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This year’s survey will open on Friday 23rd August to coincide with this year’s AFAC Conference being held in Melbourne. VFBV will be on Stand #595 in the Exhibition space at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre in Southbank throughout the conference, and members are welcome to drop by and have a chat and complete the survey while they are there.

The VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey, now in its 8th year - is an annual snapshot of volunteer opinion and welfare. It has become a critical tool in monitoring short- and long-term trends, and the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at improving CFA volunteer engagement and wellbeing.

Click here to register to receive the survey via email when it opens.

The survey is made up of 33 questions chosen by volunteers and takes just 10 or 15 minutes to complete. It is the largest survey of its kind in Australia, and VFBV supports the other Australian States and Territory volunteer associations in running the same survey within the other fire services to gain a national perspective.

Please encourage all members of your brigade and group to register their interest in survey by signing up on online or downloading a sign-up sheet at the bottom of the page which was also posted to all Brigade and Group Secretaries in this quarter’s mailout.

The results of the 2018 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey are available here and the 2018 National Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey are available from the Council of Australian Volunteer Fire Associations (CAVFA) website

The results of the 2018 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey are now available.

The 2018 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey was the seventh annual survey conducted by VFBV with over 2,500 CFA volunteer taking part. The survey remains one of the largest surveys of its kind within CFA and most likely across the emergency sector.

Volunteers are most satisfied with their role and activities that occur at the brigade level with many volunteers feeling that the time they devote to CFA is productive and worthwhile. In contrast volunteers are least satisfied with activities at the corporate / management levels of CFA, with the poorest performing area being how CFA consults and involves volunteers in decisions that may affect them.

The 2018 VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey report is available for download at the bottom this page.

VFBV encourages all members across the sector to review the survey results and engage in conversations with their local agency, VFBV District Council or work unit on how to improve the volunteer concerns highlighted in the survey.

2018 National Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey Results

The Council of Australian Volunteer Fire Associations (CAVFA) was established to give volunteer firefighters a united voice to governments and key stakeholders. As part of CAVFA’s objectives, CAVFA endorsed an expansion of VFBV’s Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey to enable fire service volunteers from across Australia to participate in the Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey since 2016.

The results of the third annual, National Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey are available from the CAVFA website

The results for the national survey allow results from the VFBV Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey to be compared to the results from other Australian states. They show that volunteer expectations are closest to being met at the local brigade level, while expectations are furthest from being met in the area of consultation by management and corporate levels of agencies and in relation to training availability for volunteers.

The volunteer associations who participated in last year’s National Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey were:

  • NSW Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA)
  • Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland (RFBAQ)
  • Tasmanian Volunteer Fire Brigades Association (TVFBA)
  • Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services Association of WA (VFRSA)
  • Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV)

To access a copy of the 2018 National Volunteer Welfare and Efficiency Survey Report, visit the CAVFA website.

In this year’s Queens Birthday Honours Jill Parker of Mortlake was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for service to local government, and to the community of South West Victoria, including as Moyne Shire Councillor and current member of Mortlake Fire Brigade as Treasurer and Communications Officer. A former Fire Safe Kids Officer and Community Bushfire Safety Liaison Officer, Jill has also received the National Medal (with 40-year clasp) and National Emergency Medal.

To get to know Jill, we asked for some personal insights into her life, especially with the CFA.

1. What have been your roles with the CFA and are you still involved?

I’m still involved but not as active on fire trucks these days. I’m still involved at the Incident Control Centre (ICC) and I’m treasurer of the Mortlake Fire Brigade and Comms Officer for the Mortlake Group. I’m also a former Fire Safe Kids Officer, Community Bushfire Safety Liaison Officer, and I have the National Medal with 40-year clasp and a National Emergency Medal. I’m a situation officer at the ICC.

2. What drives you to undertake roles, with CFA or anywhere, with such a focus on serving communities?

If there’s a job to be done, someone has to do it, and if I’m available and I can do it, I will.

My parents were role models. My father was in the CFA and my mother in the CWA and other community organisations. It’s just what the family did and what I know.

I’ve been 11 years as a Councillor on the Moyne Shire, I’m Vice President of the Corangamite Regional Library Corporation, and on the Municipal Emergency Management Planning committee. Outside of council I am Chair of the Barwon South West Waste and Resource Recovery Group, I recently retired as chair of Leadership Great South Coast and I’m on the Ballarat Anglican Diocesan Corporation Board.

3. What prompted you to join the CFA?

When we moved to Mortlake in 1973, we lived across the road from Fred Fairbairn who was a comms person for the Mortlake Rural Brigade. My husband Doug was a member of the brigade so Fred installed a radio set in our house and by default I became the comms person. Doug was never in the house when we had our lunchtime scheds, so it fell to me.

4. What is most important thing you’ve learned in your time as a CFA volunteer?

I have done incident management training with the CFA which I enjoyed, but the main thing I’ve learnt is the need for teamwork and the ability to be flexible, depending on the need at the time, whether it be on a strike team or on the radio or getting lunch for people.

5. What do you think your best achievements are in your role with CFA?

Being appointed the VFBV board is probably my greatest achievement, alongside being a situation officer at the ICC. I was approached to join the VFBV Board to ensure there was representation from this area. I think the VFBV is very important, particularly at the moment. The next 12 months are going to be very interesting and there could be a lot of change. It’s unfortunate the proposals have created tension between volunteers and paid staff. Volunteers have many of the same skills and training as paid firefighters but they also have other skills, especially local knowledge and they can provide local information that is critical. 

6. What is your best memory - funny or serious – about your time with CFA as a volunteer?

I was on a strike team that went to Dargo several years ago. Heather McIntyre was our crew leader and we went to do mopping up work. We were driven up from Bairnsdale by one of the crew who was a transport driver, then after we’d finished Heather said Jill will drive home. I must have done all right because he managed to go to sleep. I did have my qualifications at the time so I showed women can do it as well as men. It might have been a lesson that we’re all volunteers and it’s not segregated on gender.

7. Which was your favourite role or activity with CFA and why?

I like working as a situation officer, providing up-to-date information about weather changes and what’s happening with the fire. I always enjoy the camaraderie.

8. What makes a good CFA volunteer?

Someone who is prepared to listen, put in, and share their knowledge.


Congratulations Jill and thanks for being such an inspiring part of our VFBV/CFA family.

Thursday, 04 July 2019 17:31

VESEP 2019 Now Open

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Applications are due to your Operations Manager by the 29th July 2019.

The Minister for Emergency Services has announced the opening of this years VESEP (Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program).

VESEP provides funding to assist emergency service volunteers in acquiring a wide range of ancillary equipment in recognition of your significant contribution in supporting Victorian communities in times of emergency. The funding formula for the program in most instances provides for $2 for $1 of Brigade/Group funding.

The program launched in the year 2000, which back then was called the CSESP Program (Community Safety Emergency Support Program) and was designed in close consultation with VFBV and volunteers and achieved VFBV's goal of having an annual grants program for volunteers - designed by volunteers, with a low paperwork requirement, $2 in grant money for every $1 of local contribution for sustainability and local buy-in, local driven priorities with annual strategic state initiatives, robust district/region and state volunteer peer review and a quick and timely approval and notification process to the successful brigades and groups.

