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The third VFBV Volunteer Welfare & Efficiency Survey will be online in the middle of 2014. To pre-register to receive the 2014 survey via email, click here.

The survey is a total of 33 questions chosen by volunteers and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Your answers are confidential.

Last year’s survey was a great success with more than 1,400 participants. VFBV examined the results in detail to guide its own actions and briefed the CFA Board.  Download the full report below.

The third survey will show trends in volunteer opinions on issues chosen by your fellow volunteers and if you register today you’ll receive the survey automatically as soon as it opens.

Download the full report below

VFBV’s role under the CFA Act is to ‘consider and bring to the attention of the Authority (CFA) all matters affecting volunteer welfare and efficiency (other than questions of discipline and promotion).

Earlier this year, VFBV conducted its second survey to measure volunteer perceptions about key matters that volunteers feel impact on their welfare and efficiency.

There was again a tremendous response, with more than 1,450 participants – an 80% increase over the 2012 survey – with more volunteers responding from every District, and greater percentages of female volunteers, younger volunteers and newer volunteers.

The survey gave volunteers the chance to improve the future welfare and efficiency of CFA volunteers and to better equip VFBV for its work.

You can download the full results of the 2013 survey below.

The first survey was well received by CFA’s Board and senior management in 2012, and VFBV now looks to working with CFA in moving from identifying areas needing attention to actively working to achieve improvements in those areas.

Every person who has completed the survey and provided contact details will be sent a full copy of the survey.

The survey is designed to provide a benchmark assessment of CFA volunteers’ perceptions about key factors affecting their welfare and efficiency.

Ongoing surveys will allow us to compare results with the earlier surveys and identify ongoing trends.  To pre-register to receive the 2014 survey via email, click here.

VFBV will now continue work with CFA to explore reasons behind key performance gaps; recognise and promote good practice; find solutions to address identified weaknesses; and provide the starting point for future trend analysis and continuous improvement.


Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, the association representing Victoria’s 60,000 CFA volunteers, is deeply saddened to learn of the deaths in the line of duty of 19 firefighters, while fighting a major wildfire, the Yarnell Hill fire, in their home state of Arizona.

On behalf of all CFA volunteers, we offer our most heartfelt sympathies to their families, friends and colleagues in the town of Prescott, Arizona.  From our own experience we know this is an unfathomable loss, one that goes beyond words.

As we reflect on the sacrifice made by these, our fellow firefighters, we also give thanks for their devotion to duty in protecting others.  They shall never be forgotten.

The CFA member assistance program is now available 24 hours a day and has a new phone number – 1300 795 711.

The program has been upgraded to provide a more tailored service for CFA members and their immediate families.

Closer links with other CFA support services such as peer and chaplaincy support and compensation programs, as well as short-term counselling support across the state, will make it easier for members to access the support they need.

Around 100 counselling sessions are taken up each year by CFA members and their immediate families about a range of issues including relationships, parenting advice, depression, anxiety, addiction and trauma.

Information cards will be distributed through regional offices, peer support coordinators and sent with the spring edition of Brigade magazine to promote the new 1300 795 711 number.

Contact the organisational wellbeing team on 9262 8836 for further information about the program or other wellbeing initiatives.

See https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/new-member-assistance-program.html for some useful links on CFA welfare for members.


VFBV is moving towards removing urban and rural brigade distinctions from its constitution – see below to download the discussion paper.

The discussion papers outlines the background, the need to make a change and the options being considered.  It also includes a feedback form that can be emailed, mailed or faxed to the VFBV office.

The need to change our constitution:

  • This is part of the process that began with the forming of VFBV from the old urban and rural associations
  • CFA is moving from urban and rural brigade classifications to a system of risk based brigade classifications more relevant to modern community needs

Please download the discussion paper below to see the options.  You can make your opinions known by returning the feedback form included in the paper, or by taking part in discussion at your District Council.

Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) Board vacancies

Invitation to apply

Two Rural Volunteer Representatives - 2 year term until 1 October 2015

Two Urban Volunteer Representatives - 2 year term until 1 October 2015

Closing date for written applications is Monday 12 August 2013

VFBV advances the interests of all Victorian fire brigade volunteers and advocates on their behalf to CFA and other key stakeholders. The VFBV Board drives policy development based on volunteer input and is involved in management of issues of central importance to all CFA volunteers.

Vacancies for Two Rural Brigade Board Members and Two Urban Brigade Board Members will arise when the terms of Tom Brodie and Gary Lyttle (Rural) and Dave Ackland and Hans van Hamond (Urban) expire on 1 October 2013.  

The term of appointment will be for two years and applications are invited from interested volunteers to be considered for these vacancies.  The retiring members are eligible for re-appointment.

The role of a VFBV Board Member involves contributing to debate at Board Meetings, networking with others about policies and issues management, and not only making decisions but being prepared to defend them for the benefit of all CFA volunteers.

A Board Member Role Statement including the key selection criteria is available from the VFBV office or website http://www.vfbv.com.au/webMain/about/vfbv/vfbvboard.

This is an honorary position; no honorarium is paid.

If you are challenged by the prospect of making a difference for CFA volunteers, then send your written application addressing the key selection criteria in the role statement, plus an outline of your CFA activity including the names of two referees.

Applications must be lodged with VFBV by Monday 12 August 2013.

to:        VFBV, P O Box 453, Mt Waverley  3149

            Tel:  9886 1141;    Fax:  9886 1618

            Email:  j.laingThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Fair protection for firefighters

As the CFA volunteers' association, VFBV is campaigning for a change to Victorian law to give CFA volunteer firefighters and their career colleagues simpler and fairer access to cancer compensation.

Click on these links to learn;          

Ready to help? Contact your local MP and ask them to support the Firefighters Cancer Law, or click here to make a donation to support the campaign.

Why we need Presumptive Legislation – the Firefighters’ Cancer Law

Scientific research shows that firefighters are more likely to contract certain types of cancer. 

Current Victorian arrangements already provide for cancer compensation, but it is almost impossible to access because the firefighter has to prove the cancer was caused by one particular fire or incident – an incident that might have happened 10 or 15 years ago.

Presumptive legislation would work by reversing the onus of proof – the firefighter’s cancer would be presumed to be work related provided the firefighter has sufficient years of service. 

Presumption allows the firefighter to concentrate on treatment and recovery, instead of a lengthy and expensive court case.

