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Wednesday, 16 November 2016 14:33

New VicEmergency App for download

The new VicEmergency App is available for download now.

The app provides warnings and details of incidents, for fires, floods, storms, earthquake, tsunamis and water safety.i

Go to the EMV website to learn more and download the app.

New features of the VicEmergency app include:

  • Incident and warning notifications for all emergencies
  • User profile that enables simultaneous access to watch zones and emergency notifications across multiple devices
  • Creation of up to 20 watch zones tailored to individual locations and needs
  • Ability to edit watch zones and turn notifications on and off.
  • Screen view rotation to view the incident map horizontally
  • Responsive design for iPads and tablet devices
  • The VicEmergency website www.emergency.vic.gov.au upgraded to create and edit watch zones and send email notifications

The new VicEmergency hotline introduced for this summer - 1800 226 226 - brings together all emergency numbers including the Victorian Bushfire Information Line, the Victorian Emergency Relief Information Line and the VICSES Flood and Storm Information Line.

Published in Other News

The third VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey will be online in the middle of 2014. To pre-register to receive the 2014 survey via email, click here.

The survey is a total of 33 questions chosen by volunteers and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Your answers are confidential.

Last year’s survey was a great success with more than 1,400 participants. VFBV examined the results in detail to guide its own actions and briefed the CFA Board.  Download the full report below.

The third survey will show trends in volunteer opinions on issues chosen by your fellow volunteers and if you register today you’ll receive the survey automatically as soon as it opens.

Download the full report below

VFBV’s role under the CFA Act is to ‘consider and bring to the attention of the Authority (CFA) all matters affecting volunteer welfare and efficiency (other than questions of discipline and promotion).

Earlier this year, VFBV conducted its second survey to measure volunteer perceptions about key matters that volunteers feel impact on their welfare and efficiency.

There was again a tremendous response, with more than 1,450 participants – an 80% increase over the 2012 survey – with more volunteers responding from every District, and greater percentages of female volunteers, younger volunteers and newer volunteers.

The survey gave volunteers the chance to improve the future welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers and to better equip VFBV for its work.

You can download the full results of the 2013 survey below.

The first survey was well received by CFA’s Board and senior management in 2012, and VFBV now looks to working with CFA in moving from identifying areas needing attention to actively working to achieve improvements in those areas.

Every person who has completed the survey and provided contact details will be sent a full copy of the survey.

The survey is designed to provide a benchmark assessment of CFA volunteers’ perceptions about key factors affecting their welfare and efficiency.

Ongoing surveys will allow us to compare results with the earlier surveys and identify ongoing trends.  To pre-register to receive the 2014 survey via email, click here.

VFBV will now continue work with CFA to explore reasons behind key performance gaps; recognise and promote good practice; find solutions to address identified weaknesses; and provide the starting point for future trend analysis and continuous improvement.


Published in VFBV News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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