Since its inception, the program has completed over 1,600 projects totalling more than $120 million dollars.

VFBV have put together an Application Help Pack and Case Studies to assist Brigades and Groups with their applications. This pack offers practical suggestions and complements CFA’s Guidelines and the 2019/2020 Application forms.

The pack is available for download below, or if Brigades would like a printed copy posted to them, then please call the VFBV Office on 9886 1141

Members can also contact their local VFBV State Councillors and/or VFBV Support Officers for any additional information or assistance with their applications. Previous years Case Studies can be downloaded from here.

We wish all Brigades and Groups well with your applications and thank you for your untiring service to Victoria!

Thursday, 20 June 2019 20:54


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Tonight, the controversial Fire Services (Reform) Bill has been passed by the Legislative Council, effectively bringing an end to the world respected CFA integrated model that has served Victoria so well.

Understandably, many CFA volunteers will be incredibly disappointed by this outcome.

And while many will go to bed tonight feeling betrayed and broken-hearted, all of them should sleep with a clear conscience. They have articulated their concerns, they have diligently put on public record their expert advice and analysis, and they have shared their vast knowledge and experience in warning of the dangers and unintended consequences that accompany such rash and ill-conceived arrangements to our fire services as those proposed in this Bill.

That their warnings and advice have gone unheeded by such a slim majority, that the promises and commitments made to the selfless men and women of our fire services through the Volunteer Charter has been so blatantly ignored by those supporting this Bill, and that our Parliamentary checks and balances have allowed such significant structural changes without any evidence, any modelling or any plan is extraordinary. These will be matters of deep disappointment for volunteers for quite some time.

I have no doubt that CFA volunteers’ profound sense of duty to their communities and to the people of Victoria will overcome their immediate reactions. Don’t forget, CFA volunteers are used to overcoming impossible odds – they are agile and adaptable. They train and exercise to stand against the sometimes-unstoppable forces of mother nature and the ravages of fire every year. They are used to backing themselves and backing each other. 

They now have the unenviable task of doing their best to implement and work with what they have been given. It’s another unnecessary challenge laid before them to overcome.  And though many are sceptical and believe parts of this reform may simply be unworkable, they will proceed in good faith and look to salvage the best possible outcomes from these changes. They will work tirelessly to try and limit the potential damage of the changes, as well as continuing to seek real and practical improvements to such important areas such as operational training, safety, infrastructure and culture.

Decision-makers must now be held to account for the structures, promises and commitments they have made. VFBV will work with our Brigades and Groups to ensure they are supported during these changes. VFBV delegates will be on hand to help members identify needs, challenges and opportunities, and areas requiring support. They will monitor impacts and ensure that detrimental impacts on volunteers, communities and CFA brigades is well known and understood.

It is now critically important that we all unite behind our common cause in putting our communities first and protecting lives and property. For our part - VFBV is committed to working hard with the Government, agencies and all stakeholders to find common ground and heal the divisions of the recent past. We are committed to working constructively and in good faith as we move into the next part of this journey.

I also accept my responsibility to provide leadership and support for the work and challenges ahead of us. I have made this commitment direct to the Minister, Lisa Neville and we have made some positive progress on scoping a few early priority areas to focus on during the drafting of the new regulations.  VFBV will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers is well known and understood at all levels across the sector – and that community safety outcomes drives our priorities and effort. 

I would like to thank all those who have been staunch defenders and supporters of the CFA and CFA Volunteers throughout this turbulent period. From MP’s to commentators, fire service experts and members of the general public - your support and confidence has been invaluable.

And to my fellow CFA volunteers, supporters and friends – I offer my sincere thanks and respect. It has taken great courage and conviction to stand up for what you believe in – and in the face of significant odds. I have never been more proud to stand beside you. Never lose faith nor hope. We are stronger together, and together we will continue to stand up for our communities and the safety of all Victorians.




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Wednesday, 19 June 2019 15:42

Get to know this year's OAM recipients - Robert Flynn OAM

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In this year’s Queens Birthday Honours, Robert Flynn from Grovedale was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for service to the community through a range of organisations including the Fire Services Museum Victoria, where he has been a volunteer since 2006 and served on the committee from 2010-2014, and Belmont Fire Brigade, where he has been a volunteer firefighter since 2005 and member since 1987.

To get to know Robert, we asked for some personal insights into his life, especially with the CFA.

1. What have been your roles with the CFA and are you sill involved? 

I’ve been a volunteer at two brigades and I worked for the CFA in protective equipment. I’m still a member of the Belmont brigade social committee; I keep the fridge full and turn the sausages and hamburgers at brigade barbecues.

In 2006 I joined the Fire Museum in Melbourne. I’m not as active as I’d like to be but I still do a bit with the museum and take trucks and other things to events, like to Point Cook for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal and to centenaries and other major events for brigades.

2. What prompted you to join CFA? 

I joined the Clunes brigade in 1957, which is a long time ago now. I was just a young bloke and thought I’d give it a go. I was a member until I left town for work in 1962. I wasn’t involved again until I took a position with the CFA in protective equipment in North Geelong in 1987. I worked there for 17 years before retiring in 2004. While I was there, I did the Santa runs at Christmas. The next year when I went to do it again, someone woke up that I was no longer a member so I joined as a volunteer at the Belmont brigade where my son was the first lieutenant. I was a non-operational member but still involved in the social side of it.  I made a comeback doing the Santa job last year.

3. What drives you to undertake roles, with CFA or anywhere, with such a focus on serving communities? 

I was in the scout movement for 38 years in various leadership roles. I was only 16 when I started. You were supposed to be 18 to be an assistant scout master, but they gave me special permission. By the time I turned 17 we’d started the scout group and I had the massive title of underage acting assistant scout leader. I was awarded a medal for service there for good services to the scout movement.

I also joined the Geelong and District Ambulance Service, as it was known in those days, as an honorary officer. I did that for 15 years before they went to fully paid staff. I got a life membership there, too.

In 2010 I got involved with Barwon Health volunteer transport as a driver and I still do that today.

I love every minute of it and it’s good to keep active as you get older.

4. What is the most important thing you've learned in your time as a CFA volunteer? 

It’s good to do things for your community.

5. What do you think you best achievements are in your role with CFA? 

I’m very proud of my service medals over the years. I was involved in the centenary committee for the Belmont Fire Brigade and I managed to get six trucks down from the museum for the centenary. That was a great weekend.

6. What is your best memory - funny or serious - about your time with CFA as a volunteer? 

I can still remember my first strike team, though they didn’t call them strike terms in those days. It was with the Clunes brigade and we chuffed off to Carisbrook on the back of the 1937 tanker. We were swinging off the back of the tanker like monkeys – there was none of the protection you have these days.

It’s a lot safer these days and that’s for the better.

7. Which was your favourite role or activity with CFA and why? 

I enjoyed my 17 years working with the protective equipment with all the new equipment coming in and servicing what we had. We’d visit various stations and change the equipment. Even if the equipment never fired a shot in anger, we still changed it over or gave it a maintenance check. It was important work. If the equipment doesn’t function properly, you’re in strife.

If we took up all the brigades’ invitations to have a coffee, it would be midnight before we got home. They were so sociable and I really enjoyed that.