CFA volunteer firefighters and their career colleagues are not asking for new compensation, just the removal of an almost impossible barrier to accessing their existing entitlements.

For more details, you can download;

VFBV’s Notes for Volunteers or

VFBV’s Notes for MPs

The campaign so far

VFBV has campaigned since early 2011 for a change in Victorian law that gives CFA volunteers and their career colleagues fairer access to cancer compensation.

We have briefed Victorian MPs on both sides of Parliament, raised the issue publicly and among volunteers, and watched as the Australian Parliament, then the Tasmanian, West Australian and South Australian Parliaments all passed presumptive legislation to cover some of their firefighters.

Victoria still lags behind

While concern has grown and other Governments have accepted the scientific evidence, the Victorian Government has claimed it is waiting for further research from Monash University, even though the Monash researchers have said “…We are concerned that decisions about presumptive legislation are being delayed pending our study’s findings. We believe that there is already good evidence from a very large number of previous human studies that work as a firefighter is associated with an increased risk of several types cancer...”

The State Government introduced a new Firefighters’ Assessment Panel, claiming it would “ensure prompt, compassionate and fair claims assessment for firefighters”. VFBV has given the Panel nine months to prove itself, only to find the panel process only adds extra bureaucracy, gives no assistance to the sick volunteer and does not remove the unfair burden of proof on the firefighter.

What volunteers can do now

  •          Raise the firefighters’ cancer law issue with your local Member of Parliament, in your local media and online. 
  •          Make a donation to the Trust Fund to support the campaign – click here for notes on the Trust Fund and how it helps our efforts to achieve simpler and fairer cancer compensation for firefighters

Any contact with your local MP will do; write a formal letter, send a simple email, ask for a meeting at their office or mention the issue whenever you see them.

Your Brigade, Group and volunteers can donate to the Trust Fund, as well as promoting it among the public;

  •          Visit www.vfbv.com.au to make a donation by credit card or PayPal
  •          Send a cheque to; The Volunteer Fire Fighters Occupational Illnesses (VFFOI) Awareness and Protection Fund, PO Box 453, Mt Waverley 3149
  •          Transfer funds to VFBV’s Bendigo Bank account; BSB 633-000 Account Number 151841970

 If your Brigade needs assistance and it is appropriate, VFBV can provide support in publicising the fundraising effort within your local community.

Do you, or someone you know who is or has been a volunteer firefighter, suffer from one of the firefighter

occupational cancers? Let us know and we can advise you of potential next steps

What the public can do to help

Learn more about the Firefighters’ Cancer Law - click here to read our VFBV Notes for Volunteers

Make a donation to the Trust Fund to support our campaign - click here to read how the Trust Fund can help achieve this important change to the law.

Raise the firefighters’ cancer law issue with your local Member of Parliament, in your local media and online – it’s a great way to show support for your local CFA volunteers. 

What CFA volunteers need Members of Parliament to do now

We call on all Victorian MPs for their active support for presumptive legislation to simplify access to cancer compensation for firefighters. 

We are asking all Victorian MPs to take up the issue, and we ask those who don’t support presumptive legislation to explain why they do not.

VFBV communicates progress on this issue to our members and the general public, there's a summary of MPs’ responses to a letter from VFBV available on this website.


The detailed report from VFBV’s fourth annual Integrated Brigades Forum has been released – see below to download a copy.

With the theme of best practice integration for CFA, the forum included CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson and Deputy Chief Officer Joe Buffone working alongside VFBV officials and 52 Brigade members including senior volunteers and a number of Operations Officers/OICs from integrated Brigades.

The forum looked at the challenges faced by particular integrated Brigades, day to day practicalities, future models for integration, case studies on how well different arrangements have worked and the building of a help network for Brigade members and leaders as they go through the integration process or fine tune their integrated Brigade.

The forum was facilitated by members of VFBV’s State Integrated Brigades Reference Panel who began work early in 2012 on a framework for the future development of a Code of Best Practice for CFA Integration.

The Chief and Deputy have indicated their support for follow up work to progress many of the issues and opportunities confronting CFA’s Integrated Service Delivery Model.  VFBV will work with CFA towards the establishment of a Joint Working Party or Reference Group built upon the good initial work of VFBV’s State Reference Panel.


The rollout of new pagers is set to go ahead, VFBV has secured commitments to a program of continuing improvements based on volunteer/user feedback, and the VFBV Board now encourages all members to participate in the pager replacement roll-out program.

CFA, ESTA and VFBV met today (Friday, 3 May) to consider the outcomes and feedback from the validation trial.  The data collected and additional advice from validation trial participants indicate the Alpha Legend pager has performed better with re-programming and setup adjustments and is now much closer to meeting the end user‘s needs than the configuration that was originally presented for field evaluation late in 2012.





VFBV’s   position to expand the Alpha Legend pager evaluation of fixes from the   original 25 to 400 pagers, to allow for a more thorough field evaluation. The   inclusion of all CFA Groups as part of this short but more widespread   validation trial.


ESTA and CFA agreed and a two week trial through late April 2013 to   ensure a more robust user evaluation of the pager programming fixes occurred.

All   CFA Groups were required to be included in this trial.

Validation   testing of 5 key programming fixes to the Alpha Legend pager usability after   the 2012 field trial.


From responses, the five re-programming solutions have proved viable.

Only   153 survey response from trial participants, however no opportunity to add   comments has influenced this result.

CFA   and ESTA to establish a process to monitor roll-out and user feedback in   order to evaluate the introduction of these new pagers and recommend further   programming and usability adjustments.


In   discussions with CFA and ESTA, this process is agreed and will be confirmed   in writing to VFBV.

A   process to monitor the user training and support that CFA provides for ‘user   help’ during the roll-out and initial bedding down period.


Agreed   and written confirmation will confirm.

VFBV   has sought the ongoing monitoring of the replacement pagers by the formation   of a CFA User Reference Panel along with ESTA to monitor user feedback   and to consider and recommend further programming and usability   upgrades.  This has been agreed and the CFA User Reference Panel will be   formed from stakeholder user groups, including end user volunteer   representatives through VFBV.


Agreed and written confirmation will confirm.

ESTA,   CFA and VFBV agreed that this process will promote a continuous improvement   framework to ensure the selected pager will continue to evolve and improve   over its service life.

ESTA   to re-format their message structure to remove the ESTA incident coding from   the beginning of alert messages; this initiative was seen as very important   to ensure mission critical responder information was easier to access on the   smaller Alpha Legend pager screen.


