you have service history with another fire service, either within Victoria or elsewhere, it is important you request those records from the respective agency first, so we can help you combine them with your CFA records.

It is also important to consider any significant events that might be missing from your service history. This is where brigade records may be more accurate than those stored on RMS or FIRS, especially historical records.

My main advice for anyone who is pursuing a presumptive legislation claim is to ensure you get in touch with VFBV so we can assist you with the process. The WorkSafe process can be very daunting for a volunteer, and the various forms and paperwork can be very confusing for CFA volunteers in particular, as some sections require you to document your private employer, whereas other sections assume that CFA is the employer in terms of your firefighting.

We now have extensive experience assisting volunteers through this process and can help you with all the relevant forms and processes.

We are also engaged in constructive discussions with government on some of the issues confronting volunteers as they navigate the presumptive scheme, and I remain hopeful that common sense amendments may be considered. We’ll keep working on ensuring the system is working as intended and will keep you apprised of progress.


In mid-October, CFA announced the appointment of Greg Leach AFSM as the new CFA Chief Executive Officer. Greg is well known to VFBV from his time with CFA where he originally joined as a volunteer in 1978, before applying to be a career firefighter. Greg went on to serve in senior roles within CFA, before broadening his horizons with senior roles with Ambulance Victoria and the MFB. He recently served as Commissioner for QFES in QLD, before returning to Victoria last year where he was appointed as the CEO for SES Vic.

On behalf of volunteers and VFBV I welcome Greg home, and look forward to working closely with him and Chief Officer Heffernan over the coming years as we continue to strengthen Victoria’s most trusted and respected community fire service.

I would also like to extend my thanks and admiration for Robyn Harris who has acted as CFA’s interim CEO following the departure of Natalie MacDonald back in July. I have enjoyed working with Robyn and thank her most sincerely for her service. The interim gig is always a tough ask, but I am confident CFA has been well served under her leadership.


Vol Survey

The 2024-25 annual VFBV Volunteer Survey is now open.

The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, using questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers. All responses are confidential and de-identified results go straight to decision makers. By taking part in the survey you help us make a difference in CFA.

The survey measures volunteer opinions on what is important to them and how well CFA is performing according to what they are experiencing.

The gap between the measurement of importance and performance is referred to as the Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Level (VolWEL) outcome. This measure helps to identify volunteer dissatisfaction and where priority attention should be directed by CFA and Government.

Scan the QR code below or click here to take part in the survey today.

Paper copies of the survey are also available by calling the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.

Joint Committee EOI
We are now accepting expressions of interest from volunteers to nominate to the CFA/VFBV Joint Committee’s for the 2025 calendar year.

If you feel you can contribute and have the time, are passionate about one of the eight streams and want to be an integral part of our Joint Committee process – then please visit our website or talk to your local VFBV State Councillor or VFBV Support Officer for a nomination form.

Nominations are due 25th November 2024.

We are seeking volunteers from broad and diverse backgrounds to participate in our consultative structures. Young members, women and members of culturally diverse backgrounds are highly encouraged to nominate. We also want to attract volunteers from as broad a range of brigade types and risk profiles as possible. If you would like to learn more about what the role entails and how to get involved, please contact your local VFBV Support Officer, State Councillor or Executive Officer Mark Dryden.


SOP feedback

CFA has recently released another 17 SOP’s for volunteer feedback and consultation. Given the recent controversy, VFBV has prioritised SOP’s related to electrical safety and electrical infrastructure.

Given the importance of SOP’s in CFA’s operational doctrine, VFBV encourages all senior volunteers to make themselves familiar with the proposed changes and provide feedback ASAP.

Please visit the VFBV website to access drafts and change logs to help guide your feedback.


Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer (North East)

VFBV is seeking to appoint a VFBV Support Officer to work in regional Victoria with VFBV District Councils, Brigades and volunteers to facilitate consultation, issues resolution, delegate support and volunteer engagement.

The position is a state role, with emphasis and focus on providing support throughout CFA’s North East region (CFA Districts 12, 13, 22, 23 and 24).

This is an existing position, with the incumbent to depart shortly.  In addition to relevant skills and experience outlined in the position description, candidates will need to understand CFA and volunteerism, be good listeners; be able to facilitate good consultation; ability to establish productive networks; navigate through complex issues resolution; be self-starters; have the ability to work remotely and have a passion to improve arrangements that benefit the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers.