I’ve been able to find quite a few interesting items for the museum over the years. I got to read the original copy of the first Fireman and others from the 1940s when I was researching the Belmont brigade centenary. I still enjoy being involved in the museum.

8. What makes a good CFA volunteer? 

You have to be community-minded; you have to have that in your body.


Congratulations Robert and thanks for being such an inspiring part of our CFA family.

Monday, 17 June 2019 14:33

June 2019 Newsletter

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Reform Bill in Parliament Again
By Adam Barnett, VFBV Chief Executive Officer 

As this edition of Fire Wise goes to press, the Government’s contentious Fire Services (Reform) Bill is once again making its way through Parliament. Despite the deep concerns raised with the previous Bill, I am sorry to report that this year’s Bill is very similar to the previous.

The fate of community safety and CFA, a world-respected and highly successful emergency service, now rests on the checks and balances of the Legislative Council (Upper House), particularly the votes of the cross bench made up of the minor party and independent Members of Parliament who hold the balance of power.

By the time you are reading this, the outcome of the Bill may already be known.

Regardless of the outcome, I am committed to ensuring we come though this torrid chapter in CFA’s history stronger and together. History will be the ultimate judge of this chapter and I am immensely proud our organisation has had the integrity to stand up and speak up for what is right.

VFBV continues to respectfully call for evidence to support the Government’s case for change, including impact modelling, cost analysis and consultation. This will be the first time in Victoria’s history that our fire service legislation has not been through these basic prerequisites. The lack of detail, modelling or analysis is a significant impediment in winning the hearts and minds of volunteers and opens the State up to enormous risk of unintended consequences to what is essentially - critical public policy.

We must keep reminding people we are not opposed to change that improves our fire services in a demonstrable way, and for the benefit of our communities. Just ‘hoping’ this is the outcome of the proposed changes and crossing our fingers and hoping for the best just simply isn’t good enough.

We don’t go to a fire and just ‘hope’ to put it out. We plan; we train; we exercise; we study data and impact modelling; we collect intelligence from the field; and we communicate. These concepts should not be foreign when it comes to major structural change of our fire services.

Jack Rush QC reminds us of evidence presented to the Bushfires Royal Commission by Professor Leonard from Harvard University, Professor ‘t Hart former professor of the ANU and now Professor of Public Administration at Utrecht University and Associate Dean of the Netherlands School of Public Administration in The Hague and General Molan former Chief of the Allied Operations in Iraq.

All three warned of the dangers of radical change to organisations, and they drew on evidence of corporate takeovers where over half failed in terms of value creation with many ending up exacerbating rather than erasing tribal identities. Incremental change, they said, often produces far better results than radical change. I can think of no better analogy for what has been presented to us in this Bill.

Throughout the debate, I have heard many slurs on our CFA and the ability of volunteers to provide a world class service to urban communities. I have been saddened that these attacks have gone unanswered by those in positions of authority, and that response time data continues to be manipulated and misrepresented to the Victorian community to try and erode public confidence in CFA and CFA volunteers. Many commentators have unwittingly also criticised our respected career staff operating from the 38 integrated brigades when they say CFA simply isn’t up to it.

While much has been made of response times as seemingly one reason for the change, the fact remains that response times today are not based on modern data but have been inherited from outdated modelling and research from the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Targets have not been updated to cater for new building regulations nor the significant improvements to building materials or fire rating construction. Don’t just take my word for it, only four years ago, the Victorian Auditor General published his findings in 2015 that the current response time targets are outdated, not based on evidence or a clear rationale. The results of the audit found that current targets do not reflect best practice, optimal service efficiency or improved outcomes and are not appropriate standalone measures. The audit’s findings and recommendations from 2015 are amongst the plethora of previous review recommendations that the proposed ‘reform’ does not address.

Across the world, modern fire services have developed new and improved measures - putting more emphasis on outcome measurements such as loss of life, injury, preparedness and property damage, because these measurements better capture the impact of the whole range of fire service activity, including prevention, preparedness and response. Driving service delivery improvement through the narrow lens of just response times is not only short sighted but it is also not in the best interests of public safety nor public value.

We all want safe and resilient communities - and a strong and vibrant CFA goes hand in hand with that. And we all want to put public safety at the centre of everything we do. My hope is that one day legislators, agencies and all stakeholders find a way to put their differences aside and collaborate to develop real service improvements that will actually lead to lasting benefits for our communities. I am committed to this – and I know you are too. We will continue to advocate for reforms to be developed collaboratively, openly and most importantly – transparently. Reform that brings people along with it, rather than pits firefighter against firefighter and reform that actually benefits our communities.


I congratulate Steve Warrington AFSM on being appointed as CFA’s new CEO following the departure of Dr Paul Smith. I have worked with Steve over many years and have always appreciated his passion and enthusiasm. I wish him all the best and look forward to working with him in his new role. Combing the CEO role with the Chief Officer role will be a significant challenge for the organisation and will require all of us to lend our support to give this change the best opportunity for success. To this I, and the VFBV Board, are committed.


Recently I represented Victoria at CAVFA (the Council of Australian Volunteer Fire Associations). This national body was established to give volunteer firefighters a united voice in discussions and negotiations with governments and key stakeholders at a national level. These meetings provide a terrific forum for the State volunteer associations to come together and share information and advocate on matters of policy which impact volunteer firefighters across Australia.

It was with mixed emotions I heard the progress of presumptive legislation in the other States and Territories, with NSW recently passing fair and equal presumptive legislation. It is disheartening that Victoria is now the only State in Australia that does not have presumptive legislation for firefighters diagnosed with one of the 12 cancers that have been determined by scientists to be linked to firefighting. It is also sad that while almost all other States have introduced equal legislation that treats paid firefighters and volunteers the same, Victoria is still pursing legislation that discriminates against volunteers and proposes to treat them differently.

VFBV will continue its campaign for Presumptive Legislation that protects our firefighters and treats volunteers and staff equally. We will continue to campaign against unfair additional barriers and bureaucratic burdens for volunteer firefighters that are not applied to staff claims. We attend the same incidents, face the same risks and breathe the same smoke. Neither cancer nor smoke discriminates on the basis of if someone is paid or not – so neither should the legislation that protects us.

I have seen first hand during our support for a number of sick volunteers who have been forced to navigate arbitrary and bureaucratic barriers and drawn out legal processes only to be denied access to early, simple and compassionate support, and the terrible pain, suffering and heartache this inflicts on a person and their family at a time they are most vulnerable. It’s cruel, unfair and we must continue to do everything in our power to bring about change.

This isn’t just theoretical. Today, there are sick firefighters who need our help. People like CFA volunteer Rob Gibbs who has had to fight not only the cancer ravaging his body, but the bureaucrats and lawyers as well. At a time when he should be spending precious time with his family and concentrating on his health – he has had to deal with layer after layer of red tape, uncertainty and delays.

We must remove the proposed additional barriers that will only apply to volunteer firefighters. This is a moral issue – and one which we need to call out and stand up for. I call on all political parties, stakeholders and CFA members to unite on this most important issue and work together to deliver the presumptive legislation that Victorian firefighters deserve. Legislation that is fair and compassionate and that treats all firefighters equally and with respect. Victorian firefighters deserve no less.


