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Monday, 25 May 2015 00:00

Driver Training

VicRoads has tentatively committed to changes to its licensing arrangements that should make it easier to train and assess CFA volunteers.

The decision includes changes to the driver training course to incorporate a section on load securing that would potentially halve the licence test time for volunteers.

Further changes could lead to CFA conducting the licence testing.  CFA will investigate these options and determine a phased approach to improving driver training and testing for members.

The VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee delegates see this as a positive and asked CFA to move forward with improving the process so that more CFA volunteers can access driver training and assessment.

Published in VFBV News

UPDATE: Typing error corrected on page 4 - FEEDBACK OPEN UNTIL THE END OF NOVEMBER

VFBV is providing opportunity for all volunteers to comment on the much anticipated CFA Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy that is being considered for acceptance by the Chief Officer. Members will recall a Discussion Paper in 2009 that sought feedback on eight (8) key principles that could underpin the development of any future strategy.

Entitled 'Providing Safer Drivers & Operators for all CFA vehicles’ the Draft Strategy currently under consideration has a defined future focus that will:

‘By implementing all recommendations contained within the Strategy, it is CFA’s goal that by 2024, all members will hold CFA or nationally recognised competencies giving them the skills to drive and / or operate CFA vehicle in a safe manner.’

VFBV has developed and posted to all brigades an Information Paper (download a copy below) that provides an executive summary of the important changes proposed and the specific member and organisational impacts of adopting the strategy.

VFBV is keen for all Brigades to consider the details contained within the Information Paper and for local discussion to be held at VFBV District Councils in preparation for consideration of VFBV’s position to be ratified at the December 2013 State Council meeting.

Published in VFBV News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