Extensive travel is required and flexible work base locations will be considered for the position, with the priority focus to assign a work location within the CFA North East Region.  Flexible working arrangements, to cater for extensive evening and weekend work, will be tailored to match the needs of our volunteer membership base.  This is a full time position.

Prior to applying you should familiarise yourself with the Position description which is available from the VFBV website.

Applications close on Monday 9th December 2024.   


Board Elections

Following the October AGM, the VFBV Board has held its annual elections. Samantha Collins has been re-elected State President, Howard Smith has been elected as State Vice President, and Libby Hay has been re-elected as Treasurer.

The Board also welcomed Kelvin Bateman to the Board, who was appointed following the retirement of Greg Walcott, who was presented with VFBV Life Membership at this year’s AGM.

Kelvin is Captain of Dunrobin- Nangeela Fire Brigade in District 4, and is also a Deputy Group Officer with the Casterton Group. Kelvin is passionate about improving volunteer amenities and has been a strong advocate for new trucks, fit for purpose fire stations which can house current vehicle typology and improvements to volunteer health and safety.

State Council also held elections for the two ex-officio members who are appointed by State Council for a one-year term to the Board, with Graeme Jilbert (District 18) re-elected, and Andy Cusack AFSM (District 4) elected as a State Council nominee following Howard Smith’s appointment to the Board.



The Minister for Emergency Services the Hon Jaclyn Symes has announced the successful projects for the Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) 2024/25.

VFBV would like to congratulate the 179 brigades and groups that have been successful in this round of VESEP.

CFA brigades and groups will share in $11 million dollars’ worth of co-funding for projects and initiatives from the annual grants program which helps fund much needed new and upgrades to operational equipment, vehicles and appliances and minor facility improvements for brigades and groups in every district across the state.

To any brigade or group who was unsuccessful in this year’s allocation, it is recommended you contact your District office to ascertain what improvements could be made to your application and prepare your submission early for the next round of grants.

Congratulations to all the successful brigades and groups.


Fire Wise – November 2024 online only edition

The November 2024 edition of Fire Wise has been published online only, this edition and past editions are available from the Fire Wise website.

You can support Fire Wise and the role it plays as an independent voice in keeping volunteers informed by becoming a subscriber. To become a subscriber visit the Fire Wise website or contact the Managing Editor of Fire Wise, Gordon Rippon-King either by phone 0402 051 412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    


Please update records with Fire Wise
Newly elected Group Officers, Group Secretaries, Brigade Captains and Brigades Secretaries are asked to update their physical and email addresses with Fire Wise as soon as possible so future editions, both printed and electronic, can be forwarded to the correct person, at the correct address.

If the September edition of Fire Wise has gone to previous officers please advise by email or telephone of the name, physical and email address details of the new officer in your place so our database can be updated.

Existing Group Officers, Group Secretaries, Brigade Captains and Brigade Secretaries are requested to provide their email address, if they haven’t already done so, to enable future electronic editions to be forwarded.

VFBV District Presidents, District Secretaries and State Councillors, as well as all brigade and individual subscribers, are requested to send their email address if not already receiving digital editions.

Please include the Group or Brigade you belong to and the office held, and forward this information to Fire Wise by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on 0402 051 412.

A complimentary copy of Fire Wise, courtesy of VFBV, is sent to each of these officers monthly.

Eight editions per annum are electronic (January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November) and the other four (March, June, September and December) are printed. The printed editions include the VFBV Quarterly Supplement.

Your email addresses will only be used to forward electronic editions.

Your assistance is appreciated in helping us get Fire Wise to the intended people in the quickest amount of time.


Recent articles on the VFBV website
Consultation Dashboard

2025 VFBV/CFA Joint Committee District Nominees Expression of Interest

SOP Feedback – Response to Solar Facilities and Working Near Electrical Structures

SOP Feedback – Electrical Safety

SOP Feedback - Various (November 2024)

2024-25 Urban local competition schedule and updated rule book

Presumptive Legislation Update

Position Vacant – VFBV Support Officer (North East)


Enjoy the VFBV monthly newsletter?
If you enjoy reading the VFBV newsletter each month, why not share it with your fellow volunteers?

Either share this page with others who may enjoy the articles or encourage other volunteers to sign up to receive their own copy via email each month here.


Want to read the VFBV 2-minute briefings from the CFA/VFBV Joint Committees?
The latest edition along with previous editions can be downloaded from the VFBV website here.

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
