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NOW OPEN – 2020 VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey

The 2020 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is now open to all CFA volunteers.


The survey is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion, which includes 33 questions on issues chosen by CFA volunteers.

The survey has become a critical tool in monitoring short-and-long-term trends, and the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at improving CFA volunteer engagement and wellbeing.

Last year, over 2,500 CFA volunteers took part in the survey and over 5,500 volunteers took part nationally in surveys offered interstate to fire service volunteers and VICSES volunteers.

All answers and comments are confidential, but the results go straight to the decision makers at CFA, Emergency Management Victoria and Government.

The survey takes 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

The survey continues to be an important and reliable method to capture the views of volunteers and track what has been achieved and is improving, as well as addressing areas that are the cause of dissatisfaction for volunteers. You can download a summary of last year’s results at the bottom of this page.

As we move through the fire services reform process, it is important that all CFA volunteers have an opportunity to provide their views and have their voice heard. The survey results will help keep VFBV informed and assist in our advocacy on behalf of all CFA volunteers.

VFBV is also working in partnership with the Victorian SES Volunteers Association (VicSESVA) to offer the Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey to VICSES volunteers for the fifth time in 2020.

Once you have completed the survey yourself, please also share the survey with other CFA volunteers. The more volunteers that take part, the more impact the results will have.  This is an important tool to measure and report on trends in CFA volunteer welfare and efficiency.

Due to the uncertainty and lack of brigade/group meetings due to COVID-19 arrangements, a closing date has not been set. Typically the annual survey remains open for approximately 8 weeks. We will monitor responses to gauge if there has been an interruption to the usual promotion of the survey, and a closing date will be advertised down the track as this becomes clearer. You are encouraged to undertake the survey at your earliest convenience and to help promote it amongst your fellow CFA volunteers.

If you have issues accessing the survey – please contact your VFBV Support Officer or the VFBV office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We are also able to send out paper copies of the survey to members who do not have internet access, please contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a copy to be posted.


2020 Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey available to VICSES volunteers

The Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is being offered again to VICSES volunteers through their volunteer association Victorian SES Volunteer Association (VicSESVA) in partnership with VFBV.

2020 will be the fifth time VicSESVA have participated in the survey (2015, 2016, 2017, 2019), this years survey will compare the results of the previous surveys to understand any trends that have emerged in volunteer opinion.

The survey will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete and all answers and comments are confidential and are analysed independently of VicSESVA. VicSESVA will then use the survey results and trends to advocate on behalf of VICSES volunteers to Government, VICSES and Emergency Management Victoria.



2020 Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey available to NSW RFS volunteers

The Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey is also being offered to volunteers from fire agencies across Australia. The survey has been a success in Victoria since 2012 and is being offered to fire service volunteers again this year through their respective representative volunteer associations as part of the Council of Australian Volunteer Fire Associations (CAVFA), this will be the fifth survey run for interstate fire agencies.

The survey was developed by VFBV to address significant gap in the information available to decision makers and over the years has become an unmatched guide to trends in volunteer opinions.

The survey will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete and all answers and comments are confidential, the results are analyses by VFBV independently of the volunteer associations and are also compared to provide a national snapshot of volunteer expectations and opinions.


Read 10135 times Last modified on Friday, 29 January 2021 11:26
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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