It is a time to remember our fellow fire-fighters who have lost their lives, and their friends & families who have lost loved ones. It is a time to remember that many communities suffered unfathomable loss, and still bear those scars today.
As we reflect on the sacrifice made by these members, we also give thanks for their devotion to duty in protecting others, without want of recognition or reward. They shall never be forgotten.
And while we mark these two significant anniversaries, at a time of heightened operational activity, take the time to look out for one another and check on how your fellow members are travelling. It is often said that a CFA Brigade is a family. If you are affected in any way, don’t tough it out on your own, make the connection. Remember that the volunteers, staff and family members around you may be feeling the effects of summers past, so keep an eye out for their wellbeing and be considerate of their situation too.
And while we are all busy attending to this summer’s fire season, take satisfaction from the fact that your work as volunteers, the unpaid professionals of the emergency services, is recognised by the public with great gratitude.