ESTA to advise CFA and VFBV of the process to plan and deliver a   Message Template change for CFA pagers. The opportunity through the User   reference Panel will be taken to review the entire message format to achieve   the best message format and construct possible. ESTA will provide written   advice on the details and projected timelines by end of May 2013.


CFA   and ESTA with VFBV to resolve the lack of visual alert functionality and   agree to finding a solution including an approved allocation policy and   procedure by 30 June 2013


Issue   as yet not resolved, however, all parties have agreed to work towards a   solution by 30 June 2013.

Changeover   process and ‘one for one’ changeover. VFBV request of CFA to clarify the   allocation will be as above and that additional pager  allocations to   Brigades and Groups above those allocated at the changeover will be upon the   Officer in Charge’s request to CFA based on ‘operational justification’.


CFA   agreed that the current process of operationally justifying additional pagers   will continue.



The VFBV Board advises all members that the pager validation trial has confirmed that the Alpha Legend pager has met the test described by the five programming upgrades sought by volunteers. Despite some reservations there is insufficient reason for volunteers to refuse to participate in the pager changeover program. Accordingly, the VFBV Board recommends that volunteers accept the new pager and return the old pager, as part of the roll-out program.

In making this recommendation, VFBV acknowledges that:

  1. The change to a new pager was necessary to ensure there is never a repeat of the pager system overload and failures experienced during and following Black Saturday 2009.
  2. The move of Ambulance Victoria (AV) across to a separate channel will ensure that additional capacity exists for CFA and VICSES to have confidence that Emergency Alert and other circuit messages get through to responders and users quickly and as designed.
  3. The need to move forward with a solution as the old X3 pagers are no longer manufactured and are close to their serviceable life span and in many cases are irreparable when they fail.

In seeking a solid monitoring and user feedback process, VFBV required undertakings from ESTA and CFA to ensure the replacement pager continues to evolve in both usability and functionality right through its service life.

CFA and ESTA have verbally agreed to the sensible next steps as detailed in the table of issues above, however, VFBV is seeking their confirmation in writing.

CFA staff and support personnel will working closely with Brigades and Groups over the coming months to change over the replacement pager, requiring the old X3 pagers to be returned.


Our VFBV Board reiterates its disappointment that the entire pager replacement process driven by ESTA and CFA, has not met their obligations prescribed within the CFA Act and CFA Volunteer Charter in requiring  consultation with  CFA volunteers and their representatives prior to any decisions of this magnitude being made. VFBV has sought to build into the evaluation and roll-out phases agreed process and consultation mechanisms to ensure the replacement pager evolves to be the very best device for CFA it can be.

The future replacement of this new pager was a topic of discussion and VFBV will seek a common sense approach that engages and consults with equipment end users to avoid similar technical and desktop approaches that often deliver a product that falls short of user expectations or needs.


WHAT: CFA will honour those members who have lost their lives in the line of duty at its annual memorial service.

WHO: Minister for Police and Emergency Services the Honourable Kim Wells MP, State Member for Gembrook Brad Battin MLA, Nillumbik Shire Council Mayor Peter Perkins, CFA Acting Chair Claire Higgins, CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson AFSM, CFA CEO Mick Bourke, VFBV President Hans van Hamond AFSM, CFA members and other guests.

WHEN: 2.00pm on Sunday, 5 May 2013.

WHERE: St John’s Anglican Church, 1 St Georges Road (Corner Beaconsfield Emerald Road and St Georges Road) Upper Beaconsfield.

Almost 500 CFA brigades across Victoria will be able to communicate directly with those who dispatch them to emergencies, saving valuable time,when a state-of-the-art digital communications network is rolled out over the next 18 months.

As part of the $42.9 million Regional Radio Dispatch Service (RRDS) project, Telstra, supported by Motorola Solutions, has been chosen to build and maintain the new infrastructure for CFA, and the state’s emergency services digital radio service in regional Victoria.

The announcement was made today by Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Kim Wells.

CFA Chief Officer, Euan Ferguson, said the network will provide regional brigades with direct radio communications to the dispatch operators, and a new generation of high-quality digital dispatch capability across the state.

“Members will also benefit from clearer radio dispatch coverage, which is currently available to Victoria Police, MFB, Ambulance Victoria and our brigades in metropolitan Melbourne,” he said.

“It will also reduce the need for group communications officers to support day-to-day dispatch communications activities. This role, however, will remain essential for incident management communications and these members will continue to maintain their skills through regular training and exercises.

“But most importantly, this is a major upgrade of the state’s communications systems and will improve our service delivery to Victorian communities.”

Currently, CFA crews in rural areas must relay communications via a local group communications officer to give important information about the status of an incident and location of crews.

The rollout will begin in November this year and will be available to all regional brigades by mid next year.

“This will be followed by the training and eventual operational transition for all brigades involved which will be undertaken at a regional level,” Mr Ferguson said.

“The rollout is part of our switchover to digitally enabled Tait radios which are currently operating on an analogue network, awaiting the introduction of this Regional Radio Dispatch Service (RRDS).

“The new digital network will initially be dedicated to dispatching regional CFA brigades and will use newly assigned channels. Fireground and command and control channels are not changing as an outcome of this project.

Telstra Executive Director of Government and Not for Profit, Chris Pearce said the RRDS will be delivered by Telstra and supported by Motorola Solutions, combining the strengths and expertise of both companies in delivering public safety solutions.

“Through our work with the CFA and Motorola, we are proud to be helping make regional Victoria a safer place,” Mr Pearce said.

“This project is intended to extend the CFA’s dispatch radio footprint from outer metropolitan Melbourne through to rural and regional Victoria.

“It demonstrates our commitment to providing Australia’s emergency services with the latest public safety technology.”

The lives of the 10 firefighters who died battling the West, Texas fire and explosion will be remembered during a memorial service on Thursday, April 25 at 2:00 pm, local Texas time (5am Friday, Victorian time).

Thousands of fire fighters from around the United States will join President Obama and the First Lady to pay respects to the families, friends and co-workers of the fallen.

Live streaming will be available on the National Fallen Firefighters’ Foundation website, www.firehero.org/westtexas.

The NFFF has been on the ground in Texas, offering assistance and support to the department, families and friends through the Local Assistance State Team (LAST). Because of the large loss of life, the Foundation expects to be here for a lengthy period of time, providing peer counseling, and support in many other ways.

