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As Volunteer Week Draws to a Close - a very special - thank-you!

As National Volunteer Week 2019 draws to an end I want to close with a special thanks to the people who do so much to keep CFA brigades and groups connected – our VFBV elected representatives right across Victoria. I can’t thank them enough for the additional time and effort they dedicate to improving the welfare and efficiency of CFA brigades, groups and volunteers.

VFBV representatives are conditioned to put others first, whether it be their communities, other brigades, groups or their fellow volunteers. This culture of dedicated and selfless service is a proud tradition of the Association, and one in which we are rightfully proud. And this week’s celebration of National Volunteer Week has been no different, thanking and acknowledging the fantastic contributions of CFA volunteers. As the week draws to a close, I thought it fitting to save our last thank-you for all those that contribute directly to VFBV’s important work. Whether they are a VFBV Board Member, State Councillor, District Council Executive or Official, Brigade or Group Delegate, a member of our small staff team or any other volunteers, friends and supporters who contribute behind the scenes – they are what makes our large and diverse VFBV family so wonderful.

Without them, VFBV would be unable to do its work to provide a united voice for volunteers and volunteer brigades and groups.They spend every day - trying to make things better.  Through our VFBV network we gather the views of volunteers starting at brigade level, represent their interests up through the VFBV District and State Councils and to the Board through to CFA management and joint consultative committees, to other emergency and volunteer organisations, and to the Government and Victorian public.

VFBV is a critical feedback loop connecting brigades to each other and to CFA’s organisational structure.  Our network of VFBV volunteer leaders ensure there is a united, coordinated and comprehensive view of what volunteers need, what they think of new initiatives and changes, and how those changes can impact at the ground and community level.  They provide genuine, connected and credible advice on what CFA volunteers are thinking and what they need to be safe, supported and more effective. They also play a critical role in keeping brigades advised about what’s happening at CFA and how that impacts them.

They are champions of the CFA Volunteer Charter, and face the challenging and often frustrating task to hold others to account for the commitments they’ve made there.

Our representatives dedicate a lot of additional time and effort, invisible to most of us except maybe their families, to undertake that consultation and coordination role.  They regularly deal with the urgent requests and frustrations of brigades and do their utmost to ensure they get resolved with CFA as quickly as possible.  As such they are on the front line as a key conduit and coordination point for you, and for every CFA brigade and group.

Some might wonder why they do it given the workload and the sometimes thankless task of consulting and coordinating on behalf of others – but like every CFA volunteer they are committed to having the most efficient and effective fire service and the safest and most resilient communities possible.  Even more, they are committed to ensuring that their fellow volunteers are looked after and that there is a realistic touchstone for local views ‘on the ground’, when at times CFA policies or priorities might seem a touch unrealistic or impractical with day-to-day brigade experiences. 

As volunteers start working higher in the CFA structure, such as at Brigade, Group, District or State level, there are even more commitments and more energy put into making CFA the world-respected organisation it is today.

I am always impressed and humbled by the professionalism, the dedication and the sheer resilience of our VFBV representatives, given the issues that face CFA as an organisation and the sheer number of brigades and people they deal with in the course of their work. To maintain positive attitudes and a professional outlook when the majority of issues they are approached with are from volunteers having a negative experience – requires immense personal conviction and dedication and very strong personal values and empathy for their fellow volunteers.

So, on a very personal note, where no words will ever be enough - let me say a huge public thank-you for the work that my fellow VFBV representatives do. Many of them will feel embarrassed to be so publicly singled out for thanks, but now probably more than ever its important I thank and acknowledge the incredibly important work they do on behalf of all CFA volunteers.

To you our delegates I say thank-you and well done! Many will never know your full achievements or sacrifices in making CFA a better place – but rest assured the work you do is appreciated, valued and respected, and makes the world of difference to tens of thousands of volunteers and their communities across the State.

And while every CFA volunteer deserves thanks and recognition for the work they do – giving up their personal time for training, dropping everything to respond to emergencies and undertaking the myriad of activities from station-keeping to community education that contribute to safer Victorian communities, I save this last thank-you for those of you that always put others first. From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the entire VFBV family and network – thank-you! It is a privilege and honour to work alongside you towards our vision for Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria.


Adam Barnett, Chief Executive Officer
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria


This article is part of our National Volunteer Week Showcase - celebrating our wonderful CFA Volunteers.

About VFBV: VFBV is established under the Country Fire Authority Act and is the peak body for CFA Volunteers in Victoria. VFBV works tirelessly to represent, advocate and support CFA volunteers to the CFA Board and management, governments, ministers, members of parliament, councils, instrumentalities, business and the public. Our vision is for Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria.


Did you miss this weeks updates on our website? 

Over the course of the week VFBV has undertaken a number of activities to promote CFA volunteers, including re-tweeting and sharing CFA and other articles.  We’ve shared and promoted the Vic SES ‘Wear Orange Wednesday’ campaign, in recognition of the close bond we have with our colleagues in orange.  And we’ve generated and shared a number of our own stories on Facebook, Twitter and to media around Victoria. Check out some of the highlights from this weeks showcase and feature stories via our website:


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Read 7362 times Last modified on Friday, 14 June 2019 12:40
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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