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Joint Training Committee 2 Minute Briefing 

Issue 6, 11 August 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 11/08/2013)


In an article published in the August edition of the Fireman, the Chief Officer and Lex deMan have issued a clear directive to all members of the Chief Officer’s and CFA’s intent for the delivery of training and assessment to volunteers, particularly a clarification and re-affirmation of the advice to all members contained on the ‘Who Can Train & Assess’ poster distributed widely in 2012. Raised as a question at VFBV’s Open Forum in July, both the Chief and Lex in their Fireman article have made it abundantly clear that there is a clear distinction between Skills Maintenance and Skills Acquisition and that the responsibility for the delivery and conduct of routine and skills maintenance training in Brigades lies with the Captain / OIC. This simply means that any member who has the confidence and endorsement of the Captain/OIC and who holds the competency and experience to do so, can deliver and facilitate training at Brigade level.

Equally in the provision of foundation skills (minimum skills), while acquisition training, where appropriate mentoring is in place, brigades are able to conduct their own training under the approval of the Brigade Captain /OIC. There are specific requirements for the assessment of skills acquisition courses and these rules provide consistent application of training outcomes ie  everyone is assessed against a standard and qualifies based on merit. Members should read the August Fireman article for further details.



Recently the Fire and Emergency Management (F&EM) Strategy was approved. CFA aims to unify the

operating model and the way we work to ensure the most effective and efficient service delivery is

established and achieved.

Guiding Principles    The following principles guiding CFA training are designed to assist with                                                     standardisation across the state;

  • Empower brigades, groups and districts by giving them ownership of their own learning through

increasing volunteer and staff capacity to deliver and assess training.

  • F&EM at a district level will be responsible for determining the training and planning needs within a

district (includes brigades, groups, and catchments).

  • OT&V at a district/ region level will be responsible for the coordination and delivery of training to

brigades, groups and catchments.

  • OT&V at a state level will be accountable for the provision of training services to districts and

provision of standardised systems and application of frameworks, procedures and processes across

the state.

  • Further develop the use of technology in the design and delivery of training.
  • Ensure we have training infrastructure that is accessible to all both mobile and fixed.
  • Greater focus on the development and monitoring of our training management systems to ensure

quality and standardisation of outcomes.

  • Develop operational support capacity within the OT&V Structure.

Proposed changes   OT&V are proposing:

  • To refresh the OT&V service delivery model, taking into consideration member feedback and comments provided.
  • CFA’s aim is to implement this throughout 2014 and have a consistent and standardised approach in every district for the planning and delivery of training and assessment.
  • To operate CFA service delivery across regions and districts.
  • A training services function that would be based regionally and work with operational leaders at a regional level.
  • To create the role of Senior Instructor to work across districts.
  • To centralise some aspects of current business (for example: first aid bookings, data entry and regional training finance).
  • To have greater connectivity to FE&M service delivery, with Operations determining the training needs and OT&V delivering to their specifications.

Members are encouraged to discuss the directions for Training and the impact of the proposed changes.

Published in Training Committee

HR, Welfare and OH&S Joint Committee 2 Minute Briefing 

Issue 6, 11 August 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 11/08/2013)


The committee discussed the Creating our Future Together project. Feedback regarding the recent round of presentations included:

  • Timeframe is not sufficient for consideration of proposal.  It is difficult to align feedback timelines with Group meeting schedules, some groups only meet once every 2 months.. 
  • There have been concerns raised that Ops people might be put under additional pressure with the structure.
  • Implementation of the helpdesk concept will be critical to its success. A helpdesk might delay or duplicate issues if not implemented well.  There need to be clarity about what the issues that go to the helpdesk.  Need to make sure Districts are not left out of the loop with queries going to a help desk. 
    • Proposed model will need to incorporate support required during fire season.
    • Need to move decision making authority to the districts consistent with mission command principles.



Draft Leadership Framework was tabled for feedback. To date feedback has been positive with discussions including the role of situational leadership and the need to be adaptable as leaders. Committee members saw the value in integrating the framework into processes including succession and development. Discussion included the concept of Leaders at All Levels and the group identified key areas to integrate the framework into including Forums, skills maintenance and mentoring and coaching programs. There was acknowledgement that “Leadership” has been raised in many areas ie Jones Report/Royal Commission etc.  Feedback included:

  • Strong agreement that it needs to reflect CFA member’s views and not be just a theoretical model. 
  • Need to embed this in how we work - a person appointed to the role may not be the role they always perform, eg: a Brigade Captain or Group Officer could be a crew member on a strike team during a major incident.  Leadership roles vary and are contextual. Good leaders need to be able to be led by others in certain situations
  • Delegations need to align to situational leadership.
  • People need to be able to step in & out of leadership.
  • Developing leaders for the future as a focus.  



CFA have advised that additional ongoing OHS&E positions have been approved for the deployment of dedicated OHS&E specialists across the CFA network. These much anticipated roles have been supported in some of the most difficult financial management times, yet these appointments are testament to the importance that Occupational Health, Safety and Environment must play in any organisation, including CFA.

VFBV was notifed of CFA’s decision recently and welcome the investment in dedicated resources to work with all members, much of the role requiring field presence and interaction. VFBV’s District Council networks will have specific interest in developing stong working relationships with these OHS&E personnel and look to integrate their own District and Council safety and environment work into the strong state network this initiative will offer.

CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