I want to acknowledge how hard the last couple of years has been for you. I understand many of you are feeling disappointed and angry. Everyone is different and their reactions to potentially traumatic or stressful events will be different. Please look after yourselves and each other. Respect different opinions and viewpoints and offer your fellow members patience, empathy and solidarity as we move through this journey together.

The CFA Wellbeing Support Line is available 24/7 and can be reached on 1800 959 232. These services are available to all CFA members and their immediate families at no charge.

Despair at lack of due process 

VFBV Media Release - 6 June 2019

The contentious Fire Services Reform bill was today pushed through the Legislative Assembly (Lower House) at record pace, avoiding scrutiny or time for members of Parliament to read and consult with stakeholders and constituents on the legislation.

The fate of community safety and CFA, a world-respected and highly successful emergency service, now rests on the checks and balances in the Legislative Council (Upper House), particularly the votes of the cross bench made up of the minor party and independent Members of Parliament who hold the balance of power.

VFBV continues to hear from CFA volunteers around Victoria who are dismayed at the lack of process and scrutiny of what is essentially a piece of critical public policy that will significantly impact Victoria’s trusted and respected emergency services.

Adam Barnett, CEO of VFBV, said there was an overwhelming feeling of being bulldozed and disregarded over proposed changes, with CFA volunteers particularly angry with the repeated misrepresentations and falsehoods that CFA is not providing world class service to urban communities.

“No credible evidence has been provided to back those claims – and worse, the proposed changes add no additional capacity to the system. Changing logos on trucks, uniforms and payslips does not modernise or improve community safety.” he said.

VFBV continues to respectfully call for evidence to support the Government’s case for change, including impact modelling, cost analysis and consultation. The lack of detail, modelling or analysis is a significant impediment in winning the hearts and minds of volunteers, who are not opposed to change that improves the services in a demonstrable way, Mr Barnett added.

Limited debate on the proposed legislation has occurred in the Lower House this week, with MP’s provided no time between the legislation being tabled and made public. Volunteers have been particularly concerned by some of the uninformed comments from some commentators. The process was labelled undemocratic due to the lack of proper Parliamentary oversight and public and stakeholder scrutiny.

“I reject any implication that the proposed changes will modernise our fire services. The proposed Bill actually takes us backwards pre-CFA – reverting to a model similar to what existed at the time of the disastrous 1938/39 ‘Black Friday’ fires, that saw more than two million hectares destroyed and 71 people dead.

"Back then there was The Bush Fire Brigades and the Country Fire Brigades operating across regional and rural Victoria as two distinct fire services, together with the Forests Commission. These two services operated with inconsistent equipment, different operational doctrine, different chains of command and inconsistent equipment; and that cost lives.”

Mr Barnett pointed out that CFA was established to fix the problem of multiple services competing across the same geographic areas. CFA has successfully adapted and evolved to growing urbanisation for decades due to the flexibility delivered from its integrated model, where staff and volunteers train, respond and work as one under a common chain of command and operational doctrine.

“The existing CFA model is seen as highly successful and is envied around the world” Mr Barnett said, adding that New Zealand had recently followed Victoria’s lead to integrate paid and volunteer fire services.

“Every report and recommendation recently has said we should strengthen integration between staff and volunteers, but this Bill does the opposite, leaving us with a patchwork of boundaries across Victoria where two fire services will now cohabitate, with different training, equipment, operational doctrine, command structures and accountabilities, where there is currently one.”

“Morale is at an all-time low. Volunteers are telling us of their despondency that logic, evidence, common sense and decency do not seem to be factors driving this proposal.”

“We all want safe and resilient communities and a strong and vibrant CFA. And we all want to put public safety at the centre of everything we do. Our concern is the proposed legislation does none of those things.”

“Victoria currently has the ‘best of both worlds’, with career and volunteer firefighters working together, training together, using the same equipment and responding together.”

As a former justice and senior counsel to the Bushfires Royal Commission Jack Rush QC recently said, the whole-of-government submission made to the Royal Commission in 2009, boiled down to two key points in relation to structural change;

-a change to the metropolitan fire district boundaries would have a significant reduction on the critical surge capacity of the CFA; and 

-the cost of the CFA integrated stations was significantly less than comparable metropolitan fire stations. 

“One of the Government’s stated objectives is to strengthen the role of CFA as a volunteer firefighting organisation, yet it has so far ignored the very clear advice from the volunteer firefighters’ themselves that the legislation would be extremely damaging to those objectives.” Mr Barnett said.

“CFA volunteers have extensive experience and knowledge about what is needed to protect Victoria, and yet they haven’t even had a say in this major, highly concerning legislation that directly impacts them and the communities they have sworn to protect” he added.

“Overwhelmingly they are asking us, their representative, to continue to strive to have their voices heard and to try to save as much of our world-class service as possible. More importantly for them, they want confidence that community safety is the driver for changes made to our service. They currently do not believe this is the case.”

The legislation package includes Presumptive Legislation that blatantly discriminates against volunteers, further undermining statements that volunteers are respected and valued,” Mr Barnett added.

“That cancer compensation would be tied to completely unrelated structural reform is a real kick in the guts for the very volunteers who selflessly put themselves in harms way to protect lives and property. There is no acceptable reason to tie the two together, and there is most certainly no reason to discriminate against volunteers. Cancer doesn’t discriminate based on pay status, so why should this legislation? Volunteers and paid staff attend the same incidents, face the same risks and breathe the same smoke.

“This bill was drafted initially in secret, without any input from CFA or MFB leadership, or even the Emergency Management Commissioner. No clear case has ever been put forward and no analysis or modelling to demonstrate what, if any, benefits and impacts it will have on community safety outcomes and CFA efficiency.

“VFBV welcomes any reforms that improve the way Victorian fire services work, and I continue to reaffirm my commitment to working with Government in shaping the strongest CFA for the future. However, these reforms need to be developed collaboratively, openly and most importantly – transparently. Victoria deserves no less,” Mr Barnett said.

Useful links:

VFBV Submission to Fire Services Bill Select Committee.

Jack Rush QC Radio Interview. 

Fire Service Restructure Update and VFBV legal advice.


SOP Consultation 

VFBV and CFA has commenced consultation on a number of SOP’s currently under review. Copies of each draft SOP is available via the VFBV website.

VFBV District Councils are now providing the opportunity for all members to review, discuss and provide feedback on CFA’s proposed changes. Any comments on suggested improvements or clarifications are welcome, as would any practical limitations or difficulties members may identify. Feedback via email or post would be most preferred, and feedback is welcome from any individual, brigade or group. Feedback will be used by VFBV to provide a formal response to CFA.

Feedback is requested no later than the 15th July 2019.

It would be preferred that members provide feedback ASAP, so that it can be received incrementally, allowing us enough time to consolidate, identify trends and research issues raised by members.

SOP’s being reviewed are 5.04 Service Hose Testing and Coupling Inspection; SOP 9.14 Low Voltage Fuse Removal; SOP 9.41 Safe Work at Heights; SOP 10.24 Emergency Medical Response; and SOP 10.27 Train Incidents.

