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Thursday, 08 August 2013 11:21

Incident Management Team Training Project

The IMTTP (Incident Management Team Training Project) has recently published a new portal on Brigades Online to assisit with keeping members up to date on the progress of this project. You can find the new portal on BOL via the following link; http://cfaonline.cfa.vic.gov.au/mycfa/Show?pageId=imttp

The first update has been reproduced below, for those that do not have access to Brigades Online

Providing improved consistent training and supporting leadership development for incident management personnel in Victoria.

The intent of the Incident Management Team Training Project (IMTTP) is to improve the sustainability of training and capability of incident management personnel in Victoria. This will be achieved by developing common training packages, leadership and exercising frameworks, robust accreditation programs, coaching and mentoring programs and experience based learning tools. The project will provide a long lasting legacy that can be utilised by all agencies.

What is the reason for this project?

The IMTTP addresses the State Government’s response to the recommendations of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report. It is focused on those recommendations directly related to the training of Incident Management Team members. For more details read the background document below.

A partnership approach - Multi Agency Capability Committee - Bushfire (MACC)

The IMTTP works in partnership with the Multi-Agency Capability Committee-Bushfire (MACC), established in 2011, to achieve multi-agency, multi-hazard outcomes wherever practicable and reports through to the Service Delivery Group, chaired by the Fire Services Commissioner (FSC).

Achievements - Where we are at?

The IMTTP is working in two key project areas -

  1. Training Development - covering incident level 2 training programs and leadership development courses
  2. Capability Frameworks and Programs - covering accreditation, coaching and mentoring and exercising

In the Training Development Project thus far, the project has successfully piloted a number of multi-agency training packages. The aim is to have 12 piloted by the end of December 2013. The project has also delivered 18 Fireline Leadership Courses and 2 Incident Leadership courses in 2012.

In the Capability Frameworks and Programs Project we have accredited 48 Level 3 Incident Controllers, held two pilot Cobaw staff rides, delivered 94 Vector Tactical Sessions and 11 Vector IMT Sessions in 2012. Work is also well underway with the Predictive Services Strategy and incident management frameworks.

FAQ's and more information on the IMTTP project is available via the download links at the bottom of this page.

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