
You are here: Home About VFBV VFBV Board Operations Committee Role of Group Update: August 2012
Wednesday, 29 August 2012 13:10

Role of Group Update: August 2012

The Role of Group Working Party have now completed a Draft Concept Document for consultation and discussion with the field regarding the Role of Group. Whilst the role of Group is much broader than just readiness and response, the first phase of the review was to consider the role of group in strengthening local command and control within CFA.


The Working Party is made up of;

Regional Commander Alan Ellis (Chair)
Deputy Chief Officer John Haynes
Regional Commanders Peter O’Keefe, Mike Owen & Greg Paterson
D Group Officer Nev Jones (Volunteer - District 8)
D Group Officer Ron Cole (Volunteer – District 2)
Firefighter & Ex-Chief Officer Trevor Roche (Volunteer – District 2)
Executive Officer Adam Barnett (VFBV)

Essentially, VFBV is looking to strengthen the role of groups in CFA’s structure and recognize the importance of local command and control in the decision making process. This compliments well with the Chief Officers renewed focus on Mission Command, and the need to empower and enable decision making at the lowest appropriate level.

Whilst the first phase of the review is predominately focussed on the Operational aspect of groups, further phases will look at its role in Preparedness, Prevention, Training, Recovery and the vital contribution it can make to the building and utilization of volunteer capability and capacity.

The Working Party has sought to document a framework that guides a common approach to local command and control across CFA while still enabling an implementation appropriate to local requirement and capacity. The group focused on the “Where”, “What”, “How”, and “When” of group activity, and has provided recommendations for discussion surrounding;

  • Role of Group at level 1 (Complex) Brigade Fires & Incidents
  • Role of Group in Command and Control at level 2 Fires & Incidents
  • Role of Group at level 3 or major Incidents in support of the State Command and Control Arrangements
  • Functions & Authority to Act of the Group in Planning & Preparedness
  • Functions & Authority to Act of the Group in Response
  • Functions & Authority to Act in Supporting local Command & Control (Routine agency business)
  • Functional & Operational Roles of the Group Structure
  • Group Membership Classifications
  • Group Role & Rank Identification & Markings

Key to the framework is some guidelines around triggers and work practices, as well as supporting the groups roles and functions with delegated authority to ensure volunteer officers can make decisions and activate appropriate resources as needed.

A letter has been sent to all Regional Directors, Operations Managers, VFBV District Council Presidents and DPC Chairman’s in order for each District to nominate a representative to the Role of Group Reference Panel to perform an initial review of the document on behalf of their District.

This first round of consultation aims to allow a wider group of people (1 from each district) in consultation with their peers across the District, to consider the document from both their own perspective and the perspective of how their District operates and flush out any inconsistencies or issues that may not have been considered by the Working Group thus far, and will also flag any items that may require further explanation or thought. The Reference Panel is currently working to provide this feedback during early September.

After the Working Party has had an opportunity to review the feedback and comments from the reference panel, the next version of the document will then go out to the field to provide all members the opportunity to provide feedback and comment.

This phase is due to be run during September through to the middle of November in order to allow enough time for people to review and discuss the document. A copy of the Discussion document will be provided via the CFA and VFBV websites, as well as through all other channels possible.

The Working Party is due to present final recommendations through the CFA/VFBV Joint Operations Committee for the Chief Officer’s consideration by 30 November 2012.

Read 16731 times Last modified on Monday, 11 March 2013 14:11
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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