To help those efforts, the NFFF has established a national fund to accept monetary donations to assist the survivors and coworkers of the fire and EMS personnel who died in the line of duty. All donated funds will be used to assist the survivors and co-workers to rebuild their lives and support the programs and services they will need.

A new CFA research project aims to help Brigades in supporting their members through difficult times, and it will start by asking Brigades to talk about their own practical experience.

CFA’s Brigade Social Support Project is looking at the way Brigades support their members during potentially traumatic events and during day to day issues of hardship, such as distress from life events, distress from interpersonal conflict, or family and financial pressures.  

The result will be a Brigade Social Support Framework document that collects that hard earned wisdom into what will be a good resource for Brigades everywhere.

The research will involve meetings and discussions between May and July, most of them conducted by a CFA volunteer researcher.  If members of your Brigade have experience or ideas to offer, that show what works and what doesn’t work, please contact Peter Davis at CFA by Friday 10 May 2013.

You can contact Peter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on (03) 9262 8069.

CFA has posted an article with more details at https://news.cfa.vic.gov.au/news/learning-from-brigades-social-supp.html


VFBV’s State Training Committee is pursuing a sensible approach to a phased or pathway model of skills and experiences to allow members to train and acquire breathing apparatus use and endorsement, targeting building skills, proficiency and member confidence.

In some parts of the State, artificial limits or barriers exist for members to be accepted for training and endorsement as BA Operators due to local rules that require a member to demonstrate competence in wearing and completing Search & Rescue operations in hostile hot fire simulated assessments at CFA’s Field Training Grounds.

VFBV’s position is simple, the complete BA / S&R competence is desirable and would be mandatory for a member who is tasked to enter a structure and conduct search and rescue activities, particularly in the pursuit of protecting life and property.  Our State Training Committee, supported by the State Operations Committee, is advocating for a common sense approach that would permit members to be introduced to BA along a skills acquisition and experience pathway.

Wearing BA as a modern day firefighter is no longer a specialist skill. VFBV argues that it is at the core of protection for members and capability of members to operate effectively in their fireground roles.  The concept VFBV is promoting would see members introduced to the equipment at brigades and dedicated training exercises, mentored and coached through the introductory phase of care and donning of the equipment and then nurtured and encouraged to operate the equipment under supervision at fires and incidents in order to protect themselves from irrespirable atmospheres and smoke. 

The ability to wear and operate BA at car fires, external structural fires, bin fires and of course grass & scrub and bushfires can only benefit the health and safety of the member and allow them to grow in confidence in the use of BA prior to any escalation of use in internal structural environments.

This would encourage members to wear and operate the equipment over a considerable introductory period under Brigade, Group and training instructor supervision until such time as they agree and are deemed ready to take up internal structural firefighter training.

Cost and opportunity barriers for brigades to nominate members to undergo familiarisation and assessments at CFA’s Field Training Grounds, plus the relatively low success rate (not to mention the dent to members’ confidence) could be mitigated by CFA adopting the approach VFBV is promoting.

A copy of the BA Pathways – Phased Approach to Competency VFBV Decision Paper is attached for download and brigade and member feedback.


Volunteer firefighters in every State have united to form a new forum, the Council of Australian Volunteer Fire Associations (CAVFA), to promote the interests of a quarter of a million members nationwide.

See the attached media release and communique to members for details.

CFA’s new Operational Training Fact Sheet includes four words in bold, red type:  volunteers can train volunteers.  It also says “not all training has to be delivered by CFA staff”.

The fact sheet is the result of direct co-operation between VFBV and Operational Training and Volunteerism staff at CFA.

The Fact Sheet also says formal competency training and assessment can be undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced Brigade personnel.

Formal Competency Training requires a qualified trainer, using the current training package.

Formal Competency Assessment requires a qualified assessor and can take place at the Brigade.

Brigade training that does not involve a formal competency or assessment can be carried out by any Brigade member approved by the Brigade Management Team.

An Operational Training Fact Sheet has been sent to all Brigades and Groups, and you can download a copy by clicking on the link below.

The much anticipated CFA Honours and Awards poster and manual became available early in 2013.

They were a working collaboration between CFA and VFBV, and have brought surety and transparency to the Honours and Awards system.

The manual offers details of the criteria for awarding a variety of Honours and Awards, with categories including  Bravery and Valour, Distinguished Service, Long Service and Notable Awards.

You can download the Manual and Wall Poster below.

CFA invites you and members of your family to attend the

Annual Memorial Service for Firefighters

Sunday, 5 May 2013, at 2pm.

The service will be held at St Johns Anglican Church

1 St Georges Road

Upper Beaconsfield

(Cnr Beaconsfield - Emerald Road and St Georges Road)

Melway Ed 39 Map 210 H12

Light refreshments will be provided afterwards.

Dress: CFA uniform or smart casual

RSVP: Monday 22nd April 2013 via email

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 9262 8211.

Updated 9 July 2013 - CFA’s second progress report on the Jones Inquiry Implementation Acton Plan has been published – click here for details on the Jones Inquiry and the newly issued progress report.

This progress reporting to volunteers is the result of VFBV’s representations early in the Jones Inquiry, and while CFA’s actual progress on the ground is modest at this stage, VFBV has been involved in the formulation of the implementation plan and will be involved in monitoring of results as the project continues.

What you can do: VFBV needs to hear from volunteers on the front line how well CFA’s actions are producing results on the ground. 

It is early days yet, but VFBV will be monitoring the progress throughout the implementation and your observations to your District Council, or via email, this website or on the phone will help us to do that.

There will be more progress reports from CFA and we will post them on this site as they become available.  Click here for the first progress report.

Senior and Junior volunteers from all over the state have taken part in the 2013 VFBV Rural  Championships at Werribee, with Napoleons/Enfield A, Springhurst B and Dunrobin/Nangeela C winning the three senior divisions, and Napoleons/Enfield A declared the junior champion team. 

See the attachments for all the scores, times and placings.

