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These resources are being regularly updated as revised information becomes available. (Updated: 11/09/2020 to include new updates from CFA. | Updated: 11/08/2020 to include new updates from CFA and Stage 4 restrictions.   |   14/07/2020 to include newer updates sent.   |   Updated: 09/04/2020 to include newer updates sent.   |   Updated: 31/03/2020 - with Stage 3 Restrictions)

Information on Financial Support and Resources can be found separately by clicking here.

Coronavirus hotline

If you suspect you may have the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) call the dedicated hotline on 1800-675-398 – open 24 hours, 7 days.

There is also a national information helpline on 1800 020 080


Federal (Commonwealth) Updates

This site is regularly updated to give you the latest Coronavirus news, updates and advice from government agencies across Australia: 


Victorian Updates

The Department of Health and Human Services provides an authoritative source of information, updates and advice about the outbreak of coronavirus disease can be found here. This page includes information on current restrictions, and information sheets outlining the facts, symptoms, resources and advice.


CFA Wellbeing Support

CFA Wellbeing Support Line: 1800 959 232. More resources from CFA in relation to wellbeing can be found on Brigades Online:


CFA Resources

The landing page for all CFA updates and resources can be found in the members area of Brigades Online. You can access it here:  

Information available includes:

Chief Officers Statement of Intent

Chief Officers directions

Latest Updates

Guidance notes and work instructions




Please refer to the following Operations Bulletins and Guidance notes:

Name Updated
Chief Officer's Direction - Face Masks and Respiratory Protection 31/07/2020
Work Instruction - How to Wear Face Masks  
Work Instruction - Use of Face Masks at Brigades  
Work Instruction - Types of Face Masks  
Poster - Volunteer Training: Can I? Can't I? 24/06/2020
Contractors Attending Stations During Pandemic  
Contractor Management Planned and Unplanned  
Guidance Note 016 v2: Volunteer Brigades - Temperature Checks - Use of Thermometers 28/08/2020
Guidance Note 015 v2: Responses to Health, Aged, Residential Care Facilities, and Quarantine Hotels 12/08/2020
Guidance Note 013 v3: Arrival at CFA Integrated Stations - Temperature Checks - Use of Thermometers 24/08/2020
Guidance Note 012 v3: Maximum Crewing of CFA Appliances and Transport Vehicles - Including Vehicle Checks and Service Run Requirements 24/08/2020
Guidance Note 011 v3: Non EMR Brigades with o2 Resuscitation and o2 Therapy equipment 28/08/2020
Guidance Note 010 v2: Infection Risk Mitigation Precautions and Practices. 28/08/2020
Guidance Note 009 v3: EMR procedures and equipment 24/08/2020
Work Instruction: General Cleaning - CFA Gymnasiums 07/04/2020
Guidance Note 007 v2: Management of CFA Facilities and Vehicles for confirmed cases of COVID-19 Exposure 24/08/2020
Guidance Note 006 v2: Volunteer Brigades 24/08/2020
Guidance Note 005 v3: Working remotely 24/08/2020
Guidance Note 004 v2: Cleaning 24/082020
Guidance Note 003 v2: Leave Provisions and Support arrangements 21/08/2020
Guidance Note 002 v6: EMR and Infection Control 28/08/2020
Operations Bulletin 001: Coronavirus Disease 02/2020
Statement of Intent 18/03/2020


For advice on Brigade procedures and best practices please refer to Guidance Note 006 and Guidance Note 012 v2 which includes:

  1. Dual cab appliances only 4 members, single cab appliances only 2 members
  2. Only primary appliances to be turned out to incidents (unless further assistance is requested)
  3. Other members who arrive at station are to remain in their cars until the all clear for further assistance is communicated
  4. If members enter the station they must sign in and record their temperature 
  5. Appliance manning rosters
  6. Face to face training and meetings to be cancelled - see Poster - Volunteer Training: Can I? Can't I?
  7. Unless you are specifically required all members are to avoid attendance at the station.


Updates on Brigades Online 

Update Date issued
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Entrapment drill in Stage 4 areas 11/09/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Brigade training; elections; working remotely; new look COVID-19 intranet site 09/09/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Preliminary advice for operational member requirements summer bushfire season 2020/21 28/08/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: CFA IC and Workers Permit Scheme; responding to facilities; masks 14/08/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Changed CFA EMR protocols 10/08/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Worker permit scheme - do I need a permit? 05/08/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: New restrictions across the state; training; remote learning; fire season 03/08/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Face masks - Chief Officer's Direction; mask distribution; pager messaging; juniors 31/07/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Face coverings; working remotely; moving between areas 20/07/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Stage 3 Stay at Home restrictions 08/07/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Stage 3 Stay at Home restrictions - are you impacted? 01/07/2020
Pandemic Management Team Update Email: Face-to-face training; CABA accreditation; online learning 30/06/2020
CO/CEO Update Email: Elections; brigade training and meetings; working remotely 23/06/2020
CO/CEO Update Email: Brigade training and meetings; working remotely 11/06/2020
CO/CEO Update Email: CFA in great position; transition planning; new health and wellbeing resources; EMR guidance updated 22/05/2020
CO/CEO Update Email: Brigade training; working remotely; students returning to school; no touch thermometers 12/05/2020
CO/CEO Update Email: Testing blitz reaches target; no-touch thermometers; hotels for heroes initiative; COVIDSafe app 08/05/2020
CO/CEO Update Email: CFA recovery planning; Federal Government COVIDSafe app; no-touch thermometers; brigade training; CFA learning hub; guidance notes 30/04/2020



