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Tony's Trek

On 30 September 2022, Inspector-General for Emergency Management (and Chair of the Emergency Services Foundation) Tony Pearce will start Tony’s Trek – a 1440km solo charity walk through Victoria to support new mental health initiatives to benefit our emergency management community.

Covering the area from Melbourne to Mallacoota and across the Alpine Range to Wodonga before heading back to Melbourne, Tony’s Trek aims to raise awareness and support for building collaborative sector-wide mental health initiatives led by the Emergency Services Foundation (ESF).

‘Unfortunately, trauma often results in mental health injury with lasting impacts throughout their career and into retirement’, says Tony.

‘I hope that Tony’s Trek will raise awareness of the importance of supporting the mental health of Victoria’s 139,00 strong emergency management community who support Victorians before, during and after emergencies’, he says.

Recovery from mental health injury is a personal journey that involves taking one step at a time.

Despite considerable investment in treatment programs and services, there is still much work required to help prevent mental injury.

Funds raised from Tony’s Trek will be used to enable ESF to deliver its three prevention-focused mental health initiatives, those currently under consideration include – a Lived Experience Program, a Pilot Residential Wellbeing Program, and an ambitious research program.

VFBV Chief Executive Adam Barnett encouraged brigades and groups to get behind Tony’s Trek, and think about how they might be able to assist with fundraising and promoting the initiative as Tony’s Trek makes its way across the route.

'VFBV shares Tony's passion and commitment to support mental health initiatives that support CFA volunteers and all emergency management personnel across the sector.' Adam said.

'I highly encourage brigades and other emergency service units to support the Trek and make it a success in acting as a beacon of hope for the many of Victoria's emergency service members routinely impacted by our selfless service to our communities.'

Posters and promotional material are available to support brigades get behind this important initiative.

To find out more, donate or get involved go to www.esf.com.au/tonys-trek/ 


Tony's Trek

Read 8227 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 August 2022 15:36
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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