Invitation to 2013 VFBV Open Forums

Representatives from all CFA Brigades are welcome

FORUM 1 - Central / Outer Metro - Saturday, 20July

White Horse Club, Burwood Highway, Burwood East

Starting 1300 hours (Lunch provided at 12 Noon)

Advise attendance by Friday 12 July

FORUM 2 - Gippsland Region - Sunday, 25August

Sale Greyhound Racing Club, Maffra Road, Sale

Starting 1300 hours (Lunch provided at 12 Noon)

Advise attendance by Friday 16 August

FORUM 3 - Western Victoria– Saturday 12October

Venue Stawell Town Hall

Main Street , Stawell

Starting 1300 hours (Lunch provided at 12 Noon)

Advise attendance by Friday 4 October

Among the invited guests include Chief Officer Euan Ferguson AFSM, CFA CEO Mick Bourke, Senior CFA Directors, VFBV Board and CEO Andrew Ford, Local District Council representatives.

VFBV encourages all Brigades to send delegates to the closest Regional Open Forum to raise and discuss items of concern or interest

Previous Open Forums with Brigades have been highly successful and VFBV looks forward to your Brigade’s participation

Bookings are essential

Call (03) 9886 1141 to reserve your spot or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This year's VFBV Urban State Championships drew 600 competitors in 70 teams, including several from Western Australia and one from Melbourne’s MFB.

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2025 State Rural Championships

The 2025 State Rural Championships will be held in conjunction with the Urban Senior Championships again in 2025.

For further information please contact your local District Competition Committee or the VFBV office on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


2024 State Rural Championships - Mooroopna Recreation Reserve:

Saturday 29th March 2025 State Senior Championship
Sunday 30th March 2025 State Junior Championship 



Rural Championships Rule Book

A copy of the Rule Book is available at the bottom of this page, under Attachments. The Rule book was updated in November 2024. 


2025 Local Competitions 

A schedule of local competitions to be held in 2025 can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.  


Rural Championships Events 

A video is located on YouTube for the current events, there are some slight changes however this gives Brigades a good idea of what is involved in the Rural Championships. The trailers used for the events are a replica of CFA tankers. The video can be accessed here.





2024 State Championships Sponsors

Major Sponsor 



Silver Sponsors 


APPLY NOW - VFBV’s Volunteer Leadership Program scholarships will be available again in 2017 and we are now calling for Expressions of Interest from potential participants.

The two 2017 courses will be based in the Euroa (District 22) and Ararat (District 16) areas, they will run from late March to the end of the year, and successful participants will achieve the nationally recognised Certificate IV in Leadership & Management. Both locations have been chosen based on an effort to rotate the courses across the State, and their location on major highways to make travel to and from those areas as easy as possible for members from neighbouring Districts.

The VFBV Volunteer Leadership Program has already produced over 250 graduates and many are in leadership positions with their agencies, volunteer representative organisations or local communities.  Graduates will graduate with a nationally recognised Cert IV in Leadership & Management (BSB42015).

You can download the application pack for CFA volunteers here.  We are again offering scholarships to volunteers from Ambulance Victoria, Australian Volunteer Coast Guard, Life Saving Victoria, VICSES and St John.  You can download a multi-agency application pack here.

The VFBV Leadership Scholarship course has been designed for volunteers, with a mix of lectures and interactive activities designed to suit the needs of adult students, as well as ample support using distance learning methods.  The course involves 12 units, eight face to face days (six Saturdays and two Sundays) throughout the year, with course work and assignments spread throughout the year.

The course includes units on;

  • leadership
  • decision making
  • planning
  • safety and risk management
  • team effectiveness
  • making presentations
  • managing projects, and
  • engaging the community.

Nominations close Friday 27th January 2017

Any questions or queries can be directed to any of VFBV’s Support Officers.  You can download the flyer here and a copy is being posted to all Brigades as part of VFBV’s regular mail-out.

This is an exciting program and has built an extremely well respected reputation in the sector. Applications always exceed places available, so please encourage your members and keep in mind that your Brigade Captain’s endorsement is very powerful when assessing potential students.


CFA/VFBV Natural Disaster Relief Fund

Emergency Service volunteers are often victims of the disaster too, losing homes, businesses and other assets while they work to protect their communities.

Funds are in place to assist volunteers who have been directly impacted by natural disasters.  The funds are volunteer run, and are designed to respond quickly to help volunteer firefighters in need.


How to Donate

To help Victorian Volunteer firefighters, CFA & VFBV modified our existing Drought Relief Fund that has been operating since 2007 to update it to a Natural Disaster Support Fund. All funds collected will be used to support Victorian CFA volunteers and their immediate families affected by Natural disasters such as Flood, Drought and Fire.

Branch: Bendigo Bank Account name: CFA/VFBV Support Fund BSB: 633-000     Account number: 132 481 060

The fund is administered by a sub-committee of the VFBV Board, which makes it low on red tape and quick to help those in greatest need. The fund operates in the same way that the CFA/VFBV Drought Support Fund operated, every cent donated will go directly to volunteers. No administration costs are deducted from the Fund - they are borne entirely by CFA and VFBV.

Donations can be made to VFBV's fund by visiting any Bendigo Bank branch and using the following details:

Account name: CFA/VFBV Support Fund  BSB: 633-000 Account number: 132 481 060

Or by posting a cheque made payable to;

"CFA/VFBV Support Fund" and mailed to:

CFA/VFBV Support Fund  C-/ Adam Barnett, Executive Officer  PO Box 453  Mt Waverly VIC 3149

VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund

Download the VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund brochure here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my brigade use part of their CFA allowance to pay the annual welfare fund contribution fee?

Yes. Each brigade can decide to use funds from their own resources to make the welfare fund contribution payment. Brigade allowances are one source of available funds that may be used to cover the annual contribution fees. Membership of the VFBV Welfare Fund is a brigade decision, as is the use of funds from whichever source including the annual CFA Brigade Allowance, to pay the contribution fee.

How is the annual brigade contribution fee decided upon, and will it alter from year to year?

The Welfare Fund Committee of Management will seek advice on the level of activity of the fund, the resilience of monies invested and the ability of the Fund to sustain itself without eroding the invested capital. This advice will be sought every six months.

The annual contribution will be set in the last quarter of each financial year and will be based on the return on investments, take-up of brigades electing to contribute as Welfare Fund members, the number of claims and their value. Every attempt will be made to keep brigade contribution fees as low as possible, and affordable for all brigades.

Our member is incapacitated by illness or a medical condition. Do we send originals of medical reports or certificates to support our application?

No. Copies that may support the application are useful. The Committee of Management members make their decisions based on the information available in the application, so provide plenty of detail.

Does the VFBV Welfare Fund cover long serving ex members?

Yes. Any ex member of a contributing CFA Brigade who was a registered member for 20 years or more is covered by their former brigade's membership to the fund.

