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Championships – Have your say

VFBV State Championships are one of Victoria's proudest and longest traditions, running for nearly 150 years with the first State Championship held in Melbourne in 1873.

Today, competitions and the State Championships remain an integral part of CFA activities and provide opportunities for many brigades across the State to come together to compete against each other in a range of events.

CFA is seeking to better understand the experiences of individuals in participating in championships and competitions which will help inform future initiatives to support the ongoing growth and sustainability of these events.

You are invited to complete a survey that CFA is conducting to share your experiences and provide valuable ideas and insights from the perspective of participants, officials and supporters.  The survey will remain open until the end of April and all responses will remain confidential.

There will also be an opportunity to complete the survey and provide feedback at the upcoming State Championships.  You can do this by visiting the ‘Championships – Have you say’ stand in the corporate marquee at the event during the following dates and times:

State Urban Championships – Bendigo

Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th March - 9am to 4.30 pm


State Rural Championships – Warrnambool

Saturday 7th April – 9am to 4.30pm

Sunday 8th April – 9am to 1pm


The survey can be completed online by following the link 

If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of the survey you can request this by speaking to Raelene Williams on Ph: 0418 739 469 or email: 

Read 11239 times Last modified on Saturday, 10 March 2018 12:07