More Detailed Resources

Links to the following are contained in the resources above, but have been specifically separated out below to provide easier searching.

Face coverings: whole of Victoria

02 August 2020

All Victorians must wear a face covering when they leave home, no matter where they live. There are number of lawful excuses for not wearing a face covering. More information about face coverings can be found here: 


Stage 4 Restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne 

02 August 2020

From 6pm Sunday 2 August for people living in metropolitan Melbourne, Stage 4 restrictions now apply. 

These restrictions include:

- A curfew is in place between the hours of 8pm until 5am. This means that you must be at your home during these hours. The only reasons to leave home between 8pm and 5am will be work, medical care and care giving. 

- The four reasons that you can leave home remain, but further limitations are now in place for:

- shopping for food and other essential items

- exercise (applies to outdoor exercise, and with only one other person)

- permitted work

- Caregiving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment also remains a permitted reasons to leave home. 

- As much as you can, you must stay at home. When you leave home, you must use a face covering, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. 

More information about Stage 4 restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne can be found on the Department of Health and Human Services website here: 


Stage 3 Restrictions

Victorian Stage 3 Restrictions

05 August 2020

Stage 3 Restrictions for Regional Victoria and Mitchell Shire came into effect from 11:59pm on Wednesday 5 August 2020. 

There are only four reasons to that you can leave home:

- to shop for food and necessary goods or services
- to provide care, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
- to exercise or for outdoor recreation
- for work or education, if you can't do it from home.

You must wear a face covering when you leave home. 

Visit to find out what restrictions are in place.  

The New South Wales border is closed. Victorian residents require a permit to enter New South Wales. 

The South Australian border is also closed. From Wednesday 29 July 2020, only essential travellers are about to enter South Australia from Victoria.

08 July 2020

Stage 3 Restrictions - stay at home are in place for Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, with other areas of Victoria subject to Stay Safe restrictions. 

Visit to find out what restrictions are in place in your area.  

07 April 2020

Victoria's Chief Health Officer, Doctor Brett Sutton, has issued new directions to take effect from midnight 7 April 2020. The new directions include changes to restricted activities, stay at home provisions for childcare and measures to include access restrictions to additional residential care services.

Visit for further detail on restrictions relating to:

State of Emergency
Area Directions
Detention Directions 
Stay at Home (Restricted Areas)
Stay at Home Directions (Non-Melbourne)
Restricted Activity (Restricted Areas)
Restricted Activity (Non-Melbourne) 
Permitted Worker and Childcare Permit Scheme directions 
Workplace Directions 
Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions
Care facilities 
Direction and Detention notice
Diagnosed persons and close contacts
Hospital visitors
Revocation of airport arrivals and cruise ship directions
State critical infrastructure projects


Full details can be found here: 

10am, 31 March 2020

As agreed by National Cabinet, gatherings are now restricted to no more than 2 people except for members of your immediate household and for work or education.

Under the Stage 3 restrictions, the new directions mean that what was previously advice about staying home is now enforceable.

Playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor gyms are now closed.

These Stage 3 restrictions came into effect at 11:59pm Monday 30 March 2020. They will be in place for 4 weeks and reviewed as required.

If people breach these directions, they face on-the-spot fines of $1,652 for individuals and $9,913 for businesses. Larger fines can also be issued through the courts.

We’re also telling Victorians – there are only 4 reasons to be out:

  • shopping for what you need - food and essential supplies
  • medical, care or compassionate needs
  • exercise in compliance with the public gathering requirements
  • work and study if you can’t work or learn remotely

As we deal with this health crisis, we know that for many Victorians it’s an economic crisis as well.

That’s why a moratorium on evictions will be introduced for the next 6 months for residential and commercial tenants who are experiencing financial distress due to the impact of coronavirus. This will apply across all states and territories.


Department of Health (Vic) Daily Updates


Federal Government Fact Sheets


Consumer Affairs

Provides useful information regarding:

  • Tenants
  • Evictions
  • Incorporated Associations
  • Financial Obligations
  • Coronavirus scams



Read 10714 times Last modified on Tuesday, 06 October 2020 11:58