How are payments (grant/monies) paid to the claimant?

In the majority of cases, grant monies are paid directly to the member brigade via the Brigade Captain or Brigade Secretary.  There are occasions where the Welfare Fund will make direct payments to organisations to clear outstanding debts or arrears. The Welfare Fund Secretary can advise.

Can the VFBV Welfare Fund accept donations and provide receipts?

Yes. Our taxation status as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) allows the VFBV Welfare Fund to accept cash donations and provide a receipt for taxation purposes to the donors.

In the claim process, does the Brigade send originals or copies of bills or invoices as part of the application?

No. Be as detailed as possible in the items and amounts that are sought in the application, on the application form or any attachment. If originals are sent, please include a self addressed envelope for their return.

What are some examples of financial help sought in past applications for Welfare Fund support?

A - Members who find themselves in severe financial hardship due to illness/injury.  - Unable to make payments on utility and household bills and accounts, mortgage repayments, rent.  - Help to meet funeral expenses.  - Purchase specialist medical equipment.  - Assist with travel expenses during family crisis, hospitalisation etc.

Why do brigades have to affiliate with VFBV before they can join the Welfare Fund?

The administration costs associated with managing and operating the VFBV Welfare Fund are being met from VFBV funds. This will ensure that costs will not erode the funds available for claims to support brigade members.

Can individual brigade members make a direct Welfare Fund application?

Generally no. Brigades are the Fund members and in devolving the responsibility to brigades to manage any funds awarded, confidentiality and governance of member funds is maintained at this level. Should any individual not wish to approach their brigade management, they should consider speaking to their District Council representatives or State Councillors for advice.

Who is eligible for support for Welfare Fund grants?

Registered CFA members of brigades that contribute to the VFBV Welfare Fund are eligible to make application. Also immediate dependent family members of a brigade member, are eligible to make application. Ex members of a Welfare Fund member brigade are also eligible subject to the member having been a registered CFA volunteer for 20 years or more.

Will the applicant be contacted about the claim?

Unlikely. In most cases, contact is made between the Brigade Captain and / or Secretary and the Welfare Fund Secretary. Should additional information be required to clarify details of an application, the Welfare Fund Secretary will contact the Brigade Captain and / or Secretary.

How does the Brigade manage the funds if a welfare grant is made?

VFBV will provide payment to the Member Brigade by cheque, payable to the Brigade. Most grants are untied funds and thus, we expect the Brigade to dispense the funds to meet the application criteria ie. payment of accounts in arrears, to cover funeral expenses etc.

The letter accompanying payment to the Brigade from the Welfare Fund Secretary will explain how the grant monies have been awarded, and for what specific purpose they are to be used.  However, we understand Brigades are in a much better position to assess their member’s immediate needs particularly at the time of the grant being received. Ultimately, brigades provide the support most appropriate at the time.

Is there an appeal process should the Brigade disagree with the Committee of Management’s decision?

No. The decision of the VFBV Welfare Fund Committee of Management is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Important: the level of detail supplied in the application is critical to provide the Committee members with a comprehensive picture of the circumstances and the assistance sought.

Does the Brigade need to report how any grant funds are spent? Do we provide receipt?

No. The strength of the process lies with the VFBV and the Brigade managers jointly managing the application and the grant. Most grants of monies are untied, thus VFBV entrust the Brigade to dispense the funds to the benefit of their member. VFBV Welfare Fund does not require a receipt(s) for the untied monies granted to the Brigade.

Is there a limit to the funds that are granted per application?

Initially Yes. Although there are exceptions allowed by the Welfare Fund Rules – adopted in October 2008, the Committee of Management can make grants to a maximum of $5,000 for any application. On average most grants are around the $2,000 to $2,500 mark. A grant in excess of $5,000 would need to be referred to and approved by the VFBV Board.

Are personal fund financial details of the application required to be provided?

No . Although the application pack is made up of 3 parts. Part 3 is a budget calculator that not only assists claimants to prepare their own personal/family budget, but if submitted may provide the Committee of Management with a clearer picture of what level of assistance is required.

It is important to note that the clearer the picture presented to the Committee of Management in the application form, the easier it will be for an informed and quick decision to be made.

Many applications have been received with an attached statement by the brigade that explains the member’s circumstances and clearly indicates the type and level of support sought. This can assist the Committee to arrive at an informed decision.

What privacy provisions relating to the applicant and their personal details have been established?

Ideally, Brigade OIC’s/Secretaries along with the Welfare Fund Secretary process the claim, with all details contained to protect the privacy and details of any claim. Every effort is made by VFBV staff and Committee of Management to be discrete and to keep details of the claim strictly confidential. No external reporting of details occurs.

Will full details of claims and personal details be divulged or published?

No. Details of the applicant, the Brigade, or the circumstances surrounding the application or processing of a claim are NOT communicated or reported. The VFBV Welfare Fund Committee of Management reports broadly to the VFBV Board, the number of claims processed and total value of claims on a monthly basis.

Is GST payable on the Welfare Fund Contribution?

No. VFBV Welfare Fund brigade contributions do not attract GST.

Download the VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund brochure here.


VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund

Download the VFBV Volunteer Welfare Fund Brochure here


The VFBV Welfare Fund offers small grants to CFA volunteers, long serving former volunteers and their families, who are experiencing significant financial hardship. 

Typical cases involve prolonged illness, bereavement, loss of earnings, or the accommodation and travel costs associated with supporting a relative in hospital.

The Welfare Fund is run under Australian Tax Office rules, independently audited, uses only State Government approved investments, and the welfare grant and investment decisions are made by a committee of long serving CFA volunteers.

To subscribe to the Welfare Fund, Brigades must be affiliated with VFBV, which covers the operating costs so that any money the Fund receives is used entirely to help volunteers in need.

Public and Corporate donations are welcome. If you would like to donate to the fund please contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.  For more information see the VFBV Welfare Fund Brochure.

The number of CFA Brigades subscribing to the VFBV Welfare Fund has risen steadily in recent years.


In May 2008, The State Government committed to providing a one off capital injection of $2m. These funds, combined with funds held by the VUFBA Volunteer Welfare Fund which has been providing support to urban volunteers since 1913, have been invested and the return on these investments together with annual subscription fees are used to provide ongoing support to volunteers in need.

The annual contribution fee for Brigades is set annually by the Welfare Fund Committee of Management and approved by the VFBV Board. The setting of the fee may be adjusted either up or down each year to ensure the Fund’s capital base is not eroded.

