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Joint Community Safety Committee - 2 Minute Briefing May 2014

VFBV/CFA Joint Community Safety Committee

2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


Concerned at the increasing number of wire rope barriers being installed along major roads and arterials Brigades have frequently reported their concerns about a lack of access through those barriers. VFBV delegates have been raising this issue with CFA for some time, and have pointed out that there appeared to be no standard surrounding access points along these wire ropes. The committee have asked CFA to research and develop guidelines in conjunction with VicRoads about optimal/maximum distances between breaks to allow fire truck access in times of emergency.

VFBV has been working with CFA over the last several months to produce Victorian guidelines, and CFA provided a final draft to the Committee for comment. It is expected to be completed and signed off by CFA by June 30th. Delegates were happy that the guidelines not only address the breaks in the barriers, but also address minimum vegetation management clearances on both sides of the barriers. Whilst frustrated with the long time this issue has taken to resolve, the committee is happy to see an outcome.


CFA have recently conducted two Burns Camps within the State with an emphasis on training and everyday burns to assist with management of vegetation. The camps, conducted by Vegetation Management Officers (VMOs) and wildfire instructors, ran for five days with two dozen volunteers attending each one in addition to career firefighters from the fire agencies. Some members undertook the five days while others were able to attend on a day by day basis according to work commitments. The camps were reported favourably by attendees and local landowners alike, with the majority of the time spent in practical burns. Members received accreditation for the burns conducted each day and have asked for more of these Burns camps.

The camps also provided an opportunity to field test the imminent “Planned Burn Guide” which the Committee has been working with the VMO’s on. CFA has advised that further Volunteer friendly burn courses will be offered, targeting weekends & evenings, locally based & in 2 day course modules.


After several years of strong and committed campaigning by VFBV delegates on the committee, CFA, the Fire Services Commissioner (now the Emergency Services Commissioner) and the Alpine Resorts Management Boards have now come together to develop a strategy to mitigate increased risks and issues in the Alpine areas regarding fire prevention and suppression. VFBV is encouraged to hear that there has been significant progress in cooperation and progress of the Alpine Master Plans. Innovative response plans are also soon to be trialled at Mt Buller in consultation with the Joint Equipment & Infrastructure Committee. Delegates are elated to see a strong and coordinated approach now being undertaken to address this unique risk.


The committee received an update from the VMO’s on the requested “plain speak” guide to planned burn permit conditions. The committee is hoping to see this rolled out shortly, to assist Brigades undertaking burns this upcoming season.

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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