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CFA members still have time to have their say on the Fire & Emergency Management (F&EM) Training Strategy.

Online for the past four weeks, the CFA-run survey provides volunteers and staff from all districts an opportunity to share their feedback on the strategy.

The survey closes at midnight on Friday 31 July 2015.

CFA Executive Manager Training Development James Stitz says “Completing the survey only takes five minutes, but plays a major role in helping us monitor performance and improve what we do.”

"So far we have had over 550 responses. Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to complete it. If you haven’t had a chance yet, there is still time to have your say.”

Members are asked to do the survey online. If you would prefer a paper-based version, it can be downloaded here.

Printed surveys can be submitted to Liza Gelt, OT&V, by post (16 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East VIC 3151) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Please also contact Liza if you have any queries regarding accessing or submitting the survey.

Published in CFA News

After a successful response in 2014, CFA is once again asking members to provide their feedback and thoughts on the F&EM Training Strategy and its progress in 2015.

James Stitz, Manager of Training & Delivery said: “This survey is an important part of the annual review to measure CFA’s performance against the Training Strategy.”

The strategy was approved by the CFA Board in June 2013 and released to members in July 2013. Since then Operational Training & Volunteerism (OT&V) has been working hard to deliver on a range of strategy actions.

“I’m seeking five minutes input from everyone to enable us to monitor performance and improve what we do,” Mr Stitz said.

Supported by other data analysis, the survey results will be used to assess performance against the baseline results established last year.

The survey is available for members to complete online (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TrainingStrategySurvey2015). Alternatively, members may also download and print a paper copy of the survey from Brigades Online (at Training > Strategy > F&EM Training Strategy). The survey is currently open for your input, and will be closed midnight Friday 31 July 2015.

Published in CFA News
Sunday, 10 May 2015 00:00

CFA Volunteer Strategy Endorsed

The CFA Volunteer Strategy has now been endorsed by the CFA Board, and the VFBV/CFA Joint Volunteerism Committee encourages you to read it (see below to download a copy).

The Strategy lays foundations for how everyone in CFA will work towards ensuring the future capability of community based volunteer emergency services remains strong, whilst encouraging, maintaining and strengthening the capacity of volunteers to deliver CFA services.

VFBV has renewed its request for CFA to prepare an implementation strategy, and Joint Committee delegates have emphasised the importance of using the Chief Officer’s Chain of Command to inform and deliver the implementation down to the District level.  CFA has advised work on implementation plans is progressing, with plans due to be signed off by June 30. The Strategy is available for download below.

Published in VFBV News

Consultation with CFA members throughout November has been active with a number of regional forums held across the state.

Feedback from member has also been provided via email, mail and CFA’s website. Contributions are still encouraged, with the deadline extended to 19 December 2014.

Member feedback has also been provided through a new online service for CFA which allows members to share their views, provide comments and join discussions online. The link is:


Regional forums have been great, with a diverse range of views and ideas being shared. Some of the key themes discussed have included:

  • Attracting and retaining younger members
  • The importance of good leaders and great ‘people skills’ at CFA, across all levels
  • Declining community understanding of volunteer brigades and shared responsibility for fire risk
  • How to measure ‘success’ of the Strategy at brigade level
  • The need to make sure that the Strategy is ‘more than just words’
  • Valuing senior members and retaining their skills and experience
  • The impact and expectations of time available for training – keep it simple
  • Trusting, respecting and utilising volunteers
  • The role that CFA and government can play in fighting for and investing in volunteerism
  • The importance of letting local brigades serve local communities in the best way for that community
  • Getting the culture of CFA right
  • Working with employers – addressing declining employer support for volunteer activity
  • The need for a modern approach to CFA’s brand in the community


At the end of the consultation period, outcomes will be collated and shared, and will go on to shape development of the final strategy.

The final Strategy will be presented to CFA’s board in early 2015.

Published in CFA News
Thursday, 30 January 2014 11:08

CFA Training Strategy Survey

CFA invites all members to respond to its Training Strategy Implementation Survey.

The Strategy, and a hard copy of the survey, can be downloaded from Brigades Online (Training > Strategy > F&EM Training Strategy).

The survey will be open until 31 March, 2014.

Click here to take the survey, which will take about five minutes to complete.



Published in CFA News

UPDATE: Typing error corrected on page 4 - FEEDBACK OPEN UNTIL THE END OF NOVEMBER

VFBV is providing opportunity for all volunteers to comment on the much anticipated CFA Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy that is being considered for acceptance by the Chief Officer. Members will recall a Discussion Paper in 2009 that sought feedback on eight (8) key principles that could underpin the development of any future strategy.

Entitled 'Providing Safer Drivers & Operators for all CFA vehicles’ the Draft Strategy currently under consideration has a defined future focus that will:

‘By implementing all recommendations contained within the Strategy, it is CFA’s goal that by 2024, all members will hold CFA or nationally recognised competencies giving them the skills to drive and / or operate CFA vehicle in a safe manner.’

VFBV has developed and posted to all brigades an Information Paper (download a copy below) that provides an executive summary of the important changes proposed and the specific member and organisational impacts of adopting the strategy.

VFBV is keen for all Brigades to consider the details contained within the Information Paper and for local discussion to be held at VFBV District Councils in preparation for consideration of VFBV’s position to be ratified at the December 2013 State Council meeting.

Published in VFBV News
Friday, 13 September 2013 09:31


CFA has extended the feedback deadline on its proposal for a Service Delivery Strategy until 30 September and VFBV is pressing for even more time. VFBV expects that most Brigades will not have had a chance to review this document yet and have raised this as a concern with the CFA Chief Officer.

There's a discussion paper and a survey available on the CFA intranet and Brigades Online (About CFA>Service Delivery>Service Delivery Strategy).

After considering the feedback, CFA plans to draft the strategy, then seek further comment on the draft strategy before finalising it later this year.

The discussion paper considers issues that will influence the decisions in the strategy, including; trends in population, settlement, climate change and extreme weather, volunteerism and technology, and possible directions for CFA and the emergency service sector over the coming decades.

The issues are important to the future of CFA, volunteering and the emergency services. CFA are hoping that many Brigades will read the discussion paper and consider providing input before they begin work on drafting the final strategy.

VFBV will be working with CFA to consider feedback.

Published in VFBV News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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