Key Funding Principles are:

•  The Fund must maintain its capital value in real terms

•  Brigade contribution fees are essential to the Fund but need to be affordable

Public and Corporate donations are welcome. If you would like to donate to the fund please contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141.


Unforeseen emergencies such as loss of work, family illness or death, accidental injury or even drought or floods, can place significant financial burden on our volunteers.

Brigade membership entitles coverage through the VFBV Welfare Fund to provide assistance for:

• members

• their families, and

• any ex-member of a brigade who was a registered volunteer for 20 years or more

For more information, download a copy of the VFBV Welfare Fund Brochure.

Affiliation and Fees

To be eligible to subscribe to the Fund, each Brigade must be affiliated with VFBV.  This is because VFBV meets all of the Fund’s running and administrative costs, so every dollar in subscriptions or donations can be invested, with the earnings from those investments used to help volunteers in need.

Each Brigade receives annual invoices for the VFBV Affiliation Fee and the VFBV Welfare Fund contribution.


The VFBV Welfare Fund Committee of Management set the brigade contribution fee for 2022/23 year at $70.00 per brigade. No GST is payable.

Brigades wishing to make EFT payments (as opposed to Cheque) should contact the VFBV office on (03) 9886 1141 before initiating the transfer.

Under the Fund's rules, the period of subscription is from 1 July to the following 30 June, with subscriptions required to be paid by 31 December each year to avoid a waiting period.

Application Process

Application for a welfare grant must be completed by the Brigade Captain and the Brigade Secretary on behalf of the claimant.  Particulars of the case should be clearly described to enable the Committee to make an informed decision.

Both the Brigade Captain and Secretary are required to finalise the application by providing their recommendation, verification and signature.

Verified applications along with all supporting documentation must be forwarded to the Fund Secretary by the Brigade Secretary.

Applications for welfare grants are determined by the Committee of Management and every decision is final and without appeal.

All applications are kept confidential and processed with the utmost discretion.

APPLICATION FORMS are emailed/posted to the Brigade Captain or Secretary only, in accordance with the Fund Rules, and the accompanying information pack also contains instructions and support information.

Please Note: Application Forms cannot be downloaded from this site.  As it is a controlled document, they can only be obtained through contact with the Fund Secretary.


For more information on the Welfare Fund, contact the Welfare Fund Secretary via the VFBV Office on (03) 9886 1141 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Affiliating with VFBV

Any CFA Brigade or Group can affiliate with the VFBV. Invoices for Brigade & Welfare Fund affiliations are sent out by mail.

To be eligible to subscribe to the Welfare Fund, your Brigade must be affiliated with VFBV, which pays all of the Fund's operating costs.

The number of Brigades and Groups affiliating with VFBV has risen steadily in recent years to record levels.


Advantages of Affiliation

Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) is the voice of CFA Volunteers, and is established under the Country Fire Authority Act.  VFBV represents all CFA volunteers in communication with the CFA Board and Management, Governments, Members of Parliament, councils, instrumentalities, business and the public.

CFA is a volunteer-based emergency service, providing an internationally renowned and cost effective system of protecting our state from fire.  In the interests of maintaining and developing the service, with its inherent community capacity building advantages, VFBV provides CFA with a direct connection to the volunteers, and the benefits of their experience and practical advice on;

•strategic and practical leadership;
•effective planning; 
•volunteer support services;
•recruitment and sustainment programs;
•accessible quality training;
•equipment and infrastructure.

VFBV maintains direct links with grass roots volunteers, understanding their issues, needs and concerns through a state-wide network of District Councils and elected volunteer representatives. The VFBV Board meets with the CFA Board as the peak forum for strategic consultation on matters affecting volunteers, from policy development and volunteer welfare, to equipment, infrastructure, volunteer development and planning for CFA’s future.  VFBV and CFA also have Joint Committees that meet regularly with CFA Department Heads and Chiefs to discuss all matters affecting volunteers.  The two organisations also form working parties from time to time to work through smaller or one-off projects.

Make your Voice Heard

Affiliation gets you a seat at this very important table, and gives you a voice.  Affiliation entitles you to send two delegates from your brigade to be represented at District Council, and entitles you to two votes on all matters raised for endorsement. Your delegates are able to influence policy and decision, as well as represent your brigades’ views and concerns at a District level, and at a State level through State Council.  Your Brigade can also apply for representation on Joint-Committees, Working Parties and Reference Groups by getting involved in your District Council.

Some brigades think that they should only be affiliated if they wish to compete in the Urban or Rural Championships. Whilst the championships provide an important further dimension to Brigade life and the role the volunteer association plays in a coordinating and supportive role, there are many other reasons why affiliation should be important to your Brigade.

Affiliated Brigades have access to a wide field of support that comes from our statewide representation.  Not only can this be a crucial sounding board, where your brigade can learn from the experiences of hundreds of other brigades, but the depth of knowledge and commonality of issues means your Brigade can receive assistance on any number of issues that arise from time to time.  Whether it’s advice on a new appliance, help in influencing a CFA policy or decision, or help in mediating an issue between your Brigade and a CFA Officer or Manager, you have ready access to a broad range of support.  Because of our strong representation at all levels of CFA, we have the negotiating power and strength that comes from numbers that make VFBV a strong advocate on issues that affect your Brigade and all CFA volunteers.

Affiliation also makes your brigade eligible to be a part of the Welfare Fund, which provides support to volunteers facing difficult financial situations due to loss of work, family illness or death, accidental injury or even drought or floods.  When your 0Brigade subscribes, the fund provides coverage for all volunteer members of the brigade, their families and any ex-member of a brigade who was a registered volunteer for 20 years or more.

The Benefits

In summary, if your Brigade wants its voice to be heard, if you think your Brigade should have an effective say in CFA policy and procedures, then it is crucial that you affiliate.  Being part of VFBV provides your Brigade with a direct pathway to CFA and its decision makers, and offers strong volunteer representation through District Councils, Forums, Joint Committees and working parties.  It provides your Brigade with a gateway to a broad range of support and knowledge, and provides crucial assistance and support in the times when you need it most.

Through affiliation, all brigades can share experience, knowledge and costs, to the benefit of every CFA volunteer.  Every affiliated brigade plays an important role in our efforts to maintain an effective community based volunteer system of fire and emergency service, supported by highly trained and dedicated operational, training, support and administrative staff at strategic locations.