CFA is also proposing to revoke two SOP’s - SOP 6.03 Derelict Structures – Burning Of and SOP 9.06 Fire Alarms – Monitoring and Logging of Tests.

Check the VFBV website for details. 


Provisional Payments Pilot 

VFBV has been working with Government on its election commitment for a Provisional Payments pilot. The pilot is part of the Governments Mental Health initiatives and will allow eligible emergency workers (including volunteers) to access payments for medical treatment and services while their compensation claim is being assessed. The pilot will focus on determining claims as quickly as possible, recognising the importance of early intervention.

A Governmental Steering Committee has been established to oversee and guide the pilot in making provisional payments to eligible volunteer emergency workers and it will operate in conjunction with a Steering Committee focused on the in scope paid workforces. The Steering Committee is made up of representatives including AV, CFA, SES, Victoria Police and VFBV. Government agencies are represented on the Committee including the Department of Premier and Cabinet – Justice -Treasury and Health, DELWP, EMV, and Worksafe.

VFBV is represented by CEO Adam Barnett who has reported very positive progress. “I commend the Government on this mental health initiative and see this as an extremely important project to improve early intervention for emergency service volunteers and staff alike. This is a very positive step in helping to remove the stigma around seeking assistance for mental health and providing members with compassionate and accessible options for support,” he said.

We will keep you updated on progress.


Presumptive Legislation Should Treat All Firefighters Equally 

Volunteer and career firefighters attend the same types of incidents, are exposed to the same toxins and breathe the same smoke. They should be treated equally. The process for a sick firefighter to apply for support should be fair, simple and compassionate.

Presumptive Legislation is long overdue - and all Victorian firefighters should have equal protection under the law. The proposed legislation should be changed to provide equal protection to volunteers.

VFBV have released a news note that explains the main concerns VFBV have been raising around the proposed presumptive legislation, and a summary of what changes to the legislation we have been advocating for.

The news note can be downloaded from the VFBV website. The changes that VFBV are advocating for can be found on page 4 of the news note. 

The VFBV website also has a personal story of Rob Gibbs a CFA volunteer who has had his claim for compensation rejected by CFA after being diaganosed with a rare form of leukaemia.  


Nominations for Trust Fund

The VFBV Board is calling for nominations to the CFA and Brigades Donations Trust Fund.

Nominations close Friday 21st June 2019 and can be mailed to VFBV office 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East 3151 or emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


You Could Win!!

Brigades or Groups that pay VFBV affiliations before 30 June 2019 will automatically go into the draw for a chance to win one of four great prizes!

The 2019/20 Affiliation notices for your Brigade/Group’s VFBV affiliation and VFBV Welfare Fund Subscriptions are with your Secretary now with a due date of 30 June 2019.

As a gesture of appreciation to Brigades and Groups that pay VFBV affiliation prior to 30th June, VFBV will automatically place your Brigade or Group into a draw for a chance to win one of these great prizes, kindly donated by GAAM Emergency Products and Powdersafe Pty. Ltd.


Volunteer Week - a very special - thank-you!

It was National Volunteer Week from 20 - 26 May and VFBV took the opportunity to showcase some of our great volunteer stories. The theme for the week was “making a world of difference” and it was great to see many brigades sharing their stories on Facebook and other media. You can find all these stories on the VFBV website.

On the final day of Volunteer Week, VFBV posted a special thank-you to our VFBV elected representatives across Victoria:

As National Volunteer Week 2019 draws to an end I want to close with a special thanks to the people who do so much to keep CFA brigades and groups connected – our VFBV elected representatives right across Victoria. I can’t thank them enough for the additional time and effort they dedicate to improving the welfare and efficiency of CFA brigades, groups and volunteers.

VFBV representatives are conditioned to put others first, whether it be their communities, other brigades, groups or their fellow volunteers. This culture of dedicated and selfless service is a proud tradition of the Association, and one in which we are rightfully proud. And this week’s celebration of National Volunteer Week has been no different, thanking and acknowledging the fantastic contributions of CFA volunteers. As the week draws to a close, I thought it fitting to save our last thank-you for all those that contribute directly to VFBV’s important work. Whether they are a VFBV Board Member, State Councillor, District Council Executive or Official, Brigade or Group Delegate, a member of our small staff team or any other volunteers, friends and supporters who contribute behind the scenes – they are what makes our large and diverse VFBV family so wonderful.

Without them, VFBV would be unable to do its work to provide a united voice for volunteers and volunteer brigades and groups. They spend every day - trying to make things better.

Through our VFBV network we gather the views of volunteers starting at brigade level, represent their interests up through the VFBV District and State Councils and to the Board through to CFA management and joint consultative committees, to other emergency and volunteer organisations, and to the Government and Victorian public.

VFBV is a critical feedback loop connecting brigades to each other and to CFA’s organisational structure. Our network of VFBV volunteer leaders ensure there is a united, coordinated and comprehensive view of what volunteers need, what they think of new initiatives and changes, and how those changes can impact at the ground and community level. They provide genuine, connected and credible advice on what CFA volunteers are thinking and what they need to be safe, supported and more effective. They also play a critical role in keeping brigades advised about what’s happening at CFA and how that impacts them.

They are champions of the CFA Volunteer Charter, and face the challenging and often frustrating task to hold others to account for the commitments they’ve made there.

Our representatives dedicate a lot of additional time and effort, invisible to most of us except maybe their families, to undertake that consultation and coordination role. They regularly deal with the urgent requests and frustrations of brigades and do their utmost to ensure they get resolved with CFA as quickly as possible. As such they are on the front line as a key conduit and coordination point for you, and for every CFA brigade and group.

Some might wonder why they do it given the workload and the sometimes thankless task of consulting and coordinating on behalf of others – but like every CFA volunteer they are committed to having the most efficient and effective fire service and the safest and most resilient communities possible. Even more, they are committed to ensuring that their fellow volunteers are looked after and that there is a realistic touchstone for local views ‘on the ground’, when at times CFA policies or priorities might seem a touch unrealistic or impractical with day-to-day brigade experiences.

As volunteers start working higher in the CFA structure, such as at Brigade, Group, District or State level, there are even more commitments and more energy put into making CFA the world-respected organisation it is today.

I am always impressed and humbled by the professionalism, the dedication and the sheer resilience of our VFBV representatives, given the issues that face CFA as an organisation and the sheer number of brigades and people they deal with in the course of their work. To maintain positive attitudes and a professional outlook when the majority of issues they are approached with are from volunteers having a negative experience – requires immense personal conviction and dedication and very strong personal values and empathy for their fellow volunteers.

So, on a very personal note, where no words will ever be enough - let me say a huge public thank-you for the work that my fellow VFBV representatives do. Many of them will feel embarrassed to be so publicly singled out for thanks, but now probably more than ever its important I thank and acknowledge the incredibly important work they do on behalf of all CFA volunteers.

To you our delegates I say thank-you and well done! Many will never know your full achievements or sacrifices in making CFA a better place – but rest assured the work you do is appreciated, valued and respected, and makes the world of difference to tens of thousands of volunteers and their communities across the State.

And while every CFA volunteer deserves thanks and recognition for the work they do – giving up their personal time for training, dropping everything to respond to emergencies and undertaking the myriad of activities from station-keeping to community education that contribute to safer Victorian communities, I save this last thank-you for those of you that always put others first.

