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Wednesday, 01 April 2015 00:00

Reminder: AFSM Nominations for 2016 close on Friday, 1 May.

The Australian Fire Service Medal recognises distinguished service by members of Australian fire services. It is awarded to paid and volunteer members. The AFSM is awarded by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the responsible minister. For CFA and the other Victorian fire services, the responsible minister is the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

The awards are announced on Australia Day (26 January) and the Queen’s Birthday (June) of each year.  Recipients of the Australian Fire Service Medal are entitled to use the letters “AFSM” after their names to show that their outstanding service has been formally recognised.

All volunteers, auxiliary members and full-time staff of CFA are eligible for the medal.

The sole criterion for the award of the Australian Fire Service Medal is distinguished service.

Visit for the CFA Honours & Awards Manual and the Nomination Form.

If you need assistance, contact the CFA Awards Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 1800 232 636.

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