A brigade on its own has a limited capacity to influence.  Being part of a statewide network of brigades that are focussed on your issues and needs provides strong and credible representation at the highest levels of the CFA’s organisation.  VFBV not only provides your brigade with practical support, but also strategic support  in ensuring volunteers get the respect, recognition and support for themselves and their families, and for their self sacrifice and the commitment they make to protecting our community.

Affiliation with VFBV is an investment in building the CFA of tomorrow into a more effective emergency service that makes use of the experience and knowledge of its volunteers and looks after their needs.

Annual Reports

VFBV Annual Reports are presented at each years Annual General Meeting, and then posted to all member Brigades shortly thereafter. (usually October).


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2020 State Rural Championships 

VFBV and CFA, in a ground breaking move, will be conducting a combined Championship event, combining the Rural Senior & Junior Championships and the Urban Seniors, to all be held at Mooroopna on the weekend of 28th & 29th March 2020 – with the Rural and Urban Championship events to be conducted separately on their own competition tracks, but alongside each other – at the same location on the same weekend.


This will be an exciting move and VFBV hope that all current competing Brigades will fully support the concept and enter to compete at the 2020 combined Championship event.  VFBV also hope to build participation numbers and strongly encourage non-competing Brigades to the competitions, to make this a showcase of our urban & rural events, and of the CFA to the community.

2020 State Rural Championships - John Gray Oval, Ferrari Park, Mooroopna

- Saturday 28th March 2020:  64th State Senior Championship 

- Sunday 29th March 2020:     42nd State Junior Championship


A copy of the Rule Book is available for download at the bottom of this page. 


Upcoming State Championships

The 2025 State Championships will all be held in Mooroopna over consecutive weekends in March for the fifth year in a row.

The weekend 22 and 23 March will host the State Urban Junior Championship. The following weekend, 29 and 30 March, will see the State Urban Senior Championship run over both days. While the State Rural Senior Championship will be run on Saturday 29 March and the State Rural Junior Championship on Sunday 30 March. The events for each championship will be conducted separately on their own competition tracks, but alongside each other at the same location, on the same weekend, in what is a showcase of CFA to the wider community.

On the evening of Saturday 29 March, the Torchlight Procession will be held in Mooroopna from 8.30pm with all CFA brigades invited to take part even if they are not competing in the Championships.      


VFBV State Championship History and Introduction

VFBV State Championships are one of Victoria's proudest and longest traditions, running for nearly 150 years with the first State Championship held in Melbourne in 1873, with the volunteer associations running and organising these events some 70 years before CFA even existed.  State Championships have continued annually since 1873 with no state event cancelled due to fire, flood, weather or natural disaster – the only cancellations being due to WW1, WWII and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The establishment of volunteer fire brigades in country Victoria began in 1854 with brigades formally established at Geelong and Sandhurst (now Bendigo). The introduction of hose reels into the Fire Service to assist in getting hose and other necessary equipment to the scene of a fire relatively quickly, was a major catalyst for fire brigade competitions, as we know them. 

The Championships, initially known as ‘Demonstrations’ as they were viewed as a demonstration of firefighting skills, arose from an awareness that fire brigade operational response and training could be enhanced if it was performed in a competitive environment. Brigades soon discovered their training and efficiency improved by engaging in training and competitions with neighbouring brigades, with the State Championship evolving as the pinnacle of the season’s competitions conducted by Districts and Associations across the state.

After the first two Championships were held in Melbourne 1873 and 1874, and given the vast distance many country and regional Brigades travelled to attend the Melbourne events, it was agreed that other venues should have the opportunity of hosting future Championships. This was also seen as a way to fairly distribute the economic benefits of increased tourism and patronage in townships as a result of each year’s competitions, and honoured volunteer firefighters dedication to putting their communities first.

Today, competitions and the State Championships remain an integral part of CFA activities, attracting every year volunteer and career firefighters from across the state and interstate, competing against each other in a range of events designed to hone their firefighting skills and put their skills to the test in a demonstration of their unique life and property saving skills.  Speed and accuracy are vital as the firefighters compete in events using a range of traditional and modern-day firefighting equipment. 

Since 1873 - VFBV (and its predecessor associations) coordinate and arrange all Fire Brigade championships and competitions in Victoria, and selects the venues, approves the events and rules of the competitions, and appoints/supports all track officials and judges for the Championships. Under the CFA Act, we must seek the approval of CFA for each year’s events held within the country area of Victoria. CFA support the running of these Championships through the provision of annual grants to contribute to the running costs of hosting each year’s events, as well as reimbursing competitors for travel expenses to attend the State Championship – in recognition that many Brigades are required to travel hundreds of kilometres to attend each years State Championships.


State Championships allow volunteer firefighters to test their skills and prowess against opposing Brigades in a congenial atmosphere and provides an opportunity to strengthen existing friendships and form new bonds with Brigade members throughout Victoria and interstate.  Unlike a real bushfire or structural fire situation, which often pits firefighters against mother nature and where lives and property are at risk, these drill competitions are more firefighter versus firefighter, and Brigade versus Brigade, which allows for a more friendly opponent than mother nature.

The urban championships in the main involve traditional events and many still include the use of the reel as was the case in the early 1900s.

On the other hand the events at the rural championships which evolved in the 1950's are based around more current fire ground practices and most use either tankers or replica tanker stands for most of their events. Earlier rural championships held competitions such as rope climbs and knapsack races which have now been discontinued in favour of more tanker based activities.

The benefits and objectives of our competitions and State Championships are to:

  1. increased operational firefighting efficiency and discipline

  2. develop, maintain and enhance the operational skills of firefighters by providing a competitive environment to promote and hone training and skills maintenance in core and fundamental firefighting skills and practices

  3. develop teamwork and leadership skills of individuals and Brigades

  4. increased health and fitness development and promotion of healthy lifestyle and its correlation to increased firefighting efficiency and effectiveness

  5. promote comradeship amongst firefighters, sense of belonging and networking

  6. encourage family participation and strengthen community engagement and involvement in local Fire Brigade’s

  7. encourage our future CFA volunteer firefighters and provide early exposure to young people to instill a sense of community service and the importance of local Fire Brigade’s

  8. promote a professional image of CFA to the community

  9. instill and promote the Australian tradition of having a go, and doing your best

  10. promote and recognise our future CFA, Brigade and VFBV leaders and celebrate excellence



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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