From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the entire VFBV family and network – thank-you! It is a privilege and honour to work alongside you towards our vision for Strong Volunteerism, Embraced to Build Community Resilience for a Safer Victoria.

Adam Barnett
Chief Executive Officer
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria


National Volunteer Week 2019 

Over the course of the National Volunteer Week (20 - 26 May 2019) VFBV has undertaken a number of activities to promote CFA volunteers, including re-tweeting and sharing CFA and other articles. We've shared and promoted the VicSES 'Wear Orange Wednesday' campaign, in recognition of the close bond we have with our colleagues in orange. And we've generated and shared a number of our own stories on Facebook, Twitter and to media around Victoria.

Check out some of the highlights from this showcase and feature stories via our website:

Monday, 20th May 2019

CFA Volunteers Make a World of Difference to Victoria 

Tuesday, 21st May 2019 

Melbourne Coast Guards - Not Your Average CFA Volunteer

Wednesday, 22nd May 2019

CFA Volunteers rope in specialised skills to help save lives

Thursday, 23rd May 2019

Lessons from history drive new approaches to planned burns 

Friday 24th May 2019

Volunteering 'just what you do' in your community says CFA Captain

Saturday, 25th May 2019

Recognising a life of volunteering and three generations of CFA people

Invitation to Apply: Board Members of Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria 


Closing date for written applications is 31st July 2019

VFBV advances the interests of all Victorian fire brigade volunteers and advocates on their behalf to CFA and other key stakeholders. The VFBV Board drives policy development based on volunteer input and is involved in management of issues of central importance to all CFA volunteers.

Vacancies for Four Board Members will arise when the terms of Samantha Rothman, Kate Boschetti, Jan Cleary and Libby Hay expire on 1st October 2019; all members are eligible for reappointment.

The term of appointment will be to 1st October 2021 (two years) and applications are invited from interested volunteers to be considered for these vacancies.

The role of a VFBV Board Member involves contributing to VFBV direction, policy determination and monitoring the performance and governance of the Association. Also actively contributing to policy discussion at Board Meetings, networking with others about policies and issues management, and not only making decisions but being prepared to actively advocate for the benefit of all CFA volunteers and ultimately the Victorian community.

A Board Member Role Statement including the key selection criteria is available from the VFBV office or from the VFBV website.

This is an honorary position; no honorarium is paid.

If you are motivated by the prospect of making a difference for CFA volunteers, then send your written application addressing the key selection criteria in the role statement, plus an outline of your CFA activity including the names of two referees.

Applications must be lodged with VFBV by Wednesday 31st July 2019 to:

VFBV, 9/24 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East 3151

Tel: 9886 1141; Fax: 9886 1618

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Volunteer and career firefighters attend the same types of incidents, are exposed to the same toxins and breathe the same smoke. They should be treated equally. The process for a sick firefighter to apply for support should be fair, simple and compassionate.

Presumptive legislation is long overdue – and all Victorian firefighters should have equal protection under the law.  The proposed legislation should be changed to provide equal protection to volunteers.


Rob Gibbs’ Story

Robs heartbreaking story was broadcast this week on Channel Nine’s - A Current Affair on Tuesday 11th June.

Rob Gibbs was a CFA volunteer and father of one who went from a healthy, middle-aged man who never smoked and barely drank, to being diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia.

Oncologist Stephen Vaughan found Rob’s exposure to chemicals, like benzene, during his work as a firefighter, was a contributing cause of Rob’s leukaemia. But when Rob went to the CFA in 2015 to ask for help paying for his medication, his claim was rejected.

In 2018, Rob was forced to take CFA to the Supreme Court for judicial relief.

Rob has been forced to rely on a “Firefighters Assessment Panel” established under current legislation that is very similar to what is proposed by the Governments Fire Services Reform Bill.

CFA describes this panel as: “A Firefighters Assessment Panel has been formed to assist with the management and assessment of career and volunteer firefighter cancer related claims. The Firefighter Assessment panel is managed by Worksafe with the support of CFA and comprises expert medical, technical and claims specialists to ensure prompt, compassionate and fair assessments for all cancer related claims.”

In Robs case before the Supreme Court, his lawyers described how he was let down by this panel and was provided no opportunity to respond to the panels deliberations or findings. It was further alleged the process used was biased in its determination against Rob.

Rob has spent years trying to navigate this process – all at a time he is the most vulnerable.

As Robs story demonstrates, volunteers have every reason to be concerned about the proposed arrangements in the current Bill before Parliament, that will require them to traverse a potentially similar process.

As the honourable Jack Rush QC summarised in his legal analysis of the Bill

“…no attempt has been made in the Bill or in the accompanying Explanatory Memorandum to explain why the operation of the presumption is made more difficult and arbitrary for volunteer firefighters. The legislation is entirely unsatisfactory and prejudicial to volunteer firefighters who may be diagnosed and wish to claim for a specified cancer. By comparison with a career firefighter diagnosed with and wishing to claim for precisely the same specified cancer the volunteer is required to proceed through an ill-defined and arbitrary process culminating in the Workcover Authority being able to reject the expert opinion of an advisory committee established by the Act. This leads to the remarkable outcome that a volunteer firefighter may attend exactly the same fires, be exposed to exactly the same toxins but only the career firefighter will have the advantage of the presumption and a straightforward route to compensation. For the volunteer the Bill is capricious and unfair.”


What is presumptive legislation?

Firefighters are exposed to toxic substances in the course of their work. Toxins can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Obvious hazards include toxic waste sites and industrial premises, but carcinogens can also be present as a result of substances in residential fire, hazmat incidents, motor vehicle fires, and even bushfires to name just a few.

International research, including Australian studies commissioned by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) to carry out a national retrospective study of firefighters' mortality and cancer incidence have linked 12 specific cancers identified as being directly related to firefighting activities:


Qualifying Period


Qualifying Period

Primary site brain cancer

5 yrs

Primary site bladder cancer

15 yrs

Primary site kidney cancer

15 yrs

Primary non-Hodgkins lymphoma

15 yrs

Primary leukemia

5 yrs

Primary site breast cancer

10 yrs

Primary site testicular cancer

10 yrs

Mutiple myeloma

15 yrs

Primary site prostate cancer

15 yrs

Primary site ureter cancer

15 yrs

Primary site colorectal cancer

15 yrs

Primary site oesophageal cancer

25 yrs

Presumptive legislation for firefighters reverses the onus of proof that applies in other compensation schemes. This means the cancer will be presumed to be firefighter related and the sick firefighter will have quick access to support and compensation to cover medical expenses unless Workcover or the insurer can prove the cancer was caused by some other factor.

Current Victorian law presents the sick firefighter with the nearly impossible task of showing evidence of fires or incidents they attended and prove on the balance of probabilities which incidents or which toxic exposures caused the cancer. If a firefighter broke a leg at a fire incident, they would be covered immediately, yet when a firefighter is exposed to a carcinogen and falls ill some years later (sometime 25 years later) – they face a battle with the State and insurers of David and Goliath proportions just to get a fair go.


Victoria is the only State in Australia not to have Presumptive Legislation in place for firefighters

Victoria is currently the only state in Australia without presumptive legislation for firefighters.

