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State Championship Cancellation

The following member communique was sent to members on Saturday 14th March 2020:

Dear Members,

As many would be aware, CFA announced last night that the State Championships to be held in Mooroopna on the 28th and 29th of this month (March) has been cancelled. This follows the Commonwealth Governments announcement yesterday afternoon that in response to COVID-19 that mass gatherings of more than 500 people should not go ahead.

Our State Council Executive met today, and agreed that while we will explore any and every opportunity to reschedule later in the year, the reality is the prospect of a rescheduled competition being possible is very remote. COVID-19 still has a long way to go yet, and many sporting bodies seasons are likely to be interrupted or extended which will leave very little opportunities for rescheduling remaining.  For this reason we don’t wish to give false hope, and the feeling of the Competition Committees and State Council Executive is there is unlikely to be another opportunity, so it is very likely there will be no State Championship held this year, and we will need to put our sights on next year’s competition, which will again be held in Mooroopna.

I want to acknowledge the disappointment that many of you will be feeling. Being part of a very large, iconic organisation like CFA brings with it a responsibility, and one that frequently calls upon us to make a sacrifice. We all share that responsibility to put our communities first and do our part to ensure we set a good example, and focus on the difficult periods ahead. Our brigades, groups, competitors, judges, officials, competition committee’s and the local host committee have put more than 12 months preparation into what was going to be a fantastic celebration of our Urban and Rural Competitions and the fantastic spirit of CFA.  That work will not be lost, and how we handle this unavoidable set back will also be a demonstration of the pride and community spirit we carry and will always have for our communities safety.

Please also understand that this decision not only impacts on us, but there is significant impact on the Greater City of Shepparton that was to host this years competition, as well as many local traders, sponsors and partner organisations that were all looking forward to this historic event.

Work has been underway to respectfully and diligently make the appropriate arrangements to advise these organisations. On Monday, we will be personally contacting all competing brigades and groups who have entered, in case any have not been advised via electronic means.  We will also provide a refund of any and all entry fees for any brigade or group that has made payment.

We are intending to hold further discussions with CFA over the coming weeks, and will do our best to support and assist any brigade or group that has trouble getting any accommodation refunds or finds themselves out of pocket. Could we please request that as Brigades/groups work through these logistics that you keep in mind that for many of these local organisations they too will be experiencing financial loss as a result. So please be polite and calm, and we’ll calmly work through the various arrangements and issues as they arise. We are committed to supporting you as best we can.

Thank-you to all members who play an active role in supporting the Championships, whether as an organiser or a competitor. On behalf of VFBV and State Council, please allow me to convey how terribly sorry we all are that this has occurred, and we share your disappointment. As it is still very early days, there are still many arrangements that are unfolding, and we’ll keep members updated as changes occur.

Stay safe, and keep your heads up.


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