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Tuesday, 29 April 2014 00:00

Joint HR, Welfare and OH&S Committee - 2 Minute Briefing

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HR, Welfare and OH&S

Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing

Issue 8, March 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 02/03/2014)

VFBV is preparing to step up it’s campaign for presumptive legislation, the firefighters’ cancer law.

The VFBV Board this week resolved to set up a trust account and seek donations to support the campaign.

The VFBV Presumptive Legislation Campaign Trust Account will be a specific purpose trust account to meet the costs of VFBV’s campaign for presumptive legislation for firefighters, including;

• Provision of information to members and the public
• Research and analysis
• Legal support, and
• Legal representation costs relevant to the pursuit of presumptive legislation, including but not limited to test cases as deemed necessary.

VFBV will be advertising broadly to encourage public and internal support for this fund raising effort.

The VFBV Presumptive Legislation Campaign Trust Fund is clearly aimed at supporting our pursuit of presumptive legislation and fair protection for firefighters.
Funds raised will assist our campaign efforts and test case pursuit, but will not extend to covering personal illness related compensation as we clearly see this as an obligation for the CFA volunteer Compensation arrangements.

What volunteers can do;
- Brigades, Groups and District Councils, as well as the public, will soon be invited to donate to the fund – details of how to donate will be posted on our website later this week
- Raise the issue of presumptive legislation/the firefighters’ cancer law at any opportunity with Members of Parliament, local media and online

You can download VFBV’s Notes for MPs and Notes for Volunteers by clicking here



As reported in Edition 7 of this 2 minute Briefing, CFA is developing a Position and Policy for CFA members currently in receipt of a Disability Pension. This may include the introduction of a “reasonable adjustment” policy that CFA could impose to introduce controls & restrictions on members who are assessed medically to be at risk due to their illness or condition.
State Councillors were provided a detailed VFBV Information Paper, and a CFA Information Paper that outlines the issue, impacts and perceived risks. State Councillors have been requested to brief their respective District Councils & seek member feedback.

The Committee will use this feedback to progress the issue, and members (especially those that may be in receipt of a Disability Pension) are urged to discuss the paper with their State Councillors so that feedback can be used to help guide the committee in providing advice back to CFA, as the Policy is developed.

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Peter Beaton

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