The proposed Fire Services Bill introduced by the Andrews’ Government last year and again in 2019 contains two very separate and distinct issues: 

1)      the restructure of the fire services to create Fire Rescue Victoria and

2)      Presumptive Legislation.

It is VFBV’s position that these two elements can and should be separate legislation. There are no dependencies between the two pieces of legislation – one does not rely on the other to operate.

Motions to separate the Bill and present Presumptive Legislation separately have been put up by several parties (including an independent) on at least three occasions in the last two years, but have not been supported by the Government.


Victorian Proposed Legislation Discriminates Against Volunteers

The core issue with the proposed legislation is that it disadvantages volunteers by requiring them to meet additional bureaucratic burdens and a higher standard of proof than career firefighters.

·         Volunteers must prove they’ve attended enough fires to qualify as a firefighter for compensation, even though most other States have avoided incident thresholds as they are unreliable and not supported by evidence. A single exposure to a dangerous toxin can cause cancer. Staff do not need to prove how many fires they’ve attended (regardless of their role, e.g. working office duties).

·         There is no definition of what constitutes enough fires. This leaves a subjective and unfair threshold that leaves the volunteer firefighter wondering if they will be covered or not – and at the whim of Worksafe and the ‘advisory committee’.

·         The ‘advisory committee’ process is mandatory for all volunteer claims, regardless of how experienced or exposed they may be, and how clear their case. 

·         The advisory committee is not even required to tell the volunteer why their claim was rejected or on what grounds. 

Effectively, this advisory committee is reversing the intention of the legislation and is putting the onus of proving they qualify for compensation back onto the sick volunteer firefighter.

This adds time, stress and uncertainty to volunteer firefighters with no demonstrable benefit.  The data to demonstrate a CFA volunteer’s operational membership is readily available from CFA and recorded on the volunteer firefighter’s membership records.


The legislation is not the same as the Queensland legislation

Claims that the Victorian legislation is the same as in Queensland, providing equal and fair treatment of paid and volunteer firefighters, are not correct.

In Queensland, an ‘administrative committee’ exists that is not legislated, nor mandatory, and it has been established to assist volunteers in that State gather the information and data they need to demonstrate they have served the relevant waiting periods, as QLD volunteer brigades have not in the past had accurate or centralised records of service.

In Queensland – this committee is only used to determine if the waiting period has been served - and applies to both staff and volunteers equally. It is only used in the absence of accurate records. 

Further, the Queensland Committee is chaired by their Fire Services Commissioner and includes representatives from the volunteer association for volunteer claims and union representatives in the case of staff. To the best of our knowledge – this committee has never been used or needed.

The opinion of a legal firm that represents career and volunteer firefighters in Queensland, Victoria and nationwide, says:

“The fundamental difference between the Queensland and Victorian legislation is that Queensland legislation treats volunteer and career firefighters the same. The proposed Victorian legislation does not. For a Victorian volunteer firefighter to have their claim accepted, additional hurdles must be jumped over when compared to their career firefighter counterpart.”

[Ref: James Law submission Fire Services Select Committee 2017]


It is also important to note that the Queensland legislation has no sunset or cut off period, whereas the proposed Victorian legislation cuts off 10 years after the firefighter retires or resigns.


Victoria has Accurate Member Status Records

In Victoria, CFA has a centralised database that keeps an accurate record of a volunteer’s operational status – and records every change made to their status and when it changed. Brigades undergo an annual ‘Section 29’ inspection in which a range of data is validated and verified, including who are operational members.  Therefore, there is no need for a legislated and mandatory committee process for CFA volunteers.

Criteria for membership to the Advisory Committee and case assessment is currently unclear, except that the committee will be direct appointments by the Government.  There are currently no probity measures or governance in place to prevent politicisation of appointments. There are also no clear process and criteria to ensure a fair and equitable process and outcomes for volunteer firefighters who are victims of cancer.


Priority changes advocated by VFBV


Based on our initial analysis of the Firefighters’ Presumptive Rights Compensation and Fire Services Legislation Amendment (Reform) Bill 2019, the following changes could be made to the proposed legislation to remove the unfair and discriminatory treatment of volunteer firefighters:





Division 3 – 9 (c)

Remove highlighted section from 9 (c)


(c) before the date on which the injury that is a disease referred to in column 1 of the Table in Schedule 1 occurred, the volunteer firefighter served as a firefighter for at least the qualifying period specified in column 2 of that Table opposite the disease, and the volunteer firefighter attended fires to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfil the purpose of their service as a firefighter—

in the absence of proof to the contrary



Division 3 - 12

Remove section 12 completely. This section does not appear for career firefighters.


12 Determination of whether section 9 requirement is met

(1) For the purposes of determining whether a volunteer firefighter attended fires to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfil the purpose of their service as a firefighter under section 9, the Authority must seek an expert opinion from the advisory committee.

(2) In providing the expert opinion to the Authority, the advisory committee must have regard to— (a) any relevant records, brigade records, CFA data, employer data and local knowledge; and (b) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

(3) The Authority— (a) must have regard to the expert opinion provided to the Authority under subsection (1); and (b) is not required to make a determination that is consistent with the expert opinion provided under subsection (1).




Remove 20 [2] (a)


20 Establishment of advisory committee

(1) The Minister must establish an advisory committee for the purposes of this Act in accordance with the regulations.

(2) The purpose of the advisory committee is to provide an expert opinion to the Authority as to—

(a) whether a volunteer firefighter has attended fires to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes of service as a firefighter as required by section 9(1)(c); or

(b) whether a firefighter has had an exceptional exposure event.


Thursday, 06 June 2019 22:43

Despair at lack of due process

Written by

The contentious Fire Services Reform bill was today (Thursday) pushed through the Legislative Assembly (Lower House) at record pace, avoiding scrutiny or time for members of Parliament to read and consult with stakeholders and constituents on the legislation. 

The fate of community safety and CFA, a world-respected and highly successful emergency service, now rests on the checks and balances in the Legislative Council (Upper House), particularly the votes of the cross bench made up of the minor party and independent Members of Parliament who hold the balance of power.

VFBV continues to hear from CFA volunteers around Victoria who are dismayed at the lack of process and scrutiny of what is essentially a piece of critical public policy that will significantly impact Victoria’s trusted and respected emergency services.

Adam Barnett, CEO of VFBV, said there was an overwhelming feeling of being bulldozed and disregarded over proposed changes, with CFA volunteers particularly angry with the repeated misrepresentations and falsehoods that CFA is not providing world class service to urban communities.

“No credible evidence has been provided to back those claims – and worse, the proposed changes add no additional capacity to the system. Changing logos on trucks, uniforms and payslips does not modernise or improve community safety.” he said.

VFBV continues to respectfully call for evidence to support the Government’s case for change, including impact modelling, cost analysis and consultation.  The lack of detail, modelling or analysis is a significant impediment in winning the hearts and minds of volunteers, who are not opposed to change that improves the services in a demonstrable way, Mr Barnett added.

Limited debate on the proposed legislation has occurred in the Lower House this week, with MP’s provided no time between the legislation being tabled and made public. Volunteers have been particularly concerned by some of the uninformed comments from some commentators.  The process was labelled undemocratic due to the lack of proper Parliamentary oversight and public and stakeholder scrutiny.

“I reject any implication that the proposed changes will modernise our fire services. The proposed Bill actually takes us backwards pre-CFA – reverting to a model similar to what existed at the time of the disastrous 1938/39 ‘Black Friday’ fires, that saw more than two million hectares destroyed and 71 people dead.

“Back then there was The Bush Fire Brigades and the Country Fire Brigades operating across regional and rural Victoria as two distinct fire services, together with the Forests Commission. These two services operated with inconsistent equipment, different operational doctrine, different chains of command and inconsistent equipment; and that cost lives.”

Mr Barnett pointed out that CFA was established to fix the problem of multiple services competing across the same geographic areas.  CFA has successfully adapted and evolved to growing urbanisation for decades due to the flexibility delivered from its integrated model, where staff and volunteers train, respond and work as one under a common chain of command and operational doctrine.

“The existing CFA model is seen as highly successful and is envied around the world” Mr Barnett said, adding that New Zealand had recently followed Victoria’s lead to integrate paid and volunteer fire services.

“Every report and recommendation recently has said we should strengthen integration between staff and volunteers, but this Bill does the opposite, leaving us with a patchwork of boundaries across Victoria where two fire services will now cohabitate, with different training, equipment, operational doctrine, command structures and accountabilities, where there is currently one.”

“Morale is at an all-time low.  Volunteers are telling us of their despondency that logic, evidence, common sense and decency do not seem to be factors driving this proposal.”

“We all want safe and resilient communities and a strong and vibrant CFA. And we all want to put public safety at the centre of everything we do. Our concern is the proposed legislation does none of those things.”

“Victoria currently has the ‘best of both worlds’, with career and volunteer firefighters working together, training together, using the same equipment and responding together.”

As a former justice and senior counsel to the Bushfires Royal Commission Jack Rush QC recently said, the whole-of-government submission made to the Royal Commission in 2009, boiled down to two key points in relation to structural change;

-          a change to the metropolitan fire district boundaries would have a significant reduction on the critical surge capacity of the CFA; and

-          the cost of the CFA integrated stations was significantly less than comparable metropolitan fire stations..  

“One of the Government’s stated objectives is to strengthen the role of CFA as a volunteer firefighting organisation, yet it has so far ignored the very clear advice from the volunteer firefighters’ themselves that the legislation would be extremely damaging to those objectives.” Mr Barnett said.

“CFA volunteers have extensive experience and knowledge about what is needed to protect Victoria, and yet they haven’t even had a say in this major, highly concerning legislation that directly impacts them and the communities they have sworn to protect” he added.

“Overwhelmingly they are asking us, their representative, to continue to strive to have their voices heard and to try to save as much of our world-class service as possible.  More importantly for them, they want confidence that community safety is the driver for changes made to our service.  They currently do not believe this is the case.”

The legislation package includes Presumptive Legislation that blatantly discriminates against volunteers, further undermining statements that volunteers are respected and valued,” Mr Barnett added.

“That cancer compensation would be tied to completely unrelated structural reform is a real kick in the guts for the very volunteers who selflessly put themselves in harms way to protect lives and property. There is no acceptable reason to tie the two together, and there is most certainly no reason to discriminate against volunteers. Cancer doesn’t discriminate based on pay status, so why should this legislation? Volunteers and paid staff attend the same incidents, face the same risks and breathe the same smoke.

“This bill was drafted initially in secret, without any input from CFA or MFB leadership, or even the Emergency Management Commissioner.  No clear case has ever been put forward and no analysis or modelling to demonstrate what, if any, benefits and impacts it will have on community safety outcomes and CFA efficiency.

“VFBV welcomes any reforms that improve the way Victorian fire services work, and I continue to reaffirm my commitment to working with Government in shaping the strongest CFA for the future. However, these reforms need to be developed collaboratively, openly and most importantly – transparently. Victoria deserves no less,” Mr Barnett said.


Useful links:

VFBV Submission to Fire Services Bill Select Committee – http://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/589-vfbv-submission-to-the-fire-services-bill-select-committee  

Jack Rush QC radio interview - https://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/654-jack-rush-qc-radio-interview 

Fire Service Restructure Update and VFBV legal advice - https://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/588-fire-service-restructure-update-and-vfbv-legal-advice 

Tuesday, 04 June 2019 18:01

Fire Services Legislation Tabled

Written by

Late this afternoon the Victorian Government tabled its proposed Fire Services Legislation in the Legislative Assembly. A copy of the Bill has now been made publicly available.



·         The Bill’s first reading speech was on Wednesday 29th May 2019

·         VFBV attended a Government Bill briefing this morning (Tuesday 4th June 2019)

·         The Bill’s second reading speech occurred late this afternoon (Tuesday 4th June 2019)

·         Debate on the bill has been fast tracked for the Legislative Assembly tomorrow


Usually, after a Bill is tabled in the house and following its second reading speech, debate would normally be adjourned for a period of two weeks to allow members of Parliament to consider the Bill prior to debate.

This afternoon the Government has used its numbers in the lower house to bypass this usual practice, and debate will now proceed immediately in the lower house tomorrow morning.

Members can access live streaming of parliament at: https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/video-and-audio/live-broadcasting and select the “Assembly Live Broadcast” option.



·         Members are encouraged to read the Bill and discuss with your Brigade/Group

Members can access the Bill at: http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubPDocs.nsf/ee665e366dcb6cb0ca256da400837f6b/2EDB9D7CA602E31ECA25840A007BF715/$FILE/591019bi1.pdf 

·         Members who have questions or concerns that they wish to raise in debate in the Legislative Assembly tomorrow should make contact with their local Member of Parliament ASAP

You can find a list of all members here: https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/about/people-in-parliament/members-search/list-all-members  Members highlighted in Green are members of the Legislative Assembly (lower house) while those in red are from the Legislative Council (upper house.)


Useful links:


·         VFBV Submission to Fire Services Bill Select Committee – http://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/589-vfbv-submission-to-the-fire-services-billselect-committee 

·         VFBV Legal Advice on the Presumptive Rights Compensation aspects of the previously proposed legislation - http://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/588-fire-service-restructure-updateand-vfbv-legal-advice 

·         Legislative Council’s select committee findings from their inquiry into the Fire Services Bill - http://vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/595-fire-services-bill-select-committee-finalreport 

·         Government Response to the Fire Services Bill Select Committee Final Report – Tabled in Parliament on 7 September 2017 –


·         VFBV / Melbourne University Surge Capacity educational video: http://www.vfbv.com.au/index.php/component/k2/item/568-cfa-s-volunteer-surge-capacityessential-for-victoria 



We have heard from many members already. We understand many of you are disappointed and angry. Everyone is different and their reactions to potentially traumatic or stressful events will be different. This is an extremely difficult time for us all and will require patience, empathy and solidarity as we tackle the next stages of this period in CFA’s history. Support services are available to provide you additional support:

The CFA Wellbeing Support Line: 1800 959 232 - provides CFA members and their immediate family access to member support 24-7.

Lifeline: 13 11 14 - provides crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 - to talk with a trained mental health professional.

Page